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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2021-07-13 00:53:07  

摘 要



然后,分别介绍了Android平台与OpenCV库。在Android部分,首先对Android系统的发展情况作了简要介绍,然后详细描述了Android系统的架构以及在进行Android开发过程中应该了解到的一些基础知识,最后阐述了本次设计中Android开发环境搭建的具体过程。在OpenCV部分,首先对OpenCV库作了简要介绍,强调了其开源、移植性好以及库函数丰富的特点,然后详细阐述了OpenCV配置的具体步骤,最后列举了OpenCV的数据结构。OpenCV4Android的学习与研究已经成为了很多初学者的首选,OpenCV4Android SDK非常好用,他提供了大部分常用的OpenCV功能的java API,使得加入的门槛降低。


关键词:光流 Android OpenCV 目标跟踪


Optical flow method is a method of tracking moving target, with more in-depth and in recent years the research of machine vision, optical flow method is widely used in the field of intelligent transportation, weather forecasting, medical imaging, military guidance, industrial automation, robotics and other research. In order to adapt to the development trend of smart phones, this paper presents the optical flow tracking application on the Android platform, using OpenCV the current mainstream vision library, design a using optical flow method for target tracking of mobile application software.

First of all, this paper describes the background and significance of the design, the design of the overall idea and plan to use the method for the entire design of the foundation.

Then, the Android platform and the OpenCV library are introduced respectively. In the part of Android, first of all on the Android system development made brief introduction, and a detailed description of the Android system architecture as well as in the Android development process should know some basic knowledge, finally expounds the design of Android development environment to build the specific process. In OpenCV part, first of all on the OpenCV library made brief introduction, emphasized its open source, good portability and rich library function characteristics, and then elaborates on the specific steps of the OpenCV configuration, the final list of OpenCV data structure. OpenCV4Android learning and research has become the first choice for many beginners, SDK OpenCV4Android is very easy to use, he provides the most commonly used java function API OpenCV, making the threshold to join the lower.

Finally, this paper introduces the principle of the optical flow method, as well as the specific application of the Android platform. Optical flow is simply that we can clearly feel the visual motion, such as we see others walked from the front, the visual motion is optical flow. Optical flow can be provide motion information, far and near information and angle information, LK optical flow algorithm is through a series of means of optical flow to predict and detect, so that we can achieve the goal of tracking.

Key words: optical flow Android OpenCV target tracking

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题的背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 3

1.3主要研究内容与思路 4

第2章 Android平台 6

2.1 Android系统简介 6

2.2 Android开发技术介绍 6

2.2.1 Android系统架构 6

2.2.2 Android开发基础 8

2.2.3 Android开发环境搭建 9

2.2.4 Android手机配置 10

第3章 OpenCV库 11

3.1 OpenCV简介 11

3.2 OpenCV计算机视觉库配置 11

3.3 OpenCV的数据结构 12

第4章 光流跟踪 14

4.1光流法简介 14

4.2几种目标跟踪算法 15

4.2.1区域与区域匹配 15

4.2.2基于主动轮廓的跟踪算法 15

4.2.3 meanshift算法 15

4.2.4 Camshift算法 15

4.2.5几种方法的比较 16

4.3 LK光流法原理 16

4.4 OpenCV中的光流法函数 21

第5章 app的设计与实现 22

5.1功能简介 22

5.2 app的完成 22

5.2.1布局文件 23

5.2.2配置文件 23

5.2.3代码编写 24

5.3成果展示 28

第6章 总结与展望 29

参考文献 31

致 谢 33

第1章 绪论



图1.1 机器视觉常用元器件


同样在机器视觉领域,OpenCV以其方便、高效获得了很多专业人士的青睐。OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision Library)是一个可以跨平台使用的计算机视觉库[2],它提供给开发者非常丰富的视觉处理算法,因为其部分采用C语言编写,已经它的开源特性,所以可以通过它来实现一些算法的移植,图1.2为OpenCV与其他视觉库的比较。

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