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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-13 22:47:00  

摘 要


论文详细介绍了DCS规程自动化测试软件的开发过程和DCS规程自动化测试算法的研究方案以及实现过程。本设计需要设计一款可以实现规程自动导入、解析与显示;规程修改与保存;基于规程的自动测试、单步运行的软件。根据设计的需求,本技术采用VC 作为软件的开发平台,采用正向最大匹配法实现对规程的分词和解析。


本设计的软件由VC 编程完成,采用MFC基本类库,建立一个基于对话框的应用程序框架。使用MFC提供的按钮控件、列表控件、编辑框控件、静态文本框控件实现软件界面和功能的设计。DCS规程存放在数据库中,采用ADO接口技术对数据库进行访问,实现对数据库的读取、修改、保存。

关键词VC ;MFC;中文分词技术;自动化测试


With the economic and social development, people demand for electricity more and more. In order to better meet people's daily electricity, improve the production efficiency of power plants, automated testing technology applications is essential. In order to improve the production efficiency, to monitor the operation of DCS, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of DCS automation test, need a convenient and effective DCS test software.

This paper introduces the development process of DCS automatic test software and the research program of DCS automatic test algorithm and the realization process. The design needs to design a program can automatically import, analysis and display; procedures to modify and save; procedures based on automatic testing, single-step operation of the software. According to the design requirements, this technology uses VC as the software development platform, using the maximum matching method to achieve the rules of the word segmentation and analysis.

The key point of this design is to realize the analysis and introduction of DCS procedure. The key of the research is that the design of the protocol analysis algorithm is the Chinese statement. The Chinese sentence is needed to deal with the Chinese language, and the appropriate Chinese The word segmentation technique realizes the word segmentation of the procedure, and analyzes the procedure according to the word segmentation result. Therefore, the Chinese word segmentation algorithm is the core algorithm of this design. The design of the Chinese word segmentation algorithm using forward maximum matching method. This design introduces three Chinese word segmentation methods, based on the string segmentation method, based on the statistical word segmentation method and based on the understanding of the word segmentation method. Based on the statistical word segmentation method in the code to achieve more difficult, word segmentation is slow and space overhead. Based on the understanding of the word segmentation method is still in the research stage, not mature enough. The method of word segmentation based on string is mature and the algorithm code is easy to implement. Because the scope of the sentence is small, the word segmentation dictionary is easy to construct, and the accuracy of word segmentation is high, which is suitable for the design. Finally, the forward maximum matching algorithm based on the word segmentation method is used as the Chinese word segmentation algorithm.

The design of the software by VC programming completed, the use of MFC basic class library, the establishment of a dialog-based application framework. Use MFC to provide the button controls, list controls, edit box controls, static text box controls to achieve the software interface and function design. DCS procedures stored in the database, the use of ADO interface technology to access the database to achieve the database read, modify, save.

Key words:VC ;MFC;Chinese semantic identification;automated test

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题提出的背景、目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 3

1.3 课题研究内容及预期目标 4

1.4 论文章节安排 4

第2章 总体方案设计 5

2.1 中文处理算法的设计方案 5

2.2 自动化测试软件的设计方案 6

2.3 本章小结 6

第3章 规程解析算法的设计 7

3.1 中文语言处理技术的概述 7

3.2 中文分词的方案论证 8

3.3 分词词典的设计 10

3.4 中文分词算法的执行流程 10

3.5 规程的解析 11

3.6 中文分词算法的代码解析 12

3.7 正向最大匹配法的评测 13

3.8 本章小结 13

第4章 测试软件的设计 14

4.1 Visual C 技术概述 14

4.2 自动化测试软件框架 15

4.3 自动化测试软件界面的绘制 16

4.4 自动化测试软件功能的实现 17

4.4.1 软件框架的建立 17

4.4.2 创建规程显示窗口 18

4.4.3 创建规程修改区域 18

4.4.4 按钮的创建 18

4.5 数据库的访问 19

4.6 本章小结 19

第5章 自动化测试软件的调试 20

5.1 自动化测试软件的界面 20

5.2 显示功能的调试 20

5.3 保存和修改功能的调试 22

5.4 自动运行功能的调试 23

5.5 单步运行功能的调试 25

5.6 本章小结 27

第6章 总结与展望 28

参考文献 30

附录A 31

致 谢 38

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题提出的背景、目的和意义



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