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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-10 23:28:50  

摘 要




Sea unmanned boats used in the human should not directly involved in the dangerous sea area of the work, in particular, equipped with a variety of advanced equipment, we can perform special tasks in different areas. In overseas countries, The sea unmanned boats that has been used to complete all aspects of the sea has been perfected.However, research on China's USV has just begun and is still in its embryonic stage. The automatic avoidance of obstacle technology is one of the key elements in the design of maritime unmanned boats, and there is still much room for research in this respect. At present, the local collision avoidance and global path planning are two main directions of the unmanned sea collision avoidance planning. Local path planning is based on the sensor to obtain real-time information near the ship or radar based on radar detection of obstacles,and Select the appropriate algorithm, analyze the build model. Yima chart can supply complete chart information, if you can use this information to obtain the USV sailing to the target area of the total navigable coordinates and non-navigable coordinates,it will be provided to the USV planning route important reference .The process of making yima charts is complex and it is difficult to get the desired results directly from a certain programming, In the production of the time, also need a number of software calls each other, and the processing of marine environmental data to be used for yima charts,and finally generate the electronic chart for the standard that is suitable for simulation.At the end of this paper, we use yima chart to complete USV's self-propelled flight simulation simulation to verify that the algorithm is correct .And many of the geographical environment of the mission is unknown, this setting is used in artificial field method. This design transforms unmanned exercise into an abstract imagination field of movement. This algorithm has a clear physical definition, a simple model, and easy implementation in reality,so is therefore widely used in many systems.

Key words: USV;local path planning;electronic chart;artificial potential field method

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 国内外USV现状 2

1.2.1 国外USV现状 2

1.2.2 国内USV现状 3

1.3 USV碰撞的研究 4

1.4 论文的主要研究内容和结构 6

1.4.1论文主要研究内容 6

1.4.2论文章节安排 7

第2章 电子海图的设计 8

2.1 YIMAENC文件结构 8

2.2 YIMAENC内部结构和工作原理 9

2.3 基本函数接口 10

2.4 YIMAENC二次开发 11

2.4.1 工程的建立 11

2.4.2 自定义图层 13

第3章 路径规划 19

3.1 路径规划概述 19

3.2 路径规划环境模型构建方法 19

3.2.1 路径规划定义 19

3.2.2 环境因子提取 19

3.2.3 基于栅格法的环境模型的建立 20

3.2.4 栅格法改进 21

3.3 路径规划算法 22

3.3.1 普通势场法 22

3.3.2 势场栅格法 23

第4章 路径规划仿真 24

第5章 结论 25

致谢 26

参考文献 27

第1章 绪论



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