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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 油气储运工程 > 正文


 2021-03-16 22:48:20  

摘 要

城市燃气管网由管道和各类设备构成一个宏大的系统,运行管理中一定要重视供气量调节。为了保证其安全稳定的运行,必须制定一些调峰方案来保证用户的用气安全。使用软件建模以及模拟调峰方案,是最直接有效的方法。TGNET for Gas不仅历史悠久而且直观形象,能够对输气管道中的单相流进行稳态模拟和动态模拟,已经在全世界得到了广泛的应用。作为初学者,笔者学习并研究了TGNET软件的相关应用。





City gas pipeline network by the pipeline and a variety of equipment to form a large complex system, operation and management must pay attention to the amount of gas regulation.To ensure safe and stable operation, it is necessary to develop the best peak adjustment program to ensure the safety of the user's natural gas.It is the most direct and effective method to simulate the peaking scheme by using special software.TGNET for Gas is a long history of gas pipeline off-line simulation software, to the gas pipeline in the single-phase flow steady-state simulation and dynamic simulation, has been widely used in the world.As a beginner, I study and study the TGNET software related applications.

At the same time, this paper investigates the basic data, according to the data in-depth investigation and analysis of the use of gas law, the use of scientific methods to make a qualitative and quantitative correlation analysis, a comprehensive grasp of Wuhan City, a series of gas pipeline network conditions.In the investigation and analysis of residential gas consumption, the establishment of planning and design must be a reference basis.

Finally, based on the analysis of the system configuration of Wuhan gas pipeline network system, the hydraulic model of the pipe network is established according to the basic data, and the running status of the pipe network is simulated by the TGNET software.According to the rules of gas usage in Wuhan city, several short - term peak - shaving schemes were developed, and the peak - peaking scheme was simulated by software.The simulation results are analyzed and compared, and the lowest energy consumption is chosen as the best peaking scheme.Combined with Wuhan city planning and distribution of pipe network, the feasibility of the implementation of the program in Wuhan City, and ultimately determine the ultimate peak shaving program.

Key words: gas pipe network, dynamic simulation, peaking, optimization, hydraulic friction


1绪论 7

1.1课题背景 7

1.1.1世界天然气发展概况 7

1.1.2我国天然气发展概况 7

1.2课题的提出和意义 8

1.3国内外同类课题的研究现状 8

1.4本文主要研究内容 9

2 武汉市城市天然气用气现状 10

2.1 武汉市城市概况 10

2.2天然气供气概况 10

2.2 武汉市气源分析 11

2.2.1 气源参数 11

2.2.2 供气参数 12

3 TGNET的使用 13

3.1 软件结构 13

3.2 TGNET基本功能介绍 14

3.3 基本概念 14

3.3.1 管网元件 14

3.3.2 约束条件 14

3.3.3 控制模式(Mode)与边界条件 15

3.4管网元件 15

3.4.1 阀门 15

3.4.2 外部调节器 15

3.4.3 压气站 16

3.4.4 压缩机与驱动机 16

3.5 天然气管网的动态模拟 16

4 武汉市天然气管网静态和动态模拟 19

4.1 武汉燃气管网系统基础数据 19

4.1.1 武汉天然气输配系统基础参数 19

4.1.2 武汉天然气输配系统管规格 20

4.2 武汉燃气管网仿真模型 21

4.2.1 建立管网模型 21

4.2.2 管网的有效性检查 22

4.3 武汉燃气管网模型静态模拟分析 22

4.4 武汉燃气管网模型动态模拟分析 24

5 武汉市天然气调峰方式分析研究 27

5.1武汉燃气管网调峰能力的分析 27

5.2调峰方式 28

6.结论 29

参考文献 30

致 谢 32




众所周知,世界三大能源——煤、石油 、天然气促进了世界经济的高速发展。然而同样众所周知的是,大肆滥用煤和石油,尽管满足了工业发展的需要,但是却破坏了人类赖以生存的环境。毫无疑问,这种舍本逐末的能源结构必须要改变。越来越恶劣的环境,迫切要求我们停止煤和石油的滥用。相反,天然气作燃料可以保持清新的空气,还世界一片干净,从而实现人与自然和平共处,可持续发展。天然气具有良好的燃烧性能,是名副其实的清洁能源。世界各国逐渐看到它的发展前景,把天然气的发展放在前所未有的高度。



我国地大物博,天然气资源量较为丰富,占世界总储量的 1.3%。天然气主要分布在四川盆地、松辽盆地、渤海湾盆地、准噶尔盆地、莺歌海—琼东南盆地、塔里木盆地、柴达木盆地、吐—哈盆地、渤海盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地。但探明储量太少,且分布不均,勘探开发技术还需继续提高。

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