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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 数学与应用数学 > 正文


 2022-03-18 21:13:47  


摘 要







The principle and application of traditional geometric auxiliary line in fractal geometry



In the traditional classical geometry as well as the advanced fractal geometry to add auxiliary lines can improve the efficiency of solving problems, simplified, easy to understand the depth of the graph. K line graph in the financial market, the bond futures analysis diagram can also be observed and adding auxiliary lines reasonable, to analyze the market situation, follow rules and can easily get wealth. Therefore, adding the auxiliary line to solve the problem has a very important significance.

First of all, this paper starts with the basic theory of geometry and it involves the important thoughts of the five major geometry. The development of the auxiliary line introduces the development history and the effect of the auxiliary line.

Secondly, to the another focus of fractal geometry were detailed introduction, and lists several classical fractal formula and images in the software programming. The convenience of the reader more vivid understanding represents the significance.

After clearing the fractal geometry, we focus on the addition of the auxiliary line to expand the full text of the most important and most interesting to add the auxiliary line to solve the problem. The results show that elementary geometry is usually the basic element of fractal geometry, whether it is the configuration of snowflakes or the configuration of mountain peak. The infinite cutting can be divided into pure triangle. Triangle in a vertical line and auxiliary line in elementary geometry, angle bisector, round in a vertical diameter theorem, inscribed triangle, circle all can be tried in solving the problems.

Finally, research in the financial sector are often more meaningful. Science creating wealth is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This paper introduces the famous JiangEn Lines and his common hexagon to analyze stock. Some reasonable suggestions are put forward.

Keywords: classical geometry; fractal geometry; auxiliary line; algorithm

目 录

第一章 引言 3

第一节 问题背景 3

第二节 国内外的研究状况 3

第三节 我的工作 4

第二章 几何学理论基础 5

第一节 初等几何学的由来和产生 5

第二节 五大几何公设 6

第三节 几种简单几何的介绍 7

第四节 分形几何的由来及基本思想 7

第三章 几何学中辅助线添加原理 8

第一节 经典几何学中辅助线的添加 9

1.1三角形中辅助线的添加 9

1.2四边形中辅助线的添加 13

1.3圆中添加辅助线的研究 14

1.4平面几何中辅助线添加的综合运用 17

第二节 分形几何的经典算法与辅助线的添加问题 20

1.1经典算法 20

1.2分形几何的应用领域及意义 29

第三节 经典几何中辅助线的添加与分形几何之间的关联 30

第四章 回归生活—辅助线的添加在各领域的运用 32

第一节 金融界:股市精度分析 32

第二节 自然界中分形几何的研究 32

第五章 综合论述 33

参考文献: 34

附录: 34

第一章 引言

第一节 问题背景

在2015年10月31日的《PHYSICAL FAST NEWS》上,一个大学的研究小组发表了新的言论称:自然的生长是偏向于稳定和科学的,建筑师设计高楼往往都会以生命结构,细胞模型为建筑的基础来构建,而内质网,细胞核等相对坚固的造型经常会用于建筑学的设计中去。

第二节 国内外的研究状况  




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