2022-01-31 21:17:08
摘 要
Saddle point problems arise from a wide range of scientific and engineering calculations. Among them are constraint least squares problem, quadratic optimization problem with constraint condition, computational fluid mechanics problem in engineering mechanics and the famous finite element method of Navier-Stokes equation. The saddle point problem of coefficient matrix are mostly high class and is sparse, for low dimensional linear system can be obtained by the direct method, and for high dimension matrix of saddle points system using the direct method is not realistic. We can decompose the saddle point system into two low dimensional linear equations by using the dimensionality reduction theory, and these two linear equations can be obtained by iterative method. Here is the Uzawa algorithm thought is formed on a saddle point system is an effective algorithm, Uzawa algorithm format is simple, but the convergence speed is slow, in order to quickly and efficiently solve the problem of saddle points, this article in Uzawa algorithm will be the basis of the classical Jacobi iteration, the Gauss-Seidel iterative, SOR iteration to saddle point system, and the convergence of these iterative methods made detailed research, by introducing a parameter improved iteration method is used to accelerate the convergence speed, and the selection of the optimal parameters to do the relevant research. Finally, the classical numerical examples are given to verify the correctness and validity of these algorithms.
Key words: saddle- point problem; the accurate uzawa method; the inaccurate uzawa method; jacobi iterative method; gauss-seidel iterative method; SOR method
摘 要 I
Abstract Ⅱ
第一章 引言 1
1.1 研究相关背景 1
1.2 研究鞍点问题的意义 2
第二章 迭代方法的理论研究................................................. 2
2.1 迭代法的一般形式 2
2.2 几种常见的迭代格式 3
2.3 迭代法的收敛性 5
第三章 鞍点问题的迭代方法 8
3.1 精确的uzawa方法 8
3.2不精确的uzawa方法 9
3.2.1 uzawa-jacobi方法 10
3.2.2 uzawa-gauss-seidel方法 12
3.2.3 uzawa-sor 方法 13
第四章 数值案例 15
4.1 案例4.1 15
4.2 案例4.2 17
参考文献 20
致谢 21
第一章 引言
1.1 研究相关背景
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