2020-04-12 15:47:49
摘 要
本文以某型号柴油机后处理装置为研究对象,使用Catia软件对其进行了三维建模,建模完成后,将三维模型导入hypermesh中进行网格划分;使用GT-power软件建立仿真的柴油机排气参数,最后将网格图导入star ccm 软件中对装置进行流场分析,检测其内部的压降分布、温度分布等流场。最后,对原有的非道路用柴油机排气装置进行优化处理,通过对排气装置的结构进行分析,提出可行的结构改进以优化排气装置的温度及压降的流场 。
According to China's annual report on motor vehicle management (2017), the number of new non road diesel engines is added to about 2 million units per year in China. According to the data, the emissions of non road internal combustion engines in 2015 have reached 844 thousand tons, 704 thousand tons of hydrocarbons, 5 million 639 thousand tons of nitrogen oxides and 472 thousand tons of particulate matter discharge. . The emission of nitrogen oxides and particles is close to the emission of motor vehicles, causing great harm to the environment. Therefore, the research on the exhaust aftertreatment device for non road diesel engine will help to protect the environment to improve the air quality.
In this paper, a diesel engine post processing device is used as the research object, the 3D modeling is carried out by Catia software. After the modeling is completed, the 3D model is introduced into the HyperMesh for grid division, and the simulation diesel engine exhaust parameters are established by using GT-power software. Finally, the grid map is introduced into the star ccm software for the flow of the device. Field analysis is used to detect the pressure drop distribution and temperature distribution inside the flow field. Finally, the original exhaust device of the non road diesel engine is optimized. Through the analysis of the structure of the exhaust device, a feasible structural improvement is put forward to optimize the flow field of the temperature and pressure drop of the exhaust device.
Finally, the flow field analysis of the optimized structure is compared with the flow field analysis before optimization, which proves the effectiveness of the optimization.
Key words: non road diesel engine; diesel particulate trap; exhaust optimization; flow field analysis
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内非道路用柴油机排放标准 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 3
1.4 本文研究内容 4
第2章 主要的排气后处理的技术研究 5
2.1 柴油机后排气优化的主要技术 5
2.2排气后处理主要的技术路线 7
2.3本章小结 8
第3章 柴油机排期后处理装置的建模分析 9
3.1柴油机排气装置的流场分析原理 9
3.2流场分析的数值模拟 10
3.2 三维建模与网格划分 12
3.3温度场分布与分析 14
3.3流动性分析与改进方案 15
3.4 改进后的流场分析 22
3.5本章小结 25
第4章 展望与总结 26
4.1总结 26
4.2 展望 26
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
我国作为一个科技快速进步的发展中国家,国民生产总值的增长与科技进步紧密相连。我国是传统的农业大国,另外,我国的工业发展也十分迅速,一些劳动密集型产业的产品大量出口,成为国民经济重要来源之一[1],伴随着对农业生产和工业制造等多方面的需要,非道路用柴油机的使用量也在逐年上升[2]。从我国目前的柴油机使用量分析,非道路用柴油机保有量占柴油机总量的半数以上,而非道路用柴油机的排放量占20%以上,近年来非道路用柴油机数量保持每年增量200万台左右。根据《中国机动车管理年报(2017)》,2015年非道路用内燃机二氧化硫排放84.4万吨,HC 70.4万吨,氮氧化物563.9万吨,PM 47.2万吨,其中,工程机械碳氢排放达30.2万吨,氮氧化物排放达206.2万吨,颗粒物达13.5万吨。农业机械排放与工程机械排放相当,船舶的排放相对较低。船舶的硫化物、碳氢化合物、氮氧化物、颗粒物数值为78.8万吨、2.8万吨、121.4万吨、11.9万吨。
1.2 国内非道路用柴油机排放标准
表1-1 第二阶段非道路用柴油机排放限值
额定净功率 (Pmax) (kW) | CO (g/kWh) | HC (g/kWh) | NOx (g/kWh) | HC NOx (g/kWh) | PM (g/kWh) |
130≤Pmax≤560 | 3.5 | 1.0 | 6.0 | — | 0.2 |
75≤Pmaxlt;130 | 5.0 | 1.0 | 6.0 | — | 0.3 |
37≤Pmaxlt;75 | 5.0 | 1.3 | 7.0 | — | 0.4 |
18≤Pmaxlt;37 | 5.5 | 1.5 | 8.0 | — | 0.8 |
8≤Pmaxlt;18 | 6.6 | — | — | 9.5 | 0.8 |
0lt;Pmaxlt;8 | 8.0 | — | — | 10.5 | 1.0 |
表1-2 第三、四阶段非道路用柴油机排放限值[4]
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