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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-09-02 23:28:57  

摘 要



订货策略是库存管理中的一个重要方向。针对于不同的备件,企业往往会选择不同的订货策略。由A备件的需求预测模型知:A备件需求是一种间断型需求。本文运用了系统动力学分别建立了(t , S)策略、(Q , R)策略、(s , S)策略,在A备件库存管理模型中运用以上三种订货策略,结果表明:(s , S)策略在保证缺货情况为0的同时,有最低的库存水平。这说明对于A备件采取(s , S)策略能够有效保障风电场正常运行,并且减小库存占用资金。




Under the trend of low carbon development in the global energy structure, wind as a renewable and clean energy, is fast developing in the world. Wind energy is no longer a supplementary energy, but a new energy with commercial prospects. With the rise of large wind turbine manufacturers, wind turbine maintenance and spare part inventory management are paid more and more attention.

Based on the demand forecast, introduce different forecasting methods. A spare parts for wind farms, its Weibull life distribution is established, and its periodic completely maintenance strategy is raised. Maintenance mode is divided into Minimal maintenance, Imperfect maintenance and complete maintenance, by controlling the different preventive maintenance cycle, the replacement threshold and repair thresholds,different maintenance can be obtained. A spare part demand forecast model, this paper presents six control strategies. Results showed that the replacement threshold higher, more completely maintenance, less random failures of the machine and preventive maintenance cycle too long will cause random failures amount.

Ordering policy is an important way in Inventory management. Spare parts for different enterprises tend to choose a different order policy. By A spare part demand forecast model known that: A spare part demand is an intermittent demand. Using the system dynamics established (t , S) inventory control policy, (Q , R) inventory control policy, (s , S) inventory control policy. In A spare parts inventory management models using the three order policies, the results show that: (s , S) policy to ensure stock is 0, while a minimum inventory level. This shows that for A spare part (s , S) policy can guarantee normal operation of wind farms, and reduce inventory occupied capital.

This paper aims to establish spare parts inventory management models of wind farms, using system dynamic method to analyze the best maintenance strategy for spare parts and order policy, in order to achieve the spare parts inventory intelligence management in wind farm.

Key words: wind farm; System Dynamics; demand forecasting;inventory management

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义、内容、目的和方法 2

1.2.1 选题意义 2

1.2.2 研究内容 2

1.2.3 研究目的 2

1.2.4 研究方法 3

1.3 国内外研究现状 3

1.3.1 国内外备件分类研究现状 3

1.3.2 国内外需求预测研究现状 4

第2章 备件库存管理理论 5

2.1 备件的分类 5

2.2 备件的需求预测 5

2.2.1 连续型需求预测方法 5

2.2.2 间断型需求预测方法 6

2.3 订货策略 7

2.3.1 安全库存确定 7

2.3.2 (t , S)订货策略 8

2.3.3 (Q , R)订货策略 10

2.3.4 (s , S)订货策略 11

2.4 本章小结 12

第3章 系统动力学基本理论 13

3.1 系统动力学基本概念 13

3.1.1 反馈结构 13

3.1.2 因果关系 13

3.1.3 存量流量图 14

3.2 一阶系统及系统动力学行为 16

3.3 二阶系统及系统动力学行为 17

3.4 系统动力学建模步骤 18

3.5 Vensim PLE软件简介 19

3.6 本章小结 19

第4章 需求预测在系统动力学中的实现 20

4.1 双参数威布尔寿命分布模型的建立 20

4.2 设备维修相关理论 21

4.3 周期性预防性维修策略描述 24

4.4 A备件基于系统动力学需求预测模型 26

4.4.1 随机故障仿真 28

4.4.2 小限度维修仿真 29

4.4.3 不完全维修仿真 30

4.4.4 完全维修仿真 31

4.4.5 设备已运行时长仿真 32

4.4.6 故障率和可靠度仿真 33

4.5 维修策略分析 34

4.6 本章小结 36

第5章 订货策略在系统动力学中的实现 37

5.1 (t , S)策略实现过程 38

5.2 (Q , R)策略实现过程 39

5.3 (s , S)策略实现过程 40

5.4 本章小结 41

第6章 总结与展望 42

6.1 全文总结 42

6.2 研究展望 42

致谢 43

参考文献 44

附录A 46





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