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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-04-06 22:31:22  

摘 要




  1. 基于AVL-Excite Timing Drive软件,建立了排气机构动力学模型。对仿真结果分析得:排气门在开启侧和关闭侧工作良好,未出现反跳;排气门落座力在允许范围内,不会对气门造成严重磨损;凸轮与从动件一直紧密接触,未出现飞脱;气门弹簧5个质点的升程曲线未重合,未出现弹簧并圈的情况。

关键词:柴油机;随机方向法;AVL-Excite Timing Drive; 排气机构;动力学分析


With the development of the times and people's awareness of energy conservation, the engine is the main power equipment, and people are increasingly demanding it. The gas distribution mechanism is one of the two major mechanisms of the engine, and the rationality of its design largely determines the performance of the engine. The valve cam profile is an important part of the engine valve train. Its design is reasonable, it is related to the reliability and durability of the engine work, and it will affect the engine's power and economy.
The main work of this paper includes: 1) Based on the literature of searching, summarizes the research status of cam profile optimization at home and abroad. The types of cam profile classification and its static evaluation parameters and the dynamics model of the valve train are discussed.
2) Based on the cam profile design method, the initial profile of the exhaust cam of the YT3105 diesel engine was designed. Then, with the cam profile fullness coefficient as the optimization goal, the mathematical model of cam profile optimization is established. In view of the random direction method optimization algorithm, the cam profile optimization is completed. A comparative analysis of the fullness factor of the initial profile and the optimized profile shows that the latter is 6.05% more than the former.
3) Based on the AVL-Excite Timing Drive software, a dynamic model of the exhaust mechanism was established. The simulation results show that the exhaust valve works well on the open side and the closed side without rebounding; the seating force of the exhaust valve is within the allowable range, and the valve is not seriously worn; the cam and the follower are always in close contact. There is no detachment; the lift curves of the five mass points of the valve spring are not coincident, and the spring does not appear.
Key words: diesel engine; random direction method; AVL-Excite Timing Drive; exhaust mechanism; dynamic analysis


第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题的研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3本文主要研究内容 2

1.4技术方案 2

第 2 章 凸轮型线及配气机构简介 4

2.1凸轮型线分类 4

2.2 凸轮型线设计要求及静态评价参数 4

2.3凸轮优化设计方法 5

2.4配气机构动力学模型简介 5

2.5 本章小结 5

第 3 章 排气凸轮型线设计及优化 6

3.1排气凸轮型线工作段设计 6

3.2随机方向法简介 8

3.3排气凸轮型线优化 8

3.3.1 凸轮型线优化数学模型的建立 8

3.3.2优化结果分析 9

3.4本章小结 10

第 4 章 排气机构动力学建模及仿真分析 11

4.1建模软件介绍 11

4.2 排气机构动力学建模 11

4.3排气机构动力学仿真分析 12

4.3.1排气门动力学升程,速度,加速度 12

4.3.2气门落座力 13

4.3.3凸轮与从动件的接触应力 13

4.3.4排气门弹簧动力学特性 14

4.4本章小结 15

5结论 16

5.1全文总结 16

5.2工作展望 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18

第1章 绪论





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