2021-04-06 22:31:03
摘 要
在经济发展的时代,大量工业废水和生活污水流入环境中,使水资源短缺问题加重。有机废水污染很严重,其中含有的PPCPs(药品以及个人护理品,pharmaceuticals and personal care products),具有生物活性高、稳定性强的特点,不易降解,对废水需要很高的工艺技术,因此水污染是一个急需解决的重大问题,其中有毒有机物还威胁着生物的安全健康,这类污染物排放量大、污染面广、难以降解。研究出处理污染物的水处理技术迫在眉睫。
In the era of economic development, a large amount of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage flow into the environment, making the shortage of water resources worse. The organic wastewater is very polluted. The PPCPs (pharmaceuticals and personal care products) contain high biological activity and strong stability. They are not easy to degrade. They require high process technology for wastewater, so water pollution It is a major problem that needs to be solved urgently. The toxic organic substances also threaten the safety and health of the organisms. These pollutants have large emissions, wide pollution and are difficult to degrade. It is urgent to study water treatment technologies for treating pollutants.
This topic first prepared carbon nitride / activated carbon / carbon nano-dots, and then studied its adsorption properties. The adsorption curve of ibuprofen under different factors was detected by changing the ratio between the components and the temperature at the time of adsorption. The results show that activated carbon and carbon nitride have strong adsorption effect, and the adsorption performance of activated carbon is strong. When the ratio of activated carbon to melamine is less than 1:20, it shows antagonistic effect, but at about 1:10, it shows synergy. The effect is to reach the maximum adsorption value near this point, and when the ratio is slowly increased, it shows antagonism. When it reaches 1:5, the antagonistic effect and the synergistic effect cancel each other out. . Carbon nanodots will weaken the adsorption effect of pure carbon nitride and activated carbon, but in the composite of the three, carbon nanodots will enhance the adsorption performance of the composite in a certain ratio range, and in addition, it will reduce its adsorption. performance. Activated carbon and carbon nitride will enhance the adsorption performance of the whole material. However, when the amount of activated carbon is more than 1g, the amount of activated carbon is increased, and the adsorption performance of the material is hardly enhanced. At low temperatures, the temperature has essentially no effect on the adsorption properties of the composite.
Key words: advanced oxidation;composite;adsorption;Ibuprofen
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.1 水资源污染现状 1
1.1.2 水污染的处理方法 1
1.1.3PPCPs类污染物来源、特点及处理方法 2
1.2 高级氧化技术 3
1.3 高级氧化技术分类 3
1.3.1 光催化氧化法 3
1.3.2 电化学氧化技术 3
1.3.3湿式空气氧化法 4
1.3.4 H2O2/臭氧(O3)氧化法 4
1.3.5 Fenton试剂氧化法 4
1.4 高级氧化技术的发展方向 4
1.5 活性炭/碳纳米点/氮化碳复合材料 5
1.6 研究内容 6
第二章 实验部分 7
2.1实验试剂与设备仪器 7
2.1.1实验试剂 7
2.1.2 实验仪器 7
2.2 IBP标准曲线的测定 7
2.3 CDots/g-C3N4 /活性炭复合材料的制备 8
2.3.1 碳纳米点的制备 8
2.3.2 氮化碳的制备 8
2.3.3 复合材料的制备 8
2.4 CDots/g-C3N4/活性炭复合材料表征 8
2.4.1 BET分析 8
2.4.2 XRD分析 8
2.5 实验参数的选取 8
2.6 实验内容 9
2.6.1 纯氮化碳、活性炭对IBP的吸附 9
2.6.2 不同活性炭用量下的吸附情况 9
2.6.3 不同柠檬酸用量下的吸附情况 9
2.6.4 不同葡萄糖用量下的吸附情况 9
2.6.5 温度对复合材料的影响 9
第三章 结果与讨论 11
3.1 布洛芬标准曲线测定结果 11
3.2 CDots/g-C3N4复合材料表征 11
3.2.1 BET分析 11
3.2.2 XRD分析 12
3.2.3 傅立叶红外光谱分析 13
3.3 实验结果 14
3.3.1氮化碳、活性炭对布洛芬的吸附 14
3.3.2 不同柠檬酸含量的影响 15
3.3.3 不同葡萄糖含量的影响 17
3.3.4 不同活性炭含量的影响 18
3.3.5 不同温度的影响 20
第四章 结论与展望 21
4.1 结论 21
4.2 展望 21
参考文献 22
致 谢 24
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景
1.1.1 水资源污染现状
水资源安全是衡量国家整体实力的重要因素,水是我们每天必不可少的资源,也是最有活力和最具战略性的资源之一。 中国是一个发展中的大国,河流和湖泊交错,海岸线长达18,000公里。它拥有丰富的淡水资源和海洋资源。 根据相关数据,中国目前已证实的淡水节约量为29528.8亿立方米,而中国每年的总耗水量为5500亿立方米,基本上能够满足需求。
1.1.2 水污染的处理方法
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