2021-03-11 00:48:52
摘 要
锂离子动力电池凭借着高能量密度大、功率输出高等优点,从众多动力汽车备用能源中脱颖而出,作为动力源普遍地应用于电动汽车[1]。为了更加充分地利用并发挥锂离子电池的巨大优势, 改进电池自身存在的一些缺点, 世界各个主要国家的政府、汽车厂家和许多相关的科研人员都对大容量、高功率动力用锂离子蓄电池研究非常关注, 动力锂电池的产业化也正在向前推进。但是,大功率锂离子电池在充放电过程中会产生热量,其中电化学热和欧姆热占主要部分。若散热条件太差导致大量的热散发不出去,积累在电池内部,很容易引发热失控现象;也可能会出现单体电池之间温度差异过大的现象,对电池性能造成一定的影响,严重时电池的安全性和使用年限也会降低[3]。锂离子电池是个不均匀的组合体,又是热的不良导体,仅知道电池的表面温度分布很难求解电池内部温度场的分布 [16],而研究锂离子电池的性能又需要对内部的温度分布进行探究。本文中,通过对18650型号锂离子电池充放电过程中的生热机理、传热方式以及电化学反应过程进行分析,利用仿真软件COMSOL建立电池电化学-热耦合模型,模拟三维柱状电池在空气冷却条件下的温度分布。电池放置在一个电堆中,一维锂离子电池模型作为热源,与传热模型耦合分析,可以较准确地预测锂离子电池放电过程中电池中的温度分布状况。然后在通过改变锂电池的正负极活性物质粒子半径、孔隙率大小以及正负极片的厚度等三个参数来研究它们的变化对单体锂电池散热的影响 。
Lithium-ion battery which has high energy density, high power output advantages, is more popular than other power car backup power, has been used commonly as a power source in electric vehicles [1].In order to make full use of lithium battery and play a huge advantage to improve the battery itself, the world's major countries of the government, car manufacturers and many related researchers on large-capacity, high-power power lithium-ion battery research are all very concerned about it and the power of lithium battery industry is also moving forward. However, high-power lithium-ion battery in the charge and discharge process will produce heat, which electrochemical heat and ohmic heat accounted for the main part. If the heat dissipation conditions lead to a large number of heat dissipation does not go out, accumulated in the battery inside, it is easy to cause thermal runaway phenomenon; may also occur between the single cell temperature difference is too large, the battery performance caused a certain impact, When the battery safety and service life will be reduced [3] Lithium-ion battery is a non-uniform combination, but also a bad conductor bad, only know the battery surface temperature distribution is difficult to solve the battery temperature field distribution [16], and the performance of lithium-ion battery and the need for internal Temperature distribution to explore. In this paper, through the analysis of the heat generation mechanism, heat transfer method and electrochemical reaction process of the 18650 model lithium-ion battery during the charging and discharging process, the battery electrochemical-thermal coupling model was established by simulation software COMSOL to simulate the three-dimensional columnar battery in air cooling Conditional temperature distribution. The battery is placed in a stack, one-dimensional lithium-ion battery model as a heat source, coupled with the heat transfer model analysis, can be more accurate prediction of lithium-ion battery discharge process in the battery temperature distribution. Then, the influence of their changes on the heat dissipation of the single lithium battery was studied by changing the radius of the positive and negative active material of the lithium battery, the size of the porosity and the thickness of the positive and negative electrode.
The results show that the three parameters of particle size, porosity and positive and negative thickness have a negative correlation with the heat dissipation performance of lithium ion battery. The smaller the value of these three parameters, the stronger the heat dissipation performance of the battery.
Key Words: COMSOL; single-cell lithium battery cooling; electrochemical-thermal coupling model
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究意义 1
1.2研究对象 2
第二章 锂离子电池特性 4
2.1锂离子电池工作原理 4
2.2锂离子电池正极材料 5
2.3锂离子电池的电解质 6
2.4锂离子电池负极材料 6
2.5隔膜 7
2.6锂离子电池结构 7
第三章 锂离子电池的产热问题 9
3.1研究方法 9
3.2锂离子电池的产热来源 9
3.3放电速率与产热量的关系 11
3.3.1稳态不同倍率持续放电结果 11
3.3.2非稳态不同倍率持续放电结果 12
3.4温度对电池性能的影响 12
3.4.1温度对充电性能的影响 13
3.4.2高温对电池循环寿命的影响 13
3.4.3高温对电池荷电保持能力的影响 14
第四章 锂离子电池相关模型建立 15
4.1动力电池常用散热方式 15
4.2锂离子电池散热模型的理论基础 15
4.2.1热传导 15
4.2.2热对流 16
4.2.3热辐射 16
4.2.3三维非稳态内热源散热 17
4.3模型的建立 17
4.3.1三维建模 18
4.3.2电化学模型与热模型耦合 18
4.3.3仿真分析结果 19
第五章 电极参数对散热性能的影响 21
第六章 结论 27
参考文献 28
致 谢 30
第一章 绪论
汽车工业自19世纪以来突飞猛进的发展, 极大地提高了人们的生活水平,改变了社会生产方式,提高了生产效率,但与此同时, 也带来了许多的社会问题。
能源紧缺已经成为了世界性的难题,汽车产业的发展以及大量汽车的使用所带来的环境污染问题也愈加紧迫,不容忽视。人们日常生活中异常关注的PM2.5就与汽车尾气的排放有着直接的关系。传统能源汽车都是以石油、天然气等不可再生的化石燃料作为能量来源,化石燃料在燃烧过程中会生成大量有害化学物质( 碳氢、碳氧、氮氧化物等颗粒物) ,对环境会产生严重的污染,尤其是在大气中形成雾霾后,对人体呼吸系统会造成严重伤害。
电动汽车的优点是:它本身不会排放污染大气的有害气体,所以在行驶的过程中不会对周围环境造成较大的影响,虽然它所消耗的电能在生产过程中会对环境造成污染, 但按所耗电量换算为发电厂的排放,总的污染物排放也比传统能源汽车少,而且由于电厂大多建在人烟稀少的地方, 对人的直接伤害较少。电厂的位置是固定不动的,排放的污染物虽然比较大但是相对来说更加集中,处理起来比直接对汽车尾气排放进行控制更加容易,而且相关技术也比较成熟,随着对这些技术的不断深入研究,今后处理排放会更加高效,成本会更低。此外,电力可以从多种途径获得, 如太阳能、核能、水力、潮汐能等,不仅绿色环保,还能有效解决能源短缺问题。此外用电需求到了晚上一般就变的很少,发电设备的夜间使用效率不高,造成了一定的浪费,而电动汽车可以用夜间用电低峰时段的富余电力进行充电,使夜间的电力也能得到充分利用,大大地提高了电厂经济效益的同时也节约了能源[18] 。