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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-11-07 21:08:16  

摘 要








Ocean transportation is an important cornerstone of our globalization today. Shipping is the main method of maritime transportation, which requires a lot of fossil fuels. As the economic slowdown and oil prices continue to rise due to the global epidemic, and the International Maritime Organization has stricter control of ship pollutant emissions, more and more shipping companies and research institutions are turning their attention to clean energy. Therefore, the optimal configuration method of the power supply of the ship's multi-energy power generation system is to achieve the lowest fuel consumption of the ship on the basis of ensuring the reliability and stability of the ship's power supply, reduce equipment wear, save costs, protect the environment, from power generation to power consumption Realize optimal configuration management of energy. On ships that use electricity as the main energy supply, the "overall optimization" emphasized by the multi-energy power supply optimization configuration is a future-oriented development direction of ship energy system technology.

Combined with the current environmental and economic problems faced by ship transportation, the paper summarizes and proposes the research topic of this paper. The research on the optimal configuration of power supply for multi-energy ship power generation,established mathematical models for fuel cells, wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, and storage batteries, and used non-dominated sorting genetic algorithms (NSGA-Ⅱ) with elite strategies. Through calculation and analysis, it is proved that the algorithm has higher execution efficiency and better convergence effect. Finally, simulation study is carried out on the Matlab platform. The specific research process is as follows:

First, it introduces the current energy crisis and environmental pollution caused by ship transportation, and then explains the application of more energy to ship power generation. It also introduces the development status of multi-energy ships and describes the current status of multi-energy ship power generation technology research.

Secondly, the power generation principle of the fuel cell is introduced, the power output curve of the fuel cell is drawn and the electrochemical reaction equation is liste. At the same time, it introduces the single-diode equivalent model of photovoltaic cells, its equivalent circuit and its power output model. It also models wind turbines and batteries to establish decision variables, including wind turbines, photovoltaic cells, batteries, and fuel The number of batteries and inverters and the height of the fan are based on the total operating cost of the system

(including purchase cost, maintenance cost, installation cost) as the objective function, Establish performance constraints and load energy constraints and explain important physical quantities and calculation formulas According to the definition of classic genetic algorithm, it is found that the classic genetic algorithm has obvious deficiencies under the condition of single objective and multiple constraints, so NSGA-Ⅱ is used to solve the objective function.

Finally, a program is written on the Matlab platform to simulate the capacity model of the multi-energy ship power generation optimization configuration system, and the test results are analyzed to obtain the optimal configuration.

Keywords: ship multi-energy generation; clean energy; genetic algorithm; Matlab.


摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第1章绪论 1

1.1本文的研究背景及意义 1

1.2多能源船舶的经济环保性发展现状 1

1.3多能源发电系统的研究现状 3

1.4论文研究的主要内容和技术方案 4

1.4.1研究的基本内容、目标 4

1.4.2技术路线 4

第2章多能源船舶各部分数学模型 6

2.1燃料电池数学建模 6

2.2光伏电池特性及建模 7

2.2.1光伏电池的单二极管等效模型 7

2.2.2工程应用下的光伏电池数值模形 8

2.3风力发电数学模型 9

2.3.1风力资源介绍 11

2.3.2风力机轴风速的建模 11

2.4蓄电池建模 11

2.5基于经济性目标函数 13

2.5.1船舶多能源系统目标函数 13

2.5.2船舶多能源系统优化的约束条件 13

2.6本章小结 14

第3章优化算法 15

3.1遗传算法简介 15

3.1.1遗传算法的运算过程 15

3.1.2遗传算法特点 16

3.2改进遗传算法 16

3.2.1约束处理过程及优化处理方法 16

3.2.2约束处理过程 17

3.3本章小结 18

第4章基于MATLAB的多能源电源优化配置仿真 19

4.1风光资源及负载数据 19

4.2混合发电系统部件选型 21

4.3仿真结果分析 22

4.4本章总结 25

第5章 总结与展望 26

参考文献 27

致谢 28



我们人类自进入文明社会以来,工业水平呈现爆发性提高。三次工业革命每一次的重大科技突破的背后,都是大规模能源开采和新发现或者研制的能源大规模进入产业化所带的。就我国目前来讲,虽然人均消耗只有1.4吨煤,但我们拥有巨大的人口数量,总量每年有近20亿吨的煤耗量,同时还面临液体燃料短缺,以及化石燃料燃烧造成的空气污染、二氧化碳排放量增大、极端天气频发等环境问题。在船舶运输行业中,国际防止船舶造成污染公约(MARPOL 73/78公约),在每次经过改进和修订后对于污染物的排放限制越来越严格。同时世界各主要进出口大国如:英国、美国、加拿大等,都在通过法案限制船舶污染物排放区域。因此,做好船舶节能减排工作已势在必行。然而新型可再生的清洁能源具有分散性、能量密度低、间歇大等缺点。采用多能互补发电方式能够在一定程度弥补新能源发电的不足。因此,多能互补发电方式已成为全球发电的研究热点。




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