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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:08:04  

摘 要






With the development of social economy, people's purchasing power is increasing year by year, the number of social vehicles is increasing day by day, traffic congestion, traffic safety and environmental pollution and other problems also follow. In this context, the adaptive cruise control system has been widely concerned by domestic and foreign scholars. However, there are still some problems that have not been solved, such as poor adaptability of road conditions and poor coordination between vehicles. The theory and technology innovation of information fusion of vehicles and devices brought by Internet of vehicles has become one of the core technologies to solve these traffic problems.

This paper focuses on the vehicle adaptive cruise control method in V2X environment, and tries to combine the V2X technology with the vehicle adaptive cruise technology to shorten the distance between vehicles on the basis of improving safety, so as to solve traffic congestion, improve traffic safety and reduce traffic pollution. This paper combines the V2X technology with the vehicle adaptive cruise control system, takes the fleet of five vehicles as the research object, and constructs the vehicle adaptive cruise control system model in the Internet of vehicles environment, using Trucksim and Simulink simulation software for joint simulation experiment, designed three different working conditions to verify the stability and safety of the model. The results show that in the process of vehicle following, the front and rear vehicles always fluctuate within the set safe distance, with good safety, the relative speed and relative distance of the last four vehicles fluctuate very little, with good stability.

In this paper, the vehicle adaptive cruise control method under the Internet of vehicles environment is studied, which effectively solves the problem of weak coordination between vehicles in the traditional adaptive cruise control system, and can effectively improve the traffic efficiency and guarantee traffic safety.

Key word: V2X; adaptive cruise control; Car-following model; simulation and verification


第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1车联网技术研究现状 2

1.2.2自适应巡航控制系统研究现状 4

1.3主要研究内容 5

第2章 车辆自适应巡航控制模型 7

2.1自适应巡航控制系统结构及工作原理 7

2.1.1自适应巡航控制系统结构 7

2.1.2 自适应巡航控制系统工作原理 7

2.2车辆动力学模型 8

2.2.1整车模型 8

2.2.2模型假设 9

2.2.3液力变矩器建模 10

2.2.4发动机建模 11

2.2.5变速器建模 12

2.3自适应巡航控制系统建模 13

2.4本章小结 14

第3章 车联网环境下车辆自适应巡航模型研究 16

3.1车联网架构组成 16

3.1.1车联网系统架构 16

3.1.2车联网网络架构 18

3.2车联网环境下车辆跟驰安全距离模型研究 18

3.2.1CARSIM模型 19

3.2.2CACC车辆安全距离模型 19

3.3本章小结 20

第4章仿真测试与验证 21

4.1仿真平台 21

4.1.1Trucksim仿真软件 21

4.1.2 Trucksim 仿真接口 22

4.1.3Matlab/Simulink仿真软件 23

4.2仿真工况设置 25

4.2.1前车加速工况 26

4.2.2前车减速工况 27

4.2.3复杂道路加减速工况设置 28

4.3基于实时安全距离的车辆自适应巡航控制方法验证 29

4.3.1前车加速工况仿真验证 29

4.3.2前车减速工况仿真验证 30

4.3.3弯道加减速行驶工况仿真验证 31

4.4本章小结 33

第5章 结论与展望 34

5.1研究工作总结 34

5.2研究展望 34

参考文献 36

致 谢 39

第1章 绪论


十九世纪末,德国工程师Karl Benz发明了世界上第一辆汽车,一方面极大地便利人们的社会生活,另一方面也给人们带来了危险和损失。在进入“汽车时代”的今天,人们的购买力随着社会经济蓬勃发展在逐年提升,科学技术水平的提高降低了汽车的制造成本,汽车的生产量与拥有量也在迅速增长。目前,我国新领证驾驶员数目和新注册登记机动车数量都在维持快速增长的趋势[1][2]。据联合国统计,每年交通事故夺走超过130万人的生命,导致2000万至5000万人受到不同程度伤害。世界卫生组织统计,道路交通伤害已成为中国意外死亡的三大主因之一。据公安部交通管理局统计,2018年,我国道路交通事故死亡人数高达63194人,其中9成事故是由驾驶人违法、失误、疲劳等原因引起,汽车交通事故直接财产损失达118672万元。与此同时,随着车辆拥有量的增加,拥堵问题随之而来。

随着科学技术的不断发展,为了提高行车安全性和增加道路通行能力,高级驾驶员辅助系统(ADAS)得到了广泛的研究和应用。作为 ADAS 的核心子系统,自适应巡航控制(ACC)系统具有定速巡航的能力的同时又能通过自适应巡航传感器检测前方车辆坐标的位置,将检测到的信息传给中央处理器进行融合,根据信息融合的结果,子系统控制策略将确定是否调整巡航状态,或告知驾驶员与前车之间的安全距离从而保持本车与前车安全间距的功能。自适应巡航控制系统的初级目标是实现多辆车的自适应巡航驾驶,但其最终目标是在确保舒适性和安全性的同时最大化道路通行效率。目前自适应巡航控制(ACC)系统已经成为研究的热点并取得了一定的成就,但仍然有一些难题尚未解决。例如驾驶员具有多样性和非线性的跟车特性,用来描述驾驶员这些跟车特性的安全距离模型和跟车模型尚未统一。其次自适应巡航控制在与其他系统集成或协同控制方面的功能相对缺乏,目前仅用于车辆的定速巡航和定距跟随。

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