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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-08-02 21:12:22  

摘 要


本文对7000T化学品船主动力装置的计算及选型做出了一定的论述与分析,并对机舱布置做了系统说明。 主要是根据船舶的已知条件,首先进行船舶主机选型论证,得出主机的各项重要的参数,并且确定了螺旋桨以及螺旋桨与船舶航速之间的关系,借此估算船上各系统的主要机械设备,计算它们的各项主要参数,并以此来选择符合计算要求的型号,接着把这些设备以及相应的主要参数汇编成一个设备明细表,集中反映船上主要设备的情况,最后完成了形成对船舶情况大致描述的轮机说明书。其中利用AutoCAD等绘图工具比较粗略地绘制了各层机舱的主要机械设备的形状以及布置情况,形成了3张的机舱布置图和3张管系原理图。



Ship power plant design includes the main propulsion system, ship power station, heat source system, power system, ship system, automatic control, monitoring, alarm system, anti pollution system and engine room ventilation system and other content design.The design of power plant is the key problem of ship manufacturing, the type selection of the main propulsion plant and the rationality of the arrangement of the equipment will directly affect the operation status and operation cost of the ship.In which the ship, aircraft, propeller matching is the most important. In the shipbuilding industry is still relatively sluggish today, the cost is particularly important.Host is the source of the power of the whole ship, but also the largest source of pollution, noise sources, so to maintain the normal operation of the host auxiliary equipment and reduce emissions of equipment selection and layout of the same to be considered.

This paper 7000T chemical tankers power device of calculation and selection of made some discussion and analysis, and the layout of the cabin system to do that.Mainly is according to the known condition of the ship, first ship host selection and demonstration, draw a host of various important parameters, and determine the relationship between the propeller and the propeller and the ship speed, take this estimate on board the system mainly machinery and equipment, calculation of the main parameters, and thus to choose computed with the requirements model, then these devices and the corresponding main parameters assembly into a list of equipment, a concentrated reflection of the ship's main equipment, and finally completed the formation of a ship roughly describing the turbine instructions.Which use AutoCAD and other drawing tools to draw a rough drawing of the main floor of the main mechanical equipment and the layout of the main machinery and equipment, the formation of the 3 cabin layout and 3 pipe system schematic.





KeyWords:Host; equipment; Marine Systems; Cabin layout


第1章 绪论 1

第2章 设计已知条件 2

2.1船型 2

2.2船舶主要尺度 2

2.3航速,续航力 2

第3章 主机选型论证 3

3.1 阻力系数法计算船舶阻力 3

3.2用爱尔法估算船舶有效功率 4

3.3初级匹配 5

第4章 机电设备估算及选型 8

4.1 已知条件 8

4.2 船舶各用电设备清单及分类 8

4.3 船舶用电设备总功率计算 10

4.4锅炉主要参数预估 12

4.5轴系 14

4.6 燃油系统 17

4.6.1 主机耗油量 17

4.6.2 辅机耗油量 17

4.6.3 辅锅炉耗油量 17

4.6.4 燃油消耗量 18

4.6.5 燃油存量 18

4.6.6 油舱容积 18

4.6.7 日用油柜容积 19

4.6.8 油渣柜容积 19

4.6.9 污油柜容积 20

4.6.10 沉淀柜容积 20

4.6.11 主机燃油供给泵排量与压头 20

4.6.12 辅机燃油供给泵 20

4.6.13 燃油输送泵 21

4.6.14 燃油分油机 21

4.7 滑油系统 22

4.7.1 主机滑油分油机 22

4.7.2 主机滑油消耗量 22

4.7.3 辅机滑油消耗量 22

4.7.4 主机滑油循环泵 23

4.7.5 主机滑油循环舱 23

4.7.6 滑油沉淀柜 23

4.7.7 滑油油渣柜 23

4.8 冷却水系统 24

4.8.1 冷却水泵 24

4.8.2 膨胀水箱 24

4.8.3 海水冷却泵 25

4.9 压缩空气系统 25

4.9.1 启动空气瓶(主机自带) 25

4.9.2 空气压缩机(主机自带) 25

4.10 舱底水系统 25

4.10.1 舱底水管直径 25

4.10.2舱底水泵 26

4.10.3舱底油水分离器 26

第5章轮机设备明细表 27

5.1主机 27

5.2主发电机组 28

5.3应急发电机组 29

5.4辅助锅炉 30

5.5水泵 30

5.6 油泵 31

5.7空压机及机舱风机 31

5.8防污染设备 32

5.9其它 32

第6章 轮机说明书 33

6.1概述 33

6.2机舱布置 34

6.2.1 机舱平台分层 34

6.2.2 主机布置 34

6.2.3 柴油发电机组布置 34

6.2.4锅炉布置 34

6.3轴系 34

6.4动力系统 35

6.4.1 燃油系统 35

6.4.2 滑油系统 35

6.4.3 冷却系统 36

6.4.4压缩空气系统 37

6.5船舶系统 37

6.5.1 舱底水系统 38

6.5.2 舱底水油水分离系统 38

6.5.3 压载水系统 38

6.5.4 消防水系统 39

6.5.5 机舱及生活供水系统 39

6.5.6 生活污处理水系统 40

6.5.7机舱通风系统 40

第7章 结束语 41

参考文献 42

致谢 43

第1章 绪论




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