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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-05-18 22:10:37  

摘 要


1) 根据其他相关文献以及有关资料,本文借助“黑箱法”这一在不知道系统的内部结构而是利用将制冷剂输入压缩机内部,得到输出量的各种参数后,进行研究分析,成功的构建了一整套完整的压缩机的热力参数模型。

2) 本文在查阅各种最新文献和资料后,结合国内外制冷空调系统仿真技术最新的研究成果,熟练地运用能量方程,质量,动量,并运用毛细管的稳定分布的参数,成功的设计完成了计算机仿真程序,然后计算,研究和分析并成功地构建了毛细管仿真模型,为进一步研究打下基础。

3) 本文在查阅各种最新的相关文献和资料后通过研究空调器四个主要部件之一的冷凝器中的各个零部件的稳态分布法热力学参数模型后,成功的设计了关于小型空调制冷系统中的冷凝器的简化物理模型中过冷区、两相区和过热区这三个相区的准确直观的分段仿真模型。

4) 本文在查阅了各种最新的相关文献和资料后利用小型制冷空调器中蒸发器的稳态分布参数法热力参数模型,并且通过小型制冷空调器四个主要部件之一的冷凝器的相关特性特点与蒸发器的相关特性之间进行对比研究后发现的差异,并且充分的考虑制冷空调器中关键组成部分制冷剂侧存在着一些对研究结果精度不利的影响如加速压降和摩阻压降对相关模型的影响,设计了多重迭代算法。

5) 在以上前提下,介绍了制冷剂充注量,有助于四个部分串联起来形成制冷系统仿真系统模型,并讨论仿真软件的基本开发方法。



As an application foundational science, System Simulation has gotten great development in recent years, which has been applied widely in various fields. The widely use of System Simulation has created a great deal of value to the economy and society. System Simulation will play an important role in science research as a means of discovering, analyzing and resolving problems. A branch of the refrigeration field comes into being after System Simulation is applied in the refrigeration system -----the refrigeration system simulation.

The major academic achievements:

  1. The thermal parameters model of compressor has been built up through “dark-box” in accordance with relative information.
  2. According to the latest development of researches in home and overseas the simulation programs have been designed to calculate, study and analyze and the capillary's model has been successfully constructed with the help of equations of energy, mass,momentum, referred to the steady distributed parameters for the capillary.

The segment simulation model of subcooling, two-phase and overheated region has been designed under the condition of doing some assumptions on condenser's heat exchange model through the steady distributed parameters for condenser. The multi-iterative arithmetic has been designed through the steady distributed parameters for condenser with the difference between condenser and evporator and the influence of accelerated press drop and friction resistance press drop on the mode Base upon,the refrigerant measurement has been introduced, and the four parts will be installed in series with the help of it. Moreover, The basic developing methods of simulations software are simply discussed. The steps, making samples to do the test, can be cancelled when the refrigeration system simulation being adopted in the design of air-conditionings, which will, not only save considerable money, but also shorten the design period. Those advantages brought by the refrigeration system simulation technology can make products more competitive. So it is very necessary for corresponding companies to develop and use refrigeration system simulation technology in a time filled with more and more competition. In addition, it will easily get the performance of air-condition imposed certain control means on through using refrigeration system simulation technology, which can help to choose or modify the control means.

Keywords: air-condition, refrigeration, model, simulation

目 录

摘..要 I


第1章 绪 论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 系统仿真技术概述 1

1.3 小型制冷空调系统的仿真技术的现状 2

1.4 本文的主要任务 3

第2章 小型空调制冷系统的仿真的基本分析 5

2.1 制冷系统的各部件的组成及工作过程分析 5

2.2 模型的建立与输入输出参数的分析 5

2.3 空调制冷系统仿真过程中的焦点问题 6

第3章 压缩机模型 7

3.1 制冷系统压缩机简介 7

3.2 引言 7

3.3 热力学参数模型 8

3.4 仿真算法 11

第4章 冷凝器模型 12

4.1 制冷系统冷凝器简介 12

4.2 引言 12

4.3 热力学参数模型 13

4.3.1 制冷剂充注量计算 16

4.3.2 结构参数设计 17

4.4 仿真算法 18

第5章 毛细管模型 19

5.1 制冷系统毛细管简介 19

5.2 引言 19

5.3 热力学参数模型 19

5.4 仿真算法 22

第6章 蒸发器模型 24

6.1 制冷系统蒸发器简介 24

6.2 引言 24

6.3 热力学参数模型 25

6.4 仿真算法 27

第7章 制冷剂的充注量及空泡系数模型 28

7.1 制冷剂充注量模型 28

7.2 制冷剂空泡系数模型 29

第8章 小型空调制冷系统模型 30

8.1 各部件模型修正 30

8.1.1 蒸发器模型修正 30

8.1.2 压缩机模型修正 31

8.2 制冷系统仿真算法 32

8.3 小型空调制冷系统仿真软件发展的设想 35

第9章 结束语 36

9.1全文工作总结 36

9.2 进一步工作 36

参考文献 37

致谢 38

第1章 绪 论

1.1 引言



1.2 系统仿真技术概述


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