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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-05-13 23:07:07  

摘 要











In this age of intelligent and information, the level of electronic technology and information of the ship is constantly improving. People began to use some systematic circuit to improve the automation level of the marine diesel engine security system. The monitoring circuit can accurately collect the current information of the diesel engine and send the signals to a computer.Systematic, integrated monitoring circuit is the guarantee of the signal acquisition accuracy of diesel engine security system. At the same time, the safety of the ship is also improved.

In this paper, the function and requirement of the security system monitoring unit (MU) circuit of the diesel engine is determined at first. And then, the related circuit principle used in the circuit design is introduced. According to the function and demand, the overall scheme of the security protection unit circuit of the diesel engine is designed. The hardware circuit design is completed by the type of signal and the function of the system. The specific works described just as follows:

(1)Signal acquisition peripheral conditioning circuit design.

Mainly include: the design of temperature signal acquisition circuit for PT100 three wire heating resistance ,the design of temperature signal acquisition circuit for PT1000 two wire heating resistance, the design of digital output circuit, the design of thermocouple temperature signal acquisition circuit, the design of pressure signal acquisition circuit, the design of frequency signal acquisition circuit;

(2)Select a reasonable chip and complete the circuit design of the main control chip;

(3)Select a reasonable power module and complete circuit design of the power module of the security unit;

(4)Complete the circuit design of CAN communication, SPI communication and the circuit design of corresponding functional. Complete the principle diagram of the monitoring unit hardware circuit.

The monitoring unit circuit design of the diesel engine security system closely combines the trend of the development of ship automation and ensure the safety of the ship. This is of great significance to the development of intelligent ship.

Keyword:Diesel engine, monitoring, the design of circuit.

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 柴油机监控安保技术现状分析 2

1.2.1 柴油机安保系统国内外研究现状 2

1.2.2 船舶机舱柴油机自动化监控系统的发展 2

1.3 柴油机安保系统监控单元硬件电路设计研究意义 3

1.4 本文研究主要内容 3

1.5 章节安排 4

第2章 柴油机安保系统监控单元硬件电路设计总体方案设计 5

2.1 柴油机安保系统监控单元电路设计的依据 5

2.1.1单缸机安保系统的介绍 5

2.2 柴油机安保系统监控单元的功能 7

2.3 柴油机安保系统监控单元电路的组成 7

2.4 柴油机安保系统监控单元对环境的性能需求 8

2.5 柴油机安保系统监控单元总体方案概述 9

2.5.1 功能 9

2.5.2 信号通道的安排 10

2.5.3 具体设计内容 12

2.6本章小结 13

第3章 柴油机安保系统监控单元硬件电路设计的相关理论 14

3.1 电压比较器 14

3.2 集电极开路 14

3.3 上拉电阻 15

3.4 本章小结 15

第4章 柴油机安保系统监控单元硬件电路设计 16

4.1 硬件电路设计规范 16

4.2 信号采集外围调理电路设计 17

4.2.1 数字量信号输入电路设计 17

4.2.2 数字量信号输出电路设计 20

4.2.3 频率量信号采集电路设计 21

4.2.4 PT100三线制热电阻温度信号采集电路设计 21

4.2.5 热电偶温度信号采集电路设计 23

4.2.6 压力信号采集电路设计 24

4.3 主控芯片电路设计 25

4.3.1 JTAG电路设计 26

4.3.2 复位和晶振时钟电路设计 27

4.4 通讯电路设计 28

4.4.1 CAN通讯电路设计 28

4.4.2 SPI通讯电路设计 29

4.5 电源模块电路设计 29

4.6 芯片简介及功能引脚分配 31

4.7 本章小结 32

第5章 总结与展望 33

5.1 结论 33

5.2 展望 33

致谢 34

参考文献 35

第1章 绪论

1.1 引言


由于在主机工作过程中,它的运行工况经常有比较大的变化,因此主机发生故障的可能性也较大。据外国某保险公司对海难事故的分析统计,机械事故在统计的海难事故中居首位,占22%,其中柴油机的事故率最大,约占机械故障的45%;据NK船级社的不完全统计分析,现今柴油机大概每小时会发生0.0004次故障;据Swedish Club的一份资料统计,在船壳和设备索赔中,主机的索赔次数占到16.9%,索赔金额占11.5%[1]。在上述资料统计中,船舶主机的故障发生的事故占的比重较大,对经济财产造成巨大的损失。从长远的角度考虑,实现对主机实时监控,及时排除发生的主机故障,完成柴油机安保系统是船舶正常航行的保证。而安保系统中,监控单元是接收和传输信号的核心,一套完整的监控单元硬件电路是系统工作的关键。柴油机安保系统监控单元硬件电路设计对柴油机安保系统有重要的意义。   

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