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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-03-30 20:29:48  

摘 要

本文结合“泰州口岸船舶有限公司一体化管理系统”项目,首先在SQL Sever中就船厂人员的录用过程进行职业健康管理子系统的设计,然后借助Visual Basic.NET进行该管理系统的开发。

论文主要研究SQL Sever与vb.net两款软件的相关功能,并使用它们进行了船厂人员职业健康管理软件的设计与开发。SQL Server是选用商业智能工具为企业级提供数据管理的一个非常可靠全面的数据库平台,SQL Serve数据库服务器为关系型以及结构型数据提供了更值得信奈的可靠的存储功能,使我们能够建立和管理用于业务的实用性强以及高性能的数据应用程序。Visual Basic.NET是基于微软NET Framework之上的面向对象的编程语言。在调试与输出时,所采用的运作方式也不相同,前者以解释型语言运行,而后者程序是以编译型语言运行,输出的是EXE程序。[1]


本文的特色在于程序代码的编写采用的是Visual Basic.NET其语法特点是以贴近生活的常用的英文单词为基本标识,以及其逻辑表达方式同正常语言非常类似,在编写VB.NET代码时你会感觉像是在写英文的语句,从这一方面来讲,VB.NET仿佛是最为高等的一种编程用语言,当然在Basic系语言中VB.NET也确实是至今为止最强大的一门编程语言。[2]



Combined with the project of “Taizhou Port Ship Co., Ltd. Integrated Management System”, this paper firstly studies SQL Sever on the shipyard staff recruitment process of occupational health management subsystem design, and then and then use Visual Basic.NET for the development of the management system

The paper mainly studies the functions of SQL Sever and vb.net, and uses them to design and develop the occupational health management software of shipyard personnel. SQL Server is a comprehensive database platform that provides enterprise-class data management with integrated business intelligence (BI) tools. The SQL Serve database engine provides a more secure and reliable storage for relational and structured data, enabling you to build and manage highly available and high-performance data applications for your business. Visual Basic.NET is based on the Microsoft .NET Framework above the object-oriented programming language. It is in the debugging language is interpreted in the form of language operation, and output for the EXE program is to compile the language mode of operation.

The existing occupational health management system is still relatively simple, and it is necessary to make appropriate improvements in the management of these management systems where the crew is hiring a complicated shipyard. Making the input information perfect, easy to confirm, and in a comprehensive assessment of the health status of shipyards when the information covers a comprehensive and accurate.

This article is characterized by the preparation of the program code is used in Visual Basic.NET grammar is characterized by a very affinity to the English word-based logo, and with the natural language is very similar to the logical expression, and sometimes you will find writing VB.NET code As in writing English sentences, from this point of view, VB.NET seems to be the most advanced programming language, of course, in the Basic language VB.NET is the most powerful one at this stage a programming language

Key words: Occupational health; database; programming language

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1本文研究的背景和意义 1

1.2本文研究的主要内容 3

第2章 系统需求分析 4

2.1 员工录入流程分析及优化 4

2.2系统功能性需求 8

2.3 系统非功能性需求 8

2.3.1 系统要求 8

2.3.2 总体原则 9

第3章 船厂人员职业健康管理软件开发工具 10

3.1 SQL基本语法介绍 10

3.1.1 SQL DML和DDL 10

3.1.2 SQL的基本语句 10

3.2 vb.net介绍 14

第4章数据库子系统设计 18

4.1整体要求 18

4.2表格设计 18

第5章 船厂人员职业健康管理软件详细设计 23

5.1模块设计 23

5.2 登录界面和系统总界面的链接与设计 24

5.2 与数据库链接的实现 26

5.3 人员进厂后的数据预录入与信息维护 29

5.4 安全信息维护及考勤卡设置 35

5.5 本章小结 38

第6章 总结 39

参考文献 40

致谢 41

第1章 绪论





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