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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-03-21 21:23:43  

摘 要





With the continuous improvement of computer technology, virtual reality technology has been very good development, but also makes a new idea of innovation teaching virtual assembly technology more and more attention and research. Virtual assembly teaching is not only not affected by the actual teaching resources, but also can effectively improve the status quo of distance education experiment teaching. Therefore, it is necessary to study and develop the virtual experiment. Virtools is a powerful three-dimensional interactive design software, with easy to use, interactive, good compatibility and so on, it is widely used in engineering design, system simulation, teaching training, virtual experiment development and so on. Therefore, this paper takes the marine vane pump as the research object, and carries on the interactive development on the virtual reality software platform by drawing the parts drawing and the assembly drawing of the vane pump, so as to show the virtual disassembly process of the vane pump on the computer.

The article is divided into six parts. The first part is the introduction of the article, which concisely describes the purpose, significance and research methods of this paper, and introduces the development of virtual reality technology at home and abroad. The second part analyzes and compares the mainstream technology of virtual reality development, Also explain why Virtools software is used and the software is introduced. The third part introduces the establishment process and the rendering development process of the blade pump model. The fourth part realizes the construction of the overall framework of the virtual experiment, the interactive function and the technical means of the interface through the completion of the virtual disassembly of the vane pump. The fifth part describes the specific development steps of the veneer pump virtual disassembly system. At the same time, it analyzes the realization of the 3D model and the disassembly and interchange function, and finally develops a velvet pump virtual disassembly system which is helpful to the virtual teaching. Finally, the summary part summarizes the research of the whole paper, points out that the innovation of this topic is the exploration of the virtual dismantling system based on Virtools software, puts forward the imperfect system, and looks forward to the future direction and goal.

KeyWords: Vane Pump; Virtools; Virtual Assemble; Interactive Function.


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章绪论 1

1.1 选题背景与研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状: 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.3 课题的研究内容及研究方法 2

1.3.1研究目的 2

1.3.2研究内容 3

1.3.3研究方法 3

1.3.4技术路线 3

第2章系统开发前的分析与选择 5

2.1船用叶片泵虚拟拆装系统概述 5

2.1.1功能分析 5

2.2系统开发平台的选择 5

2.2.1可用于虚拟装配系统开发的相关技术 5

2.2.2主要开发工具Virtools介绍 6

2.2.3三维建模软件 7

2.2.4场景制作软件 7

第3章模型建立、材质设置和贴图制作 9

3.1模型的建立 9

3.2三维模型数据转换 9

3.3模型材质设置 9

3.4场景贴图制作 11

第4章基于Virtools的叶片泵虚拟拆装系统的设计 12

4.1总体流程设计 12

4.2虚拟装配系统界面的设计 12

4.3虚拟装配系统的功能设计 13

4.3.1摄影机的设定 13

4.3.2装配演示的设计 13

4.3.3分组装配的设计 13

4.3.4交互功能的设计和整合发布 13

第5章基于Virtools的叶片泵虚拟拆装系统的实现 14

5.1对象建立及初始设定 14

5.2摄影机的设定 14

5.2.1环绕摄影机 14

5.2.2切换摄影机 15

5.3装配演示功能的实现 16

5.3.1建立阵列 16

5.3.2获取零件的初始坐标和分解坐标 16

5.3.3分解演示功能实现 18

5.4分组装配功能的实现 19

5.4.1鼠标点选 19

5.4.2初始化 20

5.4.3分组装配 20

5.4.4距离判断 21

5.4.5对象融合 21

5.5交互功能的实现 22

第6章总结与展望 25

6.1总结 25

6.2展望 25

参考文献 27

致 谢 29


1.1 选题背景与研究意义


现代工业发展迅猛,对叶片泵的性能和研发周期提出了新的要求。传统设计方式是在大量实验的基础上,对研发对象进行反复的修改。这种方式研发周期缓慢,经济性低、可靠性差,难以跟上市场发展的步伐[2]。基于计算机虚拟现实平台的机械装备拆装技术逐渐兴起[3],借助虚拟现实技术开发叶片泵虚拟拆装实验平台,使用者能通过摄影机对装配对象进行多方位观察,也可以在虚拟环境下进行设备的拆卸和装配,进行人机交互操作 [4]。实现叶片泵在虚拟环境下的仿真,提出一种新型的设计方式,能很好的缩短研发周期、提高研发效率,具有很高的实用价值。

传统仿真多采用三维技术模拟设备的装配过程,结合视频动画的演示。此种方式虽然直观简洁,但是缺乏多层次的人机互动,无法满足现代教学互动性和真实性的要求。虚拟现实开发工具Virtools ,其交互能力强,真实性优秀,渲染美观,可扩展性好的特点[5]为虚拟装配提供了很好的技术支持。本文中的叶片泵虚拟拆装系统采用Virtools ,并结合其他工程软件实现仿真开发。

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