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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 轮机工程 > 正文


 2021-03-17 21:13:40  

摘 要

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 油液在线监测的现状 1

1.2.2 支持向量机的研究现状 1

1.2.3 不均衡数据下支持向量机的研究现状 1

1.3 论文结构 2

第2章 理论基础 3

2.1 油液数据指标 3

2.1.1 粘度 3

2.1.2 水分含量 3

2.1.3 密度 3

2.1.4 颗粒浓度 3

2.1.5 介电常数 3

2.2 非线性规划 3

2.2.1 非线性规划的基本概念 4

2.2.2 凸函数与凸规划 6

2.2.3 无约束非线性规划的最优性条件 7

2.2.4 最速下降法 7

2.2.5 约束非线性规划的最优性条件 8

2.3 统计机器学习 10

2.4 感知机 11

2.4.1 感知机模型 11

2.4.2 感知机学习策略与算法 12

2.5 支持向量机 13

2.5.1 线性可分支持向量机 13

2.5.2 线性支持向量机 14

2.5.3 核方法与非线性支持向量机 15

2.5.4 序列最小最优化算法(SMO) 17

2.5.5 支持向量 18

2.6 数据的不均衡现象及其对支持向量机的影响 19

第3章 程序与预测结果 21

3.1 应用SMO算法对原始数据的预测 21

3.2 应用SMO算法对欠抽样数据的预测 25

第4章 总结与展望 31

4.1 结论 31

4.2 全文内容总结 31

4.3 本文创新点 31

4.4 展望 31

参考文献 33

致谢 34

摘 要






In this paper, the support vector machine (SVM) is used in the model of support vector machine (SVM). The results of the forecasting of the data set are usually very good, and the data of the fault Difficulty to cause the normal data is much more than the fault data. In view of the influence of this data imbalance on the prediction of SVM, the method adopted in this paper is to change the data set appropriately, so that the influence of unbalanced data is weakened, and the experiment with the best predictive effect is taken as the final result. The programming language used in this paper is Python2, and the running environment is Anaconda2. Their advantage is that the code is concise and integrated with many excellent open source libraries, which makes programming more convenient.

In this paper, the following studies were carried out on the basis of oil data prediction and analysis. First, considering that the support vector machine model is proposed, it can be transformed into a nonlinear programming problem. Therefore, some basic concepts and some important conclusions of nonlinear programming are introduced, and the proof of important conclusions is completed. Secondly, it describes the basic concepts of support vector machine model and the conclusion from the conclusion of mathematical programming to establish the support vector machine. Then, the phenomenon of unbalanced data and its corresponding strategy are described. The method chosen in this paper is to sample the majority of the data samples to eliminate the influence of data imbalance on the forecast. Finally, the preparation of the program on the multi-oil online monitoring data to make predictions. And follow the previous section to change the data set to verify the impact of unbalanced data on the predictive effect of support vector machines

The results show that the unbalanced data can greatly affect the

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