2021-03-11 22:12:40
摘 要
Marine vacuum boiling water desalination plant is one of the important auxiliary machinery for ships, providing the necessary fresh water for crew, passengers and power equipment. In the case of ships at sea, due to the load limit, can not carry a lot of fresh water, marine desalination plant can be a very perfect solution to these problems, so the study of marine desalination plant is necessary.
Ship seawater desalination device operation is also more complex, involving a lot of interlocking between devices. Water jet vacuum pumps play a very critical role in this, the marine desalination plant water production has a lot of impact. In addition, China has a large number of desalination plant finished products are exported to foreign countries, but it is puzzling is that China's water jet vacuum pump research is almost blank, the domestic or even a full sense of the vacuum pump manufacturers, the vast majority of water spray Vacuum pumps still rely on imports from abroad. This also means that our research on the jet vacuum pump is still a long way to go. So the election of vacuum pump selection work seems necessary for the normal. On the basis of reading a large number of relevant literatures at home and abroad, this paper introduces the selection of jet vacuum pump and the basic steps of pump selection, and then makes a further and more accurate study on the selection of jet vacuum pump The This is the most important choice for the selection of the jet pump is related to the choice of the type of vacuum pump, working water flow and head ratio and other major performance parameters to determine and in the vacuum pump after several models of the comparison and selection. Because this paper is about the selection of jet vacuum pump, so the process will involve a large number of estimates, but the estimate must have a lot of theoretical support, requiring selection in the selection work before the large number of relevant literature, so that the results as objective and accurate. This kind of realistic, traceable source of scientific research for our future similar work in the development will be instructive.
Key words: water jet pump; water generator;model selection.
第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1国内现有水平 2
1.2.2国外现有水平 3
1.3研究内容 4
第二章 船舶海水淡化装置 5
2.1 船舶海水淡化装置的介绍 5
2.1.1概述 5
2.1.2船舶海水淡化装置的工作原理 7
2.2 海水淡化的方法 9
2.3影响蒸馏式船舶真空海水淡化装置淡水产量的因素 10
2.4 喷射泵简介及其工作原理 10
第三章 水喷射真空泵选型方法的研究 12
3.1水喷射泵研究现状 12
3.2水喷射泵选型计算思路 12
第四章 水喷射真空泵的选型计算 13
4.1 研究背景 13
4.2 分析计算 13
4.3水喷射真空泵的选型 15
结论与展望 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18
1.1 研究背景
船舶海水淡化装置主要还是利用在真空度较低的条件下,蒸馏加热温度不会太高的原理。一般真空度要求在93%左右,就被汽化的海水而言,会用到相关的蒸馏设备,对蒸馏设备温度的把控而又较为严格的要求,含盐量也是一项十分重要的数据。为了达到相应的真空度要求,满足其条件也有很高的要求,一定要尽量满足。海水沸腾的温度大概在35~45摄氏度左右,而主机缸套冷却水的出口温度一般保持在70~90摄氏度左右,所以就可以用主机缸套冷却水对蒸发器里的海水进行加热,这样不但能够使主机的余热得到冲重新利用,对于柴油机相关机械进行冷却而言仍然有很大的经济效益,使得相关能量损耗降得很低,提高效率,利于环保。从而一定程度上增加了性价比、经济性能,有很大的进步[2]。从另一个角度去分析的话,如果在温度不是太高的条件下,不容易产生碳酸钙等其他残留化学固体,可以延长相应装置的寿命,对日常维护也十分有益。 随着科技的不断发展,我国工业水平的不断提高,市场对产品的质量要求呈现出不断提高的要求。作为一种提高产品质量与产量的必要手段,真空技术的应用的范围也在不断的扩大,甚至蔓延其他领域。现在,已在煤炭、纺织、冶金、石油化工、冶金、等相关工业部门中都有具体的应用与实践。值得我们注意的是,在个别生产的过程当中,如果水蒸气或者是其他的可凝气体作为被抽气体的话,亦或是易燃易爆、包含粉尘和腐蚀性气体,选用真空泵的话必须慎重对待的。在这种情况下,如果我们坚持采用的是机械式的真空泵,泵会产生很明显的损坏,以及使泵油中毒或者乳化等不良后果,最后只能会使得泵的寿命大大减少,吸入压力减少,那么则达不到生产所需要的真空度。如果我们想把上述问题处理好的话,可以采用水蒸气喷射真空泵[3]。