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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 消防工程 > 正文


 2022-01-22 23:17:06  


摘 要




实验显示,经杂化SiO2-KH560-DOPO-CH2OH溶胶-凝胶整理的棉织物LOI值由17%增至22.5%,增幅达到 32.4 %;TG实验则表明后整理棉织物的残碳率由 3 %提升至近 30 %,为原有数值的十倍;而SEM实验的图像则表明改性后的棉织物微观形态有一定变化,杂化SiO2-KH560-DOPO-CH2OH溶胶作用下,棉纤维形成致密炭层,且在燃烧后仍能较好的保持,对火焰有较强的抵抗作用。


关键词:溶胶-凝胶 DOPO衍生物 棉织物 阻燃性能


Fire accidents are one of the most frequent and most dangerous accidents in today's man-made accidents. The flammability of textiles is one of the main reasons for the rapid spread of fire and the ignition of fire. According to statistics, more than one-fifth of the fires are caused by the flammability of textiles. Moreover, even if the source of the fire is electrical and other reasons, the textiles quickly transmit flames and heat because they are the most important decoration materials in the room, making it difficult to rescue and fight. For example, the Xining Textile Building Fire in 2015, the Karamay Friendship Hotel Fire and other events were caused by the fire of textiles and the rapid spread of indoors, resulting in excessive smoke, high temperatures and difficulty in escape or rescue. Cotton textiles are one of the most widely used textiles and are highly flammable, so improving the flame retardant properties of cotton fabrics has become a research issue. In this paper, the sol-gel method was used to prepare the flame retardant, which was coated on cotton fabric by immersion baking method to enhance its flame retardant property.

In this paper, DOPO-CH2OH, a derivative of DOPO (9,10-dihydro-9-oxa-10-phosphaphenanthrene-10-oxide), was selected as a flame retardant and introduced into SiO2 single sol and SiO2-KH560 composite sol. Hybridization was carried out to analyze whether the sol-gel system has a considerable effect on the modification of the flame retardancy of cotton fabrics.

First, the appearance of the cotton fabric as a control group was visually observed and tested for softness. Secondly, the prepared hybrid SiO2-KH560-DOPO-CH2OH sol gel system and other single solutions, sols, etc. were visually observed and recorded by a camera. At the same time, the acidity and alkalinity, solid content and particle size distribution of the prepared sol and other solutions were tested and recorded; then, the prepared modified sol-gel system was immersed and baked to the pure cotton fabric. Modified finishing; finally, the modified cotton fabric and the original cotton fabric were tested by limiting oxygen index test (LOI), thermogravimetric test (TG) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and recorded, according to each modified fabric. The experimental results were reasonably speculated for the flame retardant performance; at the same time, the burning conditions of the cotton fabrics in the LOI experiment, such as the size of the flame, whether the melt dripping and the soot were recorded, were recorded.

The experiment showed that the LOI value of the cotton fabric finished by hybrid SiO2-KH560-DOPO-CH2OH sol gel increased from 17% to 22.5%, which increased by 32.4%. The TG experiment showed that the residual carbon ratio of the finished cotton fabric increased from 3% to near30%, which is ten times the original value; while the SEM experiment shows that the modified cotton fabric has a certain change in microscopic morphology. Under the action of hybrid SiO2-KH560-DOPO-CH2OH sol, the cotton fiber forms a dense carbon layer.  And it can be better maintained after burning, and has a strong resistance to flame.

The results show that the hybrid SiO2-KH560-DOPO-CH2OH sol gel can effectively enhance the flame retardancy and thermal stability of cotton fabrics compared with single DOPO-CH2OH solution.

Key Words:Sol-gel;DOPO derivative;cotton fabric;flame-retardant property

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1织物火灾事故及危害 1

1.1.1 源头性可燃性 1

1.1.2 过程可燃性 1

1.2 易燃纺织品处理措施 1

1.2.1 对纺织材料进行阻燃后处理而达到阻燃目的 1

1.2.2 后整理织物法 2

1.3 阻燃剂/溶胶-凝胶技术后整理阻燃织物研究进展 3

1.4 本文技术路线 4

第二章 杂化溶胶改性织物实验过程 5

2.1 实验用品和器材 5

2.2 实验前期准备 6

2.2.1 硅烷偶联剂的作用机理、选取及水解 6

2.2.2 复合SiO2-KH560溶胶体系 6

2.2.3 杂化SiO2-DOPO-CH2OH溶胶体系 7

2.2.4 纯棉织物的预处理 7

2.2.5 渗透剂的选择实验 7

2.3 实验过程 7

2.3.1 阻燃整理 7

2.3.2 整理品性能测试 8

2.4 本章小结 9

第三章 DOPO溶胶-凝胶体系理化性质 10

3.1 杂化溶胶-凝胶外观 10

3.2 酸碱性 11

3.3 固含量 11

3.4 粒径分布 12

3.5 本章小结 13

第四章 DOPO杂化溶胶后整理棉织物阻燃特性分析 14

4.1 改性后织物的形貌 14

4.2 燃烧行为分析 14

4.3 极限氧指数(LOI)测试及分析 15

4.3.1 整理后目标织物的LOI值 15

4.3.2 △LOI/△m分析 16

4.4 改性后织物热解特性分析 16


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