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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 矿物加工工程 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:18:29  

摘 要


(1)白云石与磷灰石难分离的原因主要是因为两种矿物表面均含有Ca2 ,使得表面性质相近。常用的分离方法是根据矿石性质的差异,选择不同的工艺流程和浮选药剂,例如使用水玻璃作为硅酸盐抑制剂、油酸钠作为磷矿捕收剂对硅质磷矿进行正浮选,用磷酸作为磷矿抑制剂对钙镁质磷矿进行反浮选等;

(2)磷灰石与白云石浮选分离的机理分析表明,两种矿物表面均含Ca2 是造成磷灰石与白云石分离困难的主要原因。为了增强两者间的可浮性差异,常通过对捕收剂的改性,提高对矿物的选择性,而高效抑制剂是利用更多的羟基和磺酸基或对Ca2 、Mg2 离子进行特征吸附,从而抑制白云石的上浮;




Phosphate rock is an important mineral resource.China has large reserves of phosphate rock resources,but most of them are low-grade phosphate rock,usually accompanied by gangue minerals such as dolomite and calcite.Dolomite is difficult to remove from phosphate rock due to its similar physical and chemical properties with collophane.It needs to be separated by various beneficiation processes to improve the grade of phosphate rock and obtain higher grade concentrate before it can be used in production.It is a very important and promising topic to study the flotation of low-grade high-magnesium collophanite to reduce magnesium.This paper comprehensively and systematically discusses the magnesium reduction process of phosphate ore dressing and relevant documents of dolomite flotation, and conducts research in combination with pure mineral tests. The following conclusions are obtained:

(1) The main reason why dolomite and apatite are difficult to separate is that the surfaces of both minerals contain Ca2 , which makes the surface properties similar. The common separation method is to select different technological processes and flotation reagents according to the difference of ore properties. For example, sodium silicate is used as silicate inhibitor, sodium oleate is used as phosphate rock collector to carry out positive flotation of siliceous phosphate rock, phosphoric acid is used as phosphate rock inhibitor to carry out reverse flotation of calcium magnesium phosphate rock.

(2) The mechanism analysis of the flotation separation of apatite and dolomite shows that Ca2 is the main reason why the separation of apatite and dolomite is difficult. In order to enhance the floatability difference between the two, the collector is often modified to improve the selectivity to minerals, while the high-efficiency inhibitor uses more hydroxyl and sulfonic acid groups or carries out characteristic adsorption on Ca2 and Mg2 ions to inhibit the flotation of dolomite.

(3) Flotation of pure minerals shows that sodium oleate has good collecting effect on apatite and dolomite, but sodium oleate alone has no selectivity, and flotation separation of apatite and dolomite needs to be realized through inhibitors, and 1-series of dolomite inhibitors with good selectivity are obtained through experiments.

Key Words:Collophanite;dolomite;Flotation process;Flotation reagent


第1章绪论 1

1.1磷矿资源概况 1

1.1.1磷矿的资源概况 1

1.1.2磷矿物及矿床类型 2

1.1.3磷矿特征及用途 3

1.2磷矿选矿工艺 4

1.2.1 浮选工艺 4

1.2.2 重选工艺 5

1.2.3光、电选工艺 5

1.2.4 其他选矿工艺 6

1.3磷矿选矿药剂研究进展 6

1.3.1脂肪酸捕收剂 6

1.3.2两性捕收剂 7

1.3.3复配捕收剂 7

1.3.4阳离子胺类 7

1.3.5酯酸类捕收剂 7

1.4本章小结 7

第2章胶磷矿浮选降镁研究现状 9

2.1白云石概况 9

2.1.1 白云石基本性质 9

2.1.2白云石晶体结构 10

2.1.3 白云石的表面性质 11

2.2胶磷矿与白云石浮选分离影响因素 11

2.2.1胶磷矿工艺矿物学研究 11

2.2.2 磷灰石与白云石表面转换 12

2.2.3 溶解离子对胶磷矿和白云石浮选分离的影响 13

2.3胶磷矿浮选脱镁工艺研究 13

2.3.1 正浮选 13

2.3.2 反浮选 13

2.3.3 正-反浮 14

2.3.4 反-正浮 15

2.3.5 双反浮 16

2.4胶磷矿浮选脱镁药剂研究 17

2.4.1 脱镁捕收剂研究(白云石的捕收剂) 17

2.4.2 脱镁抑制剂研究(白云石的抑制剂) 18

2.4.3 磷矿抑制剂研究 18

2.5 本章小结 18

第3章胶磷矿浮选脱镁机理分析 20

3.1 捕收剂在磷矿和白云石上的吸附特性 20

3.1.1 表面电位研究 20

3.1.2红外光谱研究 22

3.1.3接触角研究 23

3.1.4 吸附量研究 23

3.2 抑制剂在磷矿和白云石上的吸附特性 24

3.2.1 抑制剂在磷矿表面的吸附 24

3.2.2 抑制剂在白云石上的吸附 24

3.3 本章小结 26

第4章纯矿物试验 28

4.1 试验原料及方法 28

4.1.1 纯矿物物相分析 28

4.1.2 抑制剂种类 28

4.1.3 浮选试验方法 29

4.2 磷矿浮选试验 29

4.2.1 矿物粒度对浮选试验的影响 29

4.2.2 矿浆pH对浮选试验的影响 31

4.2.3 捕收剂用量对浮选试验的影响 32

4.2.4 抑制剂种类对浮选试验的影响 33

4.3 本章小结 34

第5章总结 35

参考文献 37

致谢 40

第1章 绪论




图1-1 2017年世界主要国家磷矿产量及占比

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