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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 矿物加工工程 > 正文


 2021-07-13 00:49:42  

摘 要







关键词:阳离子捕收剂 铁精矿 反浮选 泡沫性能


China is the world's iron ore resources are relatively rich in the country, but can be used for development and utilization of resource shortage. So the mineral processing industry has a higher demand for the rational utilization of resources. For the current lack of resources to do not waste, for difficult to develop the resources from the technology to improve the efficiency of resources to make more effective use of. Mineral processing industry as the basic industry of our national economy, environmental issues should pay more attention to and deal with. In the mineral processing industry, there are 90% mineral is the use of flotation methods to achieve production requirements. Therefore, to solve these problems, the most effective way is technological innovation. For the flotation process, the most important than the flotation reagent. For the widespread use of anionic collectors, a wide variety, the use of complex, expensive, corrosive equipment, high energy consumption, has been difficult to meet the requirements of industrial production. Cationic collectors show that the reagent system is simple, low cost, low temperature resistance and other advantages, but also has a rich foam, foam and other issues. Research of new cationic collectors, to solve the existing problems, the development of environmentally friendly, easy to use, high efficiency of cationic collector collector is the future research purpose and this thesis should explore.

The main content of this paper is to explore the main contents of the new cationic collector M-3:

(1) through repeated experimental comparison, the trial produced the target agent M-3.

(2) the flotation performance of the new cationic collector M-3 was verified by comparative experiments.

(3) the foam properties of the new cationic collector M-3 are verified by comparative experiments.

Research shows that: the experiment of synthesis of a new cationic collector collection agent in the production of iron concentrate grade reaches more than 60%, high quality iron ore concentrate greatly reduce ironmaking cost, improving utilization of iron ore resources, both to improve the economic benefit and improve the social benefits and environmental benefits. It also has the advantages of easy to eliminate bubbles, easy preparation, low temperature resistance, and so on. As a result, the new cationic collector M-3 is a kind of fine chemicals with strong ability to collect and collect and good foam properties.

Key words: cationic collector ,Iron concentrate ,reverse flotation ,foam property


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 1

第1章.绪论 3

1.1引言 3

1.2我国铁矿资源现状 3

1.3阳离子捕收剂研究现状 4

1.4浮选工艺的发展和面临的问题 5

1.5新型阳离子捕收剂M-3的技术目标与前景 5

1.6泡沫机理分析 6

1.6.1泡沫的概念 6

1.6.2泡沫的衰变机理 6

1.6.3泡沫稳定性的理论基础 6

1.6.4影响泡沫稳定性的因素 7

1.7论文研究目的、意义及主要内容 8

1.7.1论文研究目的、意义 8

1.7.2研究的内容 9

第2章.新型阳离子捕收剂M-3的合成 10

2.1矿物的来源 10

2.2浮选药剂的配制 10

2.2.1捕收剂的配制 10

2.2.2抑制剂淀粉的配制 10

2.2.3调整剂的配制 10

2.3试验所用试剂与仪器 11

2.4研究方法 12

2.5浮选试验 13

第3章.捕收剂的合成 14

3.1捕收剂M-3的制备 14

3.1.1合成路线选择 14

3.1.2捕收剂M-3的合成步骤 15

第4章.捕收剂M-3单因素试验研究 16

4.1捕收剂M-3用量试验 16

4.2抑制剂用量试验 16

4.3矿浆pH值试验 17

第5章.阳离子捕收剂浮选泡沫性能研究 20

5.1阳离子捕收剂准备过程 20

5.2 M-3的三相泡沫消泡实验 20

5.3 M-302B的三相泡沫消泡实验 23

5.4十二胺的三相泡沫消泡实验 24

5.5醚胺的三相泡沫消泡实验 26

5.6 M-3、M-302B、十二胺、醚胺的三相泡沫消泡实验 28

5.7加入抑制剂淀粉后各捕收剂的三相泡沫消泡实验 30

第6章.结论 34

6.1实验成果 34

6.2本实验有待研究的地方 35

参考文献 36

致谢 38






  1. 矿石品位较低。
  2. 贫矿多,富矿少,贫矿大于80%铁矿总量。
  3. 中小型矿多,大型矿少。
  4. 矿石类型复杂,难利用。


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