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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 矿物加工工程 > 正文


 2021-06-24 23:20:25  

摘 要






Through a combination of practical experience university expertise, and conscientiously study area Panzhihua Midi Concentrator and other learned, thereby performing the preliminary design of the concentrator, so that a more profound understanding through design expertise and at the same time truly grasp proficient.

After the reference design is the Panzhihua Iron and Steel (Group) Company Midi Concentrator production site index, designed annual handling capacity of 800 tons per year of vanadium-titanium magnetite concentrator design. Ore 1000mm maximum particle size, in the field and on the basis of the reference data of the same type vanadium-titanium magnetite concentrator design. The design of the first phase of the tailing magnetic separation of the crude rate of 53.37%, crude crude concentrate after magnetic separation after grinding again to less than 200 mesh content accounted for 70% to 90%, and then again after grinding again after magnetic separation, after magnetic separation once again concentrate grading job processing fine sieve, fine sieve under the product after selection of the final concentrate grade increased to 57% recovery rate has reached 70%, the concentrate by filtration machines after filtration concentrate is transported to the storage memory; a secondary magnetic separation tailings and tailings after roughing after the selection oftailings plus job after the final tailings, and is conveyed to the tailings, tailings grade is 13.13%.

A total of five major concentrator design workshop are: ore crushing plant, ore from grinding and sorting plant, milling and sorting plant, so concentrate dewatering plant and enrichment workshops. In terms of plant layout, the full use of the advantages of terrain, areasonable allocation of the house structure, while allowing the slurry formed gravity, reducing the energy consumption of vanadium-titanium magnetite concentrator. The use of CAD and other graphics software to complete the construction of a logarithmic quality flow charts, each of vanadium-titanium magnetite concentrator plant layout diagram, etc., tocomplete the preparation of more than 15,000 words of the design specification.

Key words: vanadium-titanium magnetite, the second magnetic separation, selection, plant design

摘 要 II

Abstract III

第一章 总 论 1

1.1选矿厂概况 1

1.1.1设计能力 1

1.1.2选厂地理位置以及交通情况 1

1.1.3矿区气象 1

1.1.4居民和农业经济 1

1.2厂址选择 1

1.3供水、供电、尾矿处理 2

1.3.1供水 2

1.3.2供电 2

1.3.3尾矿处理 2

第二章 原矿、试验及产品方案 3

2.1原矿性质 3

2.1.1矿床特征 3

2.1.2矿石类型 3

2.1.3矿物成分 3

2.1.4主要元素赋存情况 3

2.1.5矿石结构构造 4

2.1.6矿物的主要物理参数 4

2.2选矿试验研究 4

2.2.1试验室试验 4

2.2.2工业试验 5

2.2.3自磨试验 6

2.2.4实验评述 6

2.3选矿指标的确定 7

2.4产品方案和产品销售 7

第三章 选矿的工艺流程以及重要设备的选择计算 8

3.1工作制度和生产能力 8

3.2破碎流程和破碎设备的选择计算 9

3.2.1破碎流程的选择 9

3.2.2破碎流程的计算 9

3.2.3产率和重量计算 9

3.2.4破碎机的选择计算 9

3.3半磨矿流程和磨矿设备选型计算 11

3.3.1半磨矿设备的选型计算 11

3.3.2筛分设备的选型 13

3.4选别流程和选别设备选型计算 14

3.4.1选别流程的计算 14

3.4.2矿浆流程计算 16

3.4.3选别设备的选择计算 19

3.4.4脱水作业设备的选型 21

第四章 辅助设施及辅助设备的计算 23

4.1矿仓的计算 23

4.1.1矿仓类型及形式的选择 23

4.2给矿机的选型计算 24

4.3带式输送机的选型计算 24

4.3.1计算输送带的宽度 24

4.3.2传动滚筒轴功率计算 24

4.3.3计算电动机的功率 25

4.3.4输送带最大张力计算 25

4.3.5输送带层数确定 26

4.3.6制动力矩的计算 26

4.4起重机的选型计算 26

4.4.1起重设备的选择 26

4.5砂泵的选择 27

4.5.1砂泵出口管径的计算 27

4.5.2砂泵扬送矿浆需要的总扬程计算 27

4.5.3砂泵由扬送矿浆折算成清水的总扬程 28

4.5.4砂泵所需功率的计算 28

4.5.5其余主要砂泵的选择计算 29

第五章 厂房布置与设备配置 30

5.1 厂房布置的基本原则 30

5.2设备配置的基本原则 30

5.3 厂房布置图 30

5.3.1厂房布置图 30

5.3.2总平面布置图 30

第六章 修理、取样及其辅助设施 31

6.1机修车间 31

6.2 取样 31

6.3试验室 31

6.4化验室 31

第七章 技术经济评价 32

7.1 选矿单位工程概算 32

7.1.1工艺设备概算价值 32

7.2选厂职工劳动定员 32

7.3精矿设计成本 32

7.3.1电力负荷及电费的计算 32

7.3.2总成本计算 33

7.4 经济评价 33

7.4.1利润计算 33

7.4.2流动资金 34

7.4.3总投资 34

7.4.4投资回收期 34

参考文献 35

致 谢 36

第一章 总 论









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