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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 矿物加工工程 > 正文


 2021-04-29 22:32:31  

摘 要




In this paper, the method of flotation of graphite made brief introduction, gravity separation, electrostatic separation, flotation of the three methods, of course, now used up is flotation. The technology of flotation graphite at home and abroad is introduced, and some process of flotation equipment, flotation reagents and the protection of graphite chips. Refer to the relevant information according to the properties of the graphite and the conditions given, the technological process of the 10,000 tons / year graphite concentrate concentrator. The ore grade taste alpha is 3.19%, the concentrate taste beta is 93.89%, the total recovery rate of epsilon is 90.19% and the amount of concentrate is 10,000tons, and design of mineral processing production line of graphite concentrate.Launch the handling capacity of ore based on these data, combined with the concentrator of the system and determining the amount of daily processing of crushing and grinding and flotation workshop for workshop. First according to the maximum particle size of the ore, and after the crushing of the maximum particle size calculated broken ratio, determine the selection of three sections of a closed-circuit crushing process, the screening fine-grained minerals into grinding and flotation workshop, grinding flotation. Enter the floating mill workshop first minerals for coarse grinding, coarse grinding after roughing, after regrinding, a total of five times. According to the daily handling capacity, sections of the quantity and quality, the water quantity and pulp volume was calculated and draw the flow chart of the number of quality and the quality of the water flow chart, according to the flow chart of the number of quality, water quality, flow chart and segment processing product requirements, such as grinding fineness and yield of the mill grinding ore time as well as the flotation machine flotation time to judge, and the equipment type selection; according to the processing capacity of the paragraphs, the equipment models and specifications.

Keywords: mineral processing design; graphite ore dressing; production process; equipment selection.

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 1

第一章 绪论 3

1.1 石墨选矿的方法 3

1.2 石墨选矿厂工艺流程 3

第二章 选矿厂的规模与工作制度 5

2.1 选矿厂的规模及服务年限 5

2.2 选矿厂工作制度与设备作业率 5

2.3 选矿厂小时处理矿量 5

第三章 选矿工艺流程的选择与计算 6

3.1 破碎筛分流程的选择与计算 6

3.1.1破碎筛分流程的选择确定 6

3.1.2破碎筛分流程的计算 6

3.1.3破碎筛分流程的计算 7

3.2 磨矿分级的计算 8

3.3 浮选流程的计算 10

3.3.1据试验报告选定原始指标数及具体指标 10

3.3.2计算各产物的产率及品位 11

3.3.3计算各产物的产量 12

3.3.4计算各产物的回收率 13

3.3.5选别数质量流程图 15

3.4 矿浆流程的计算 16

3.4.1磨矿流程 16

3.4.2浮选流程 16

第四章 主要工艺设备的选择与计算 23

4.1 破碎筛分车间设备的选择与计算 23

4.1.1 Ⅰ段粗碎设备的选择与计算 23

4.1.2 Ⅱ段中碎破碎机的选择与计算 24

4.1.3. III段细碎破碎机的选择与计算 25

4.2 筛分设备的选择与计算 26

4.3 磨浮车间设备的选择与计算 29

4.3.1 磨矿设备 29

4.3.2分级设备 30

4.3.3 石墨矿再磨设备的选型与计算 31

4.3.4 浮选设备的选型与计算 33

4.4 精矿脱水设备的选择与计算 37

4.4.1 浓缩机的计算 37

4.4.2 过滤机的计算 37

4.4.3 干燥机的计算 38

第五章 辅助设备的选择与计算 40

5.1 矿仓 40

5.2 给料机 41

5.2.1.粗碎机给料机 41

5.2.2.磨矿机给料机 41

5.3 皮带运输机的选型和计算 42

5.3.1胶带宽度的计算 42

5.3.2按最大块度校核 42

5.3.3传动滚筒功率 42

5.3.4计算电动机功率 43

5.4 储矿浆搅拌槽的选择计算 43

5.5 定量给料机 43

5.6 泵的选择计算 43

5.6.1 尾矿输送泵(1泵)的选择与计算 43

5.6.2 精矿压滤机进料泵(2泵)的选择与计算 46

5.6.3 供水水泵的选择与计算 49

结论 52

参考文献 53

致 谢 54

第一章 绪论

1.1 石墨选矿的方法

石墨的选矿方法主要有重选、电选、浮选。重选主要是利用矿物之间的密度差异除掉脉石矿物中的黄铁矿、石榴石、金红石、透闪石等比重比较大的矿物[1],主要用于石墨选矿的预处理阶段,该种方法多与浮选联合使用。电选是利用石墨具有良好的导电性,主要除掉脉石矿物中的石英、长石、云母等导电性较差的矿物,由于处理量少,效率低,主要用于石墨选矿的粗选。浮选则是利用石墨的天然可浮性,除掉脉石矿物中的粘土、石英、云母、长石等硅酸盐矿物,一般应用于精选石墨,原矿一般先使用正浮选法, 然后再对正浮选精矿进行反浮选, 最终精矿品位能达到 90%以上[2]。是目前常用的选别石墨精矿的方法,所得精矿可供化学提纯处理。

1.2 石墨选矿厂工艺流程

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