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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 采矿工程 > 正文


 2021-10-27 22:03:03  

摘 要





"Green Mining Design of Limestone Mine of Laohekou Cement Co., LTD.", With a production capacity of 2 million tons / year, based on the limestone mine of Laohekou Cement Co., Ltd., the open-pit mining literature was consulted, the mine geology, mining and design data were collected, the open-pit mining boundary design, mining method design and mining area layout design were completed, the digital model based on datamine software was established, and the selection, design and calculation of mining machinery and equipment were carried out The construction plan of green mine is determined, the plan of mining end is drawn, and the design specification is worked out. Adopt advanced technology to meet the requirements of green mine, master the open-pit mining knowledge through the design system, understand the mining process links and equipment, enhance the use of professional knowledge, and cultivate the ability to solve problems independently.

According to mine geological conditions and resource reserves, the design determines that the service life is 27 years, the production capacity is 2 million tons/year, and the average annual decline rate is 14m/ year. The open-pit stope will have a slope angle of 50°, a step slope angle of 65°, a step height of 14m, a safety platform width of 4m, a cleaning platform width of 8m and a transport platform width of 16m. According to the production schedule and rock properties, medium-deep hole step blasting shall be used, the drilling depth is 15m, the plugging length is 5.2m, the hole layout is 4m hole spacing and 3m row spacing, the quin-shaped hole layout, the non-conductive tube detonation network and millisecond delay detonation; The mine selects 1 hydraulic drill and 1 pneumatic drill, 1 mobile air compressor, 2 hydraulic excavators, 1 hydraulic crushing hammer and 7 mine dump trucks (45T). The plane layout of the mining area includes open stope, open transportation road, dump site, living area, unloading platform, gas station, etc. The drainage mode of mine area is divided into self-flow drainage and mechanical drainage according to different levels. Green mine construction mainly includes comprehensive utilization of rock and topsoil, monitoring of mining environment, application of mobile and broken continuous mining technology to save energy, selection of belt transportation to reduce fuel consumption on the way to cement plant, and use of planting grass seed to maintain slope to complete the green mining area. There are 59 mine personnel, the unit cost is 12 yuan / ton, and the economic benefit is good.

Key Words:Limestone mining; Open cut mining; Motor transport; Step blasting; Green mine; Datamine


第1章 绪论 1

1.1概述 1

1.2设计规模及矿山主要指标 1

1.3设计要求 1

1.4矿山主要设计方案 1

第2章 矿区地质 2

2.1矿区位置 2

2.1.1交通位置 2

2.1.2地理与气象概况 2

2.2矿区及矿床地质 3

2.2.1矿区地层 3

2.2.2矿区地质构造 3

2.2.3矿床(层)特征 4

2.2.4矿石类型 5

2.2.5矿石质量 5

2.2.6矿体围岩及夹层 5

2.3矿区水文地质 6

2.4矿区工程地质 7

2.5矿区环境地质 8

2.6矿区储量 8

2.6.1储量计算原则 8

2.6.2储量计算结果 8

2.7结论 9

第3章 数字模型 10

3.1 Datamine矿山软件 10

3.2三维模型 10

3.2.1矿区地表模型 10

3.2.2实体模型 10

3.2.3块体模型 11

3.3矿区资源评价 12

第4章 生产规模 13

4.1开采范围及建设规模 13

4.1.1开采范围 13

4.1.2建设规模 13

4.2矿山工作制度及生产能力 13

4.2.1矿山工作制度 13

4.2.2矿山生产能力 13

4.2.3矿山生产能力验证 14

4.2.4矿山服务年限 14

4.3矿山采掘进度计划 15

第5章 露天开采设计 16

5.1开采境界的圈定 16

5.1.1开采境界圈定原则 16

5.1.2最终边坡角的选择 16

5.1.3最终边坡要素 16

5.1.4境界圈定结果 17

5.2开拓运输方案 17

5.3爆破设计 18

5.3.1设计依据与原则 18

5.3.2爆破设计方案 18

5.4开采工艺 20

5.4.1采矿顺序 20

5.4.2采掘要素 20

5.4.3矿石损失与贫化 20

5.4.4采矿工艺 20

5.4.5剥离 21

5.5基建剥离 21

第6章 矿山机械 22

6.1运输系统 22

6.2穿孔、压气设施 22

6.3坑内排水设施 22

6.4坑内供水设施 22

6.5露天开采设备选型 23

6.5.1采矿设备选择原则 23

6.5.2装载设备 23

6.5.3载重汽车 23

6.5.4主要采矿设备表 25

第7章 总图运输 26

7.1矿区概况 26

7.2企业总体布置 26

7.2.1 采矿场 26

7.2.2 排土场 26

7.2.3 生产管理区 26

7.2.4 加油站 26

7.3工业场地总平面布置 27

7.4内部运输 27

7.5外部运输 27

第8章 给排水 28

8.1设计依据和设计范围 28

8.2给水 28

8.3排水 28

第9章 绿色矿山建设 29

9.1设计采用的依据及环保标准 29

9.2矿区环境概况简述 29

9.3环境污染及治理措施 29

9.3.1废石 29

9.3.2粉尘 29

9.3.3噪声 29

9.4环境监测 30

9.4.1粉尘、噪声监测 30

9.4.2污水监测 30

9.6节能减排 30

9.6.1废石利用 30

9.6.2节能降耗 30

9.6.3能耗计算 30

9.7水土保持与土地复垦 31

9.7.1矿山绿化和闭坑措施 31

9.7.2绿化 31

9.7.3闭坑措施 31

9.8安全问题与防治技术措施 31

9.8.1边坡稳定 31

9.8.2采矿作业 32

9.8.3爆破安全 32

9.9综合利用 33

第10章 技术经济 34

10.1计算依据 34

10.2劳动定员与劳动生产率 34

10.3生产成本 34

第11章 结论与展望 35

11.1结论 35

11.2展望 35

参考文献 37

附录A 38

附录B 39

致谢 41

第1章 绪论






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