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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 汽车服务工程 > 正文


 2021-12-06 20:51:34  


摘 要


本文首先对我国汽车市场的发展进行了简要介绍,之后探讨了顾客满意度、忠诚度的相关理论以及测量模型,根据对国内外研究现状的分析,确立了本文的研究方向,即顾客满意度影响因素与顾客忠诚度之间的相关性。在数据收集的过程中,以汽车消费者为研究对象,采用问卷星作为线上收集问卷的工具,收集不同顾客对于汽车产品的品牌、价格、性能等八个因素的满意度与关注度,以及顾客对于其所购买的汽车的企业的忠诚度。接着对回收到的数据进行样本分析,利用IBM SPSS Statistics 25统计分析软件对问卷回收到的数据进行信度与效度分析,之后进行四分图分析。根据问卷中的顾客整体满意度,抽取“低满意度”、“中满意度”、“高满意度”三个子样本,运用多元回归方法,针对三个子样本分别进行顾客满意度影响因素与顾客忠诚度相关性的分析,得出了在满意度分级下,不同顾客满意度影响因素与顾客忠诚度的相关性。最后根据得到的相关结论,对汽车营销服务企业的服务体系进行初步设计,提出了营销中心、市场分析中心、客户服务中心三大中心并对其相关职责进行划分,同时规划了这三大中心如何互相协作,协调运行的。




With the stable growth of China's economic level, China's automobile industry has also been stable and sustainable development. Nowadays, China has become the largest automobile market in the world, and the automobile industry has also become the basic industry and important pillar industry of the national economy. However, since 2018, the development of China's automobile industry has been in a cold situation, and China's automobile sales have suffered a continuous decline of more than ten months. Affected by the epidemic situation, from 2020, the automobile market is bound to be impacted by a new round. With more and more automobile enterprises entering the Bureau, the competition will be more and more fierce. In order to resist the coming winter, China's automobile industry must take action and take effective measures to gain market share. According to the research, the promotion of customer loyalty will bring huge profits to the enterprise. If you want to maintain the long-term good development of the company, it is essential to enhance customer loyalty.

This paper takes automobile consumers as the research object, and collects the satisfaction and attention of different customers to the eight factors of automobile product brand, price and performance, as well as the loyalty of customers to the automobile brand they purchased through online questionnaire. First, according to the collected data for sample analysis, analyze the main consumer groups of automobile products. Using IBM SPSS statistics 25 statistical analysis software to analyze the reliability and validity of the data collected from the questionnaire, and then analyze the quartogram. According to the overall customer satisfaction in the questionnaire, three samples of "low satisfaction", "medium satisfaction" and "high satisfaction" were selected, and the correlation between the influencing factors of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty was analyzed to obtain the multiple linear regression equation.

This paper first introduces the development of China's automobile market briefly, then discusses the theory and measurement model of customer satisfaction and loyalty, and establishes the research direction of this paper according to the analysis of the research status at home and abroad. In the data collection, the questionnaire star is used as the tool of online questionnaire collection. In the process of empirical analysis, factor analysis and multiple linear regression analysis are used as the means of statistical analysis. Finally, according to the relevant conclusions, the service system of automobile marketing service enterprises is preliminarily designed. Three centers, namely marketing center, market analysis center and customer service center, are proposed and their relevant responsibilities are divided. At the same time, how these three centers cooperate with each other and coordinate their operation are planned.

On the basis of previous studies, this paper proposes to combine the degree of satisfaction with the research on customer loyalty mechanism of automobile service enterprises, so that the research results are more targeted. Through the research of this paper, it provides a certain degree of guidance for Chinese automobile enterprises on how to improve customer loyalty, and also provides a relatively new idea for the research on the correlation between customer satisfaction and loyalty, which plays a reference role to a certain extent.

Key words: Customer satisfaction; Customer loyalty; Service system design

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2论文目的及意义: 2

1.3研究内容框架 3

第2章 国内外研究现状 5

2.1顾客满意 5

2.2顾客忠诚 8

2.3顾客满意度与忠诚度之间的关系 9

第3章 研究设计 11

3.1汽车服务企业顾客满意度影响因素分析 11

3.2前提假设 11

3.3研究工具 12

3.4问卷设计 12

3.5本章小结 13

第4章 样本研究分析 14

4.1样本特征及可靠性检验 14

4.2顾客满意度与忠诚度相关性分析 24

4.3本章小结 48

第5章 汽车服务企业营销服务体系设计 50

5.1营销中心 50

5.2市场分析中心 51

5.3客户服务中心 51

第6章 总结与展望 52

6.1总结 52

6.2展望 53

参考文献 54

附录A 调查问卷 56

致谢 60

第1章 绪论







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