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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 汽车服务工程 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:38:01  

摘 要







Since the 21st century, China's transportation industry has developed rapidly. Moreover, with the improvement of people's economic level, more and more people have the demand and the financial strength to buy cars. In this context, China's civil car ownership by geometric multiple rise. With more cars, the number of traffic accidents has naturally increased a lot. In a large number of road traffic accidents involving passenger vehicles, vehicle safety technical identification is a key link for the traffic department to deal with the accidents. Among them, because of the importance of the brake system to the safety of the car, so its identification is the main item in the identification. Based on the analysis of the current situation of the technical identification of traffic accident vehicles, this paper expounds the specific methods and steps of the safety technical identification of passenger vehicle braking system, which improves the standardization and scientificity of identification and provides help for the handling of traffic accidents.

This article mainly around the road traffic accident after elaborates the identification of vehicle safety technology, first in this paper, the identification of the traffic accident vehicle safety technology at home and abroad development situation, then this vehicle safety technical appraisal related legal basis and basic methods, and combined with the architecture of the vehicle brake system and the basic principle, focuses on passenger car brake system security technology inspection appraisal process and methods, finally, discusses the appraisal institutions in our country, the authorized personnel and the problems existing in the method of and to put forward the constructive Suggestions.

The results show that the safety technology identification method of the braking system of passenger vehicles in road traffic accidents in China can meet the requirements of the majority of passenger vehicle accident identification and provide a basis for the fair treatment of traffic accidents. However, there are still some problems in some appraisal standards, mainly including: in the actual appraisal, appraisal institutions and appraisal personnel are not in place for the appraisal requirements; Less intelligent devices are used in the identification process; The update of detection methods cannot keep up with the progress of modern new-technology cars.

The paper is characterized by a clear hierarchy, clear organization, and discussion using charts and cases.

Key Words: road traffic accident; safety technical appraisal; passenger car; the braking system

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1本文研究的背景 1

1.2本文研究的目的和意义 3

1.2.1本文研究的目的 3

1.2.2本文研究的意义 3

1.3本文研究的内容 4

第2章 道路交通事故概述 5

2.1道路交通事故的定义 5

2.2道路交通事故的形态 6

2.3道路交通事故的分类 8

第3章 道路交通事故车辆安全技术鉴定的现状 10

3.1国外道路交通事故车辆安全技术鉴定的发展现状 10

3.2我国道路交通事故车辆安全技术鉴定的发展现状 11

第4章 车辆安全技术鉴定的依据、项目流程及基本方法 13

4.1车辆安全技术鉴定的依据 13

4.1.1法律依据 13

4.1.2技术依据 13

4.2鉴定的项目和基本流程 13

4.2.1鉴定的分类 13

4.2.2检验鉴定项目 14

4.2.3检验鉴定流程 15

4.3车辆安全技术鉴定的基本方法 16

第5章 乘用车制动系统的结构原理 18

5.1乘用车定义及分类 18

5.1.1乘用车的定义 18

5.1.2乘用车的分类 18

5.2乘用车制动系统的基本机构 19

5.2.1 普通液压制动系统的基本结构 19

5.2.2 ABS液压制动系统的基本结构 20

5.2.3 新能源乘用车制动系统的基本结构 21

5.3乘用车制动系统的工作原理 22

5.3.1 普通液压制动系统的工作原理 22

5.3.2 ABS制动系统的工作原理 23

5.3.3其他辅助制动系统的工作原理 24

5.3.4新能源乘用车制动系统工作原理 25

第6章 乘用车制动系统检验鉴定方法 27

6.1制动系统检验鉴定评价指标 27

6.1.1行车制动性能鉴定评价指标 28

6.1.2驻车制动性能鉴定评价指标 29

6.1.3应急制动性能鉴定评价指标 29

6.2制动系统检视 30

6.3制动系统的动态检测 30

6.3.1制动性能的台试检验 30

6.3.2制动性能的路试检验 32

6.4制动系统性能静态检验 34

6.4.1普通液压制动系统静态检测 34

6.4.2 ABS液压制动系统静态检测 35

6.5制动系统零部件性能检测 35

第7章 事故车辆安全技术鉴定中存在的问题及对应的建议 37

7.1存在的问题 37

7.1.1鉴定机构的问题 37

7.1.2 鉴定人员的问题 37

7.1.3 鉴定方法的问题 37

7.2对应的建议 38

第8章 案例分析 39

8.1案例介绍 39

8.2案例分析 39

第9章 结论 41

参考文献 42

致谢 43

第1章 绪论


1949年,诺大个中国的公路通车里程勉强超过8万公里。70年间,我国通车的公路里程增长可以说是一日千里。2019年,全国公路通车里程已经超过了484万公里。不过,另一个方面,我国汽车的增长更是突飞猛进。1949年,刚成立的新中国全国汽车保有量仅为5.09万辆,到2019年全国民用汽车保有量已经高达2.5亿辆,并且即使目前市场逐渐饱和,民用汽车保有量也还处于一个缓慢增长的情况,如图1.1所示。2019 年全国能通车的公路里程是 1949 年的 60倍,但汽车保有量却是1949年的4912倍。

图1.1 2012-2019年中国民用汽车保有情况


图1.2 2010-2018年中国汽车驾驶员人数情况

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