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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 汽车服务工程 > 正文


 2021-03-29 22:32:22  

摘 要









I believe that in recent years we all through a variety of media can hear or see a lot of news about new energy vehicles, indeed, as a different from the traditional fuel vehicles, the main environmental protection and energy saving characteristics of environmental protection is the current car The development of an important theme, with the dual pressures of resources and the environment continues to increase, to be able to bring people to facilitate the convenience of driving tools brought about by the convenience of the environment will not cause great pollution.

Although the state has introduced a number of related policies to vigorously support the new energy vehicles market and industrialization, but through our past three years on the car sales and sales of new energy vehicles, an analysis, the effect is not ideal, the new energy vehicles There is embarrassing embarrassing situation, this time decided to start from the marketing strategy analysis.

Through the current strategy of marketing of new energy vehicles in China, the main columns of the domestic industry, BYD and Beiqi. And the 2016 1 to 11 months of new energy vehicle sales in detail and interpretation.

Then, through the above-mentioned problems arising from the domestic situation, according to the famous American scholar McCarthy's "4P theory" that is, the enterprise's product strategy, price strategy, channel strategy, promotion strategy four aspects of the problem were described separately.

See the problems of domestic enterprises, we will look to the international market, selected the United States Tesla company, Japan's Toyota and the German company BMW. To explore what they have in the new energy vehicle marketing strategy which can be used for us a good strategy, so that in the turbulent international car market occupies a place.

The end of the article through the comparative study of the method, but also taking into account the particularity of China's auto market, according to local conditions, put forward in line with our own market characteristics of the marketing strategy of policy recommendations.

Key Words:new energy vehicles; marketing strategy; electric vehicles

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1营销策略的概念 1

1.2 4p营销理论的内容与意义 1

1.3 营销策略的重要性 2

第2章 我国新能源汽车营销策略分析 4

2.1新能源汽车市场政策解读 4

2.1.1行业进入门槛变高 4

2.1.2市场销售推广要求也进一步提高 5

2.1.3电池行业竞争更为严酷 5

2.1.4以更开放的态度面对市场 6

2.2我国车企营销策略现状 6

2.2.2 比亚迪集团营销策略 6

2.2.2北汽集团营销策略 9

2.2.3其他企业 10

2.3市场销售现状 11

第3章 我国新能源汽车营销策略存在的主要问题 16

3.1产品同质化严重,缺乏新意 16

3.2购置价格高,维修成本大 17

3.3渠道单一,分销商数量少 17

3.4促销形式少效果一般,广告投入有待加强 17

第4章 发达国家新能源汽车营销策略分析 19

4.1美国特斯拉公司营销策略分析 19

4.4.1利用名人效应进行促销 19

4.1.2.饥饿营销 19

4.1.3病毒式营销 20

4.2日本丰田公司营销策略分析 20

4.2.1售价梯度明显,定位准确 20

4.2.2使用成本相对较低 21

4.3德国宝马公司营销策略分析 21

4.4.1产品线丰富 21

4.3.2积极开发新的产品 21

第5章 对策建议 22

5.1产品策略 22

5.1.1提升产业链整合能力 22

5.1.2加快产学研相结合 22

5.1.3差异化产品策略 22

5.2价格策略 23

5.2.1类比共享单车,降低价格对消费者的冲击 23

5.2.2二手零部件建立鉴定机制,降低使用成本 23

5.3渠道策略 23

5.4促销策略 24

5.4.1体验促销策略 24

5.4.2网络促销策略 24

5.4.3绿色促销策略 24

5.4.4口碑促销策略 25

结论 26

参考文献 27

致谢 28

第1章 绪论





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