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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 汽车服务工程 > 正文


 2021-03-15 21:01:57  

摘 要







In the 21st century, the high-tech industry has got a rapid development, the demand of the people in technology products also have improved, intelligent products have been developed by leaps and bounds, so the lifestyles of the people and the mode of travel in people have gotten the big changes. Meanwhile the intelligent transportation system has been proposed because of the development of the technology. And the intelligent vehicle as an important part of intelligent transportation system has been paid more and more attention from people. In the research of intelligent vehicle both at domestic and abroad, most of the research focuses on the field of intelligent transportation system and the key technology field. Up to now, there is still no effective research method for the specific architecture of intelligent vehicle which is fitted for the development of intelligent vehicle in the 21st century. Combined with Chinese current development strategy for the automotive industry and the basic structure of the vehicle frame, the construction of intelligent vehicle structure system and carried out in-depth research on the key technology will give some significance advice for the future development in intelligent vehicle.

This paper fully introduces the development level of intelligent transportation system at moment and elaborates the basic theory of intelligent transportation and intelligent vehicle, what’s more, it discusses the development status of intelligent vehicle both at domestic and abroad. Based on the basic structure and theory of the vehicle, the intelligent vehicle architecture hierarchy model is put forward, and the intelligent vehicle system is deeply researched and discussed. The intelligent vehicle structure which is suitable for the 21st century intelligent transportation system has been found, the key technology in the vehicle also has been analyzed. Finally, a series of rationalization suggestions have been put forward for the future development of intelligent vehicles in China.

The results of this research show that intelligent vehicle as a key factor in the new century intelligent transportation system has a revolutionary role in promoting for the automobile industry. The reasonable architecture of the intelligent vehicle and the key high-tech in the development of intelligent vehicles played a decisive role. Therefore, the development of intelligent vehicles in China must rely on the correct architecture, combine with their own advantages, and continuously enhance the ability of independent innovation, according on these, it can be occupied a place in the future field of intelligent vehicles

The characteristics of this paper are as follows: Based on the present situation of intelligent vehicle development and research results of intelligent vehicle, the intelligent vehicle architecture model and system composition have been put forward, meanwhile the key technologies used have been studied in detail in this paper. And this paper has given some suggestions on the Development of Intelligent Vehicles in China.

Key Words: intelligent vehicle;architecture;key technology

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 论文研究的背景 1

1.2 论文研究的意义 1

1.3 论文研究的主要内容 1

第2章 智能交通和智能车辆的基本理论 3

2.1 智能交通的基本理论 3

2.2 智能车辆的基本理论 4

第3章 国内外智能车辆的发展近况 6

3.1 国外智能车辆的发展现状 7

3.2 国内智能车辆的发展现状 7

第4章 智能车辆体系结构研究 9

4.1 构建智能车辆体系结构的必要性 9

4.2 智能车辆体系结构分析 9

4.2.1 信号输入层 11

4.2.2 控制协调层 11

4.2.3 执行操纵层 12

4.3 基于智能车辆体系结构的系统实现 12

4.3.1 道路信息采集系统 13

4.3.2 智能车辆控制系统 14

4.3.3 智能车辆人车交互系统 16

4.3.4 智能车辆通信系统 18

4.4 本章小结 19

第5章 智能车辆关键技术分析 21

5.1 车载传感技术 21

5.1.1 车载传感器的分类 21

5.1.2 车载传感器的特点 21

5.1.3 车载传感技术在我国的应用与发展 22

5.2 智能车辆策略控制技术 23

5.2.1 模糊控制技术 23

5.2.2 神经网络控制技术 24

5.2.3 我国智能车辆控制策略技术的近况 26

5.3 智能车辆现代化通信技术 26

5.3.1 车辆局域网络技术 27

5.3.2 车辆自组织网络技术 28

5.3.3 我国智能车辆现代化通信技术的发展近况 29

第6章 智能车辆发展中存在的问题和解决对策 31

6.1 智能车辆发展中存在的问题 31

6.2 解决对策 32

第7章 总结与展望 34

7.1 研究结论 34

7.2 研究展望 34

7.3 结束语 35

参考文献 36

致 谢 37

第1章 绪论

1.1 论文研究的背景


1.2 论文研究的意义

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