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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2022-07-14 22:58:50  


摘 要


G80型钢带式熔融造粒机的主要由以下几部分组成:(1)布料机;(2)钢带运输系统;(3)喷淋冷却系统;(4)操作控制系统(温度,速度控制)。其工作原理是:该造粒机是利用物料的低熔点特性,根据物料熔融态时的粘度范围,通过特殊的布料装置将熔融液均匀在其下方匀速移动的钢带上,在钢带下方设置的连续喷淋装置的冷却作用下,使物料在输送、移动过程中得到冷却、固化,从而达到造粒成型的目的。根据物性和工艺要求,可选择外旋式、内旋式、往复式和闸式等不同原理的造粒机布料器形式。依据物性和使用要求,可选择断续滴下、连续出条和全宽度溢流等布料形式,以分别生产半球状、条状和片状产品。应用范围: 本造粒机适用于熔点(软化点)在250℃以内需冷凝造粒的各类物料。典型应用物料有:硫磺、石蜡、树脂类、沥青、顺酐、偏酐、硬脂酸类产品、热溶胶、间苯二胺、尿素、橡胶和塑料助剂等。

关键词:造粒机 钢带 喷淋冷却


Granulation is the operation that makes Materials into useable Particulate matter or Subtle objects (Molding powder ) . Granulation is create all the characteristics of particulate matter as a production intermediate materials or finished products through all walks of life unique granulation.

G80 steel melting granulator granulator is made up of several following parts mainly(1)Distributing device;(2)Steel-Band transfer system;(3)Spray cooling system;(4)Operation control system (control temperature and transfer speed). The operating principle is: the granulator is using low melting properties of materials, according to the material melt viscosity range, by special distributing device let melt move in the strip below uniformly at a uniformspeed., cooling in continuous spraying device is arranged below the belt, and the material is cooled and solidified, in transportation, in the process of moving the curing, thereby to achieve the goal of forming granulation. According to the physical properties and process requirements, we can choose different principles granulator and distributor like external rotation, and internal rotation, reciprocating , gated and so on. Based on the properties and use,we can choose the intermittent drips, continuous strip and full width overflow cloth form, in the production of hemispherical, strip and sheet products respectively. Applications: The granulator is applicable to the melting point (softening) in all kinds of materials in 250 ℃ and required condensing granulation. Typical application materials: sulfur, paraffin, resins, bitumen, maleic anhydride, trimellitic anhydride, stearic acid products, hot sol, benzene two amine, urea, rubber and plastics additives etc..

Keyword: granulator steel-band Spray cooling system


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 概述 1

1.1概述 1

1.2钢带式熔融造粒机技术介绍 1

1.2.1工作原理 1

1.2.2设备的结构 2

1.2.3带式造粒机特点 3

1.3对造粒质量影响的几个主要因素 3

1.3.1温度对造粒的影响 3

1.3.2添加剂对造粒的影响 4

1.3.3设备对造粒的影响 5

1.3.4钢带跑偏对造粒的影响 5

1.4石蜡性能参数 6

1.4.1定义 6

1.4.2化学性质 6

1.4.3物理性质 6

1.4.4性能指标 6

1.4.5石蜡分类 7

1.4.6主要用途 7

第二章 钢带式熔融造粒机的计算 9

2.1物料泵的选取 9

2.2物料罐尺寸的选取 10

2.3保温材料的选择 10

2.4单位颗粒产品质量M 10

2.5颗粒冷却固化时间 10

2.5.1预冷时间θ1(s): 11

2.5.2凝固时间θ2(s): 11

2.5.3冷却时间θ3(s): 11

2.6钢带的设计 11

2.6.1冷却钢带有效宽度 11

2.6.2颗粒冷却固化时间t 11

2.6.3钢带冷却区长度L(m) 11

2.7滚筒轴的设计 13

2.7.1主动轮轴的设计 13

2.7.2从动轮轴的设计 16

2.8滚筒的传动装置 16

2.8.1电动机的选择 16

2.8.2减速器的选择 17

2.8.3带轮的选取 17

2.9冷却水量W(m3/h) 19

2.10给水泵的选取 20

2.11布料器的计算 20

2.11.1转鼓横截面积 20

2.11.2布料器的转速 21

2.11.3布料器的宽度 21

2.11.4布料器内的物料重 21

2.11.5布料器内的传动装置 21

2.12刮料装置 24

2.12.1刮刀装置 24

2.12.2刮刀设计 25

2.12.3 刮刀架、支承轴和压力调节器设计 25

2.13下料口的设计 26

结语 26

参考文献 28

致谢 29

第一章 概述





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