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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2022-07-14 22:58:41  


摘 要




:造粒机 钢带 喷淋冷却

Design of G120 Steel-Band type Melting Granulator


As is known, low-melting materials (usually themelting point among 40-300℃) show well liquidity under the molten state, whereas are solid state under the normal atmospheric temperature.Above the melting point, viscidity and surface tension of the materials vary with temperature. As the melting liquid drops to the flat platedisconnectedly, the drops because of the liquid surface tension are semicircular in shape on the board, and then get hemispherical solid particles after cooling. The book《Brief Guide of Granulate》namedthis process “ granular molding methodby falling naturally upon the board”. According to this principle, we design the technology and devices about the steel-band type melting granulator.

This granulator is made up of several following parts mainly:①Distributing device;②Steel-Band transfer system;③Spray cooling system;④Operationcontrol system (controltemperature andtransfer speed). The operating principle is: melting materialsare feed continuously into thedistributing device under thermostatic control , and are pressedand converted into liquid drops. Then the melting materials drop down to the steel-band which moves at uniform velocity.Spray cooling device are assembled under the steel-band to make the melting materials dropping upon the steel-band transfer heat and forced cool them during the process of moving and deliveringby the thin steel-band, then regular hemispherical particle products would be obtained. According to the requirements of shaping and physical appearance, we can choose various distributing devices such as drop discontinuously,continuouslyorfull duration overflowing form so that to prepare hemispherical, banding or irregular flaky products.

Keyword: granulator steel-band Spray cooling system



摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 概述 1

1.1 概述 1

1.2 钢带式熔融造粒技术介绍 2

1.2.1 工作原理 2

1.2.2 性能特点 4

1.2.3 工艺配置 5

1.2.4 与其它处理方式的比较 5

1.3影响造粒成型质量的几个主要因素 6

1.4硫磺造粒工艺及其应用 7

第二章 钢带式熔融造粒机的计算 8

2.1物料泵的选取 8

2.2物料罐尺寸的选取 9

2.3保温材料的选择 9

2.4单位颗粒产品质量M 9

2.5颗粒冷却固化时间 9

2.6钢带的设计 10

2.6.1冷却钢带有效宽度 10

2.6.2颗粒冷却固化时间t 10

2.6.3钢带冷却区长度L(m) 10

2.7滚筒轴的设计 11

2.7.1主动轮轴的设计 11

2.7.2从动轮轴的设计 14

2.8滚筒的传动装置 14

2.8.1电动机的选择 14

2.8.2减速器的选择 14

2.8.3带轮的选取 15

2.9冷却水量W(m3/h) 17

2.10给水泵的选取 18

2.11布料器的计算 19

2.11.1转鼓横截面积 19

2.11.2布料器的转速 19

2.11.3布料器的宽度 19

2.11.4布料器内的物料重 19

2.11.5布料器内的传动装置 20

2.12刮料装置 22

2.12.1刮刀装置 22

2.12.2 刮刀设计 23

2.12.3 刮刀架、支承轴和压力调节器设计 23

2.13下料口的设计 24

结 语 25

参考文献 26

致 谢 27


1.1 概述




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