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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械工程及自动化 > 正文


 2021-05-15 23:57:45  

摘 要





The modular fixture is a kind of fixture of the highest standardization ,serialization and universalization in the machine tools. It is special fixture composed by a set of pre fabricated standard components and assemblies,in which applications, shapes, dimensions of the components and parts are not the same, and it is widely used in machining work. For primary students and workers who study mechanical machining, it is important not only to grasp the structure of the modular fixture, but also the assembling sequence. However, in the actual production and living, only for mechanical engineering students, due to the limitations of the teaching resources, the teaching environment, the teacher resources and so on, it is unrealistic to complete assembly of the modular fixture for every student. But the students can not have thorough understanding about the modular fixture only through observing the overall structure of the modular fixture and the teaching demonstration by teachers. The students won’t have the direct concept of the internal structure of the modular fixture as well as the position and effect of each part.

The paper researches on the simulation of the modular fixture virtual assembly based on VR-Platform on the base of the analysis of virtual assembly generating background, overseas and domestic research status in view of the problems in the teaching process of the modular fixture. We build up a modular fixture virtual assembly demo system that can realize interaction between human and computer through some perfect softwares used for modeling, rendering, animation, building virtual environment. This system allows each user to observe the assembly process of the modular fixture more intuitively. And users can input something to find out corresponding part to make sure its position and effect. This system can not only save the teaching resources, but also ensure the students to have a thorough understanding of the modular fixture.

Key Words:The modular fixture; Virtual Assembly; Demo system

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 虚拟装配内涵及国内外研究现状 1

1.2 研究背景 2

1.3 研究目的 2

1.4 研究意义 3

1.5 研究方法 3

第2章 组合夹具结构设计分析 4

2.1 叉类零件钻铰同轴孔组合夹具 4

2.1.1 被加工工件分析 4

2.1.2 定位方案、夹紧方案确立 4

2.1.3 组合夹具整体结构分析 5

2.2 活塞钻同轴孔组合夹具 5

2.2.1 被加工工件分析 5

2.2.2 定位方案、夹紧方案确立 6

2.2.3 组合夹具整体结构分析 7

2.3 楔块钻斜孔组合夹具 8

2.3.1 被加工工件分析 8

2.3.2 定位方案、夹紧方案确立 9

2.3.3 组合夹具整体结构分析 9

第3章 演示系统设计整体分析 11

3.1 演示系统设计流程 11

3.2 演示系统开发软件 11

3.2.1 三维建模软件 12

3.2.2 3Ds max软件 12

3.2.3 虚拟现实软件 13

第4章 三维模型创建 14

4.1 组合夹具模型创建 14

4.2 三维模型格式导出 14

第5章 模型后期处理 17

5.1 三维模型导入 17

5.2 三维模型后期处理 18

5.2.1 拆卸动画制作 18

5.2.2 创建选择集 19

5.2.3 材质与贴图 20

5.2.4 添加灯光与相机 22

5.2.5 渲染到纹理 24

5.3 3ds max输出 25

第6章 虚拟系统搭建及发布 27

6.1 虚拟环境界面设计 27

6.2 界面控件布置及脚本编辑 28

6.2.1 动画播放控件及脚本设置 28

6.2.2 组成部分控件及脚本设置 30

6.2.3 按名称检索控件及脚本设置 33

6.2.4 各零件鼠标事件及脚本设置 34

6.2.5 初级界面脚本设置 35

6.3 虚拟拆装系统发布 36

第7章 总结与展望 38

7.1 论文总结 38

7.2 展望 38

参考文献 39

致谢 40

第1章 绪论

1.1 虚拟装配内涵及国内外研究现状

虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,简称VR)也称虚拟灵境或人工环境,是一种可以创建和体验虚拟世界的计算机系统。它是一种先进的数字化人机接口技术,利用计算机技术生成一个逼真的、具有视、听、触等多种感知的虚拟环境[13]。在虚拟现实技术当中,使用者可以通过相应的输入设备,达到与虚拟环境相互交互的功能,从而产生一种身临其境的现实与虚拟交流体验。



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