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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 机械设计制造及其自动化 > 正文

基于SLS技术的旋转型快速 3D打印系统的扫描路径及分层算法等成型工艺仿真与优化毕业论文

 2020-04-13 11:23:25  

摘 要







Rapid manufacturing (RP) technology is currently one of the most cutting-edge manufacturing technologies. Of the many RP methods, rapid sintering (SLS) technology is one of the most concerned. Layered slice software, as its soul, has become the processing interface from CAD to RP.

This paper mainly studies the STL (STereoLithography) format commonly used in SLS layered algorithms and designs a method for extracting model information from STL files. This method can identify whether a file is an STL file and what kind of STL file it is. Then the slicing algorithm based on the STL file is studied. The algorithm includes the contour generation, the division of the print area, the marking of the print area, and the path planning. Then the algorithm is implemented in Python language, which can realize the input of a STL file and output a series of images in the svg (bitmap) format representing the cross-sectional profile of each tangent plane.

Finally, the same model was sliced ​​using the open source slicing software slic3r. Compared with the results of the algorithm, it was found that the contours were basically consistent. Already have the basic function of the slice algorithm, lay the foundation for the subsequent development of a more complete slice algorithm.

The algorithm of this paper has two innovations when it is written: The first is the use of the most popular python language. The language is concise, easy to understand, easy to read and easy to maintain, but it is less used in the preparation of slicing software. Python implementation of this algorithm is an attempt; the second is to take a new approach when line segment reorganization, many documents in the line segment reorganization need to mark the beginning and end of the line segment in advance, that is, the line segment has directionality, this paper proposes a recombination algorithm that does not need to determine the direction of the line segmentand improves the efficiency.

Key Words:Selective laser sintering; 3D slicing algorithm; 3D printing; SLS


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

  1. 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2SLS技术研究现状 2

1.2.1 SLS技术原理 2

1.2.2 SLS技术研究现状 3

1.2.3 SLS技术应用前景 3

1.3切片技术研究现状 4

1.3.1RP技术的数据接口 4

1.3.2 数据处理过程 5

1.3.3 切片软件研究现状 5

1.4论文的组织结构 6

第2章STL文件介绍及ST文件中模型信息提取 7

2.1STL文件格式介绍 7

2.1.1ASCII文件格式 9

2.1.2BINARY(二进制)文件格式 9

2.2STL文件的读入与分析 10

第3章 几种基于STL模型的分层算法研究 13

3.1轮廓生成 14

3.1.1交点情况分析 14

3.1.2交点计算 16

3.1.3线段组合 16

3.1.4线段冗余处理 17

3.2 划分打印区域 18

3.3 标记填充区域 20

3.3.1打印区域的逻辑运算 20

3.3.2激光光斑的半径补偿 21

3.4 路径规划 21

3.5 生成G代码 23

第4章 简单分层算法的python实现 24

4.1 文件的结构 24

4.2 类介绍 24

4.2.1Vector3类 25

4.2.2Normal类 25

4.2.3Edge类 26

4.2.4Triangle类 26

4.2.5Model3D类 27

4.2.6STLModel类 28

4.3 主函数介绍 28

第5章 分层算法测试 30

5.1 自制算法试验结果 30

5.2 开源分层软件slic3r试验结果 31

5.3 分析结论 32

第6章经济性分析和总结展望 33

6.1 经济性分析 33

6.2 总结和展望 33

6.2.1 总结 33

6.2.2 展望 33

参考文献 35

致谢 36

第1章 绪论



RP技术首先出现于1980年代。这门集合了激光加工技术、计算机辅助设计技术、材料科学技术以及数控技术的新型技术与传统制造业的工艺不同,后者主要工艺是去除材料和材料变形,但RP技术不需要模具、夹具便可以迅速制造出符合人们需要的实体零件,从而使产品的开发时间得到降低。因此,RP 技术的竞争力与日俱增并有希望成为未来的主要制造技术。具体制造方法如下图。

图 1.1RP技术原理

目前RP技术有十多种类型,主要有:立体光固化SLA;叠层制造 LOM;选择性激光烧结 SLS;三维印刷 3D - P;熔融沉积造型 FDM等。不同的RP方法具有不同的特点,在这些方法中,选择性激光烧结(SLS)发展速度最快且最受关注。该技术不但能够制造出用于铸造的原型,还可以制造出强度很高的金属件,这些零件甚至可以直接用作功能件。有着许多优点的SLS技术在先进制造业中起着越来越重要的作用。[1]







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