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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 焊接技术与工程 > 正文


 2022-04-22 22:34:26  


摘 要


  1. Q370R球罐的自动化MAG焊接优化工艺为:试样坡口为X坡口,焊层为12层;保护气为4:1的Ar和CO2混合气体,流量25L/min;热处理温度575-605℃;预热温度大约是100-150℃;后热温度200-250℃;焊接电压的选择20-22V;电流的选择130-140A,直流反接;焊接速度4-7.5cm/min。
  2. 经过对焊接接头的力学性能试验,接头的抗拉强度在590-630MPa,断裂在焊缝上;经过180º弯曲试验,试样弯曲内外表面发现无明显缺陷;试样在-20℃时的平均冲击值都在100J以上。
  3. 经过焊接接头的金相组织分析,焊接热影响区的珠光体组织还有带状痕迹,组织为晶粒细小的铁素体和珠光体;熔合区组织上局部处于半熔化,靠近母材侧晶粒宽松,靠近焊缝侧晶粒紧密;焊缝有先共析铁素体沿柱状晶析出,晶内有细针状铁素体和粒状贝氏体。

关键词:Q370R 焊丝 MAG焊接 焊接参数 热处理

Study on automatic vertical welding process of Q370R sphere with powder cored wire


In recent years, the pressure vessel industry at home and abroad began to use Q370R steel extensively to make spherical tank. This material is developed on the basis of 16MnR by adding a small amount of alloy elements, and the yield strength and bend properties were improved. In order to improve the level of spherical tank automatic welding, we use 1.2mm diameter E55C-Ni1 metal powder cored wire to study vertical welding process of Q370R test plate with a thickness of 48mm and test the mechanical properties of the welded joint. The main contents and conclusions are as follows:

(1) The optimized automatic MAG welding process of Q370R spherical tank is as follows: sample groove for X groove, 12 welding layers; Ar and CO2 mixture protective gas(a ratio of 4:1)at 25L/min; heat treatment temperature 575-605 ℃; preheating temperature is about 100 to 150 ℃; heat temperature 200-250/℃; welding voltage selection 20-22V; current 130-140A and DCRP, welding speed 4-7.5cm/min.

(2) After the welded joint mechanical properties test, the tensile strength of the joints is 590-630MPa and the fracture happens in the weld. After a 180-degree bend test, no obvious defects were found on inside and outside surface of a bent specimen. The average impact value at -20 ℃ is more than 100J.

(3) After the welding joint microstructure analysis, the pearlite of welding heat affected zone remains ribbon trail, metallographic structure is fine grain size of ferrite and pearlite. Parts of fusion zone is semi melting. Grain is loose near the base metal side, and is compact by the weld grain side. There is firstly proeutectoid ferrite recipitated along the columnar crystal on the seam, and fine acicular ferrite and granular bainite are in grains.

Key word: Q370R; Wire; MAG welding; Welding parameter; Heat treatment

目 录

摘 要 1


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 课题的研究意义及背景 1

1.2 Q370R钢板正火控制工艺 2

1.2.1 不同工艺参数Q370R力学性能的影响 2

1.2.2 不同工艺状态的Q370R的金相组织 2

1.3 Q370R球罐使用粉芯焊丝自动立焊存在的问题 3

1.4 课题研究内容及技术路线 4

第二章 Q370R的焊接性分析及热输入影响 5

2.1冷裂纹及影响 5

2.2热裂纹及影响 6

2.3焊接电压、电流和极性等工艺参数对焊接质量的影响研究 8

2.3.1焊接电压的影响 8

2.3.2焊接电流数值的影响 8

2.3.3直流交流对焊接质量的影响 9

2.3.4喷嘴直径的影响 9

2.3.5焊接速度的影响 9

2.3.6氩气流量分析 10

2.3.7钨极的形状大小的影响 10

2.4 焊前准备 11

2.5焊接工艺参数的的确定 11

2.6 实施焊接 12

第三章 焊接接头分析 14

3.1 焊接接头金相分析 14

3.1.1试验步骤 14

4.1.2焊接接头金相分析 15

3.2 Q370R试样的力学性能 17

3.2.1拉伸试验 17

3.2.2 弯曲试验 18

3.2.3冲击试验 18

第四章 结 论 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 22

第一章 绪 论

1.1 课题的研究意义及背景




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