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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 焊接技术与工程 > 正文


 2022-04-22 22:30:54  


摘 要



  1. 沿路径I,最大Mises应力可达427MPa, 焊缝中心处应力约为140MPa,远离焊缝处应力逐渐减少,最小Mises应力约为105MPa。X方向应力最大约为112MPa,焊缝中心处应力为拉应力,约为190MPa。远离焊缝,应力缓慢降低并为转换为压应力-100 MPa。焊缝中心处Y方向应力为压应力,约为-275MPa。远离焊缝,应力逐渐增加到40MPa,然后减少到-180 MPa。
  2. 沿路径Ⅱ,Mises应力先逐渐增加,然后缓慢下降,焊缝处的最大Mises应力可达450MPa,最小Mises应力仅为90MPa。X方向应力最大约为89MPa,最小值约为-91MPa。焊缝处Y方向应力最大约为469MPa。最小应力值约为-335MPa。由d、e、f三个时间相关性图发现,都是从70s左右趋于平缓。

关键词:06Ni9钢 焊接 ANSYS软件 数值模拟

Study on Numerical Simulation of 06Ni9 Cryogenic Tube Welding


06Ni9 Steel has higher toughness at low temperature and has been widely applied in the cryogenic vessel equipment. In this paper, the finite element model of 06Ni9 cryogenic steel pipe manual arc welding welding was established using ANSYS software. Based on nonlinear materials and structure nonlinear, the temperature field and stress field of 06Ni9 cryogenic steel pipe were calculated. The main conclusions are as follows:

(1) Temperature field simulation results can be obtained, the isotherms on the periphery of pool is oval, with moving the heat source, isotherm distribution becomes more and more concentration and gradient is larger. With moving heat source, isotherm will become sparse distribution. The highest temperature welding joints can be 2224 ℃ at 10s. Welding is basically completed at 70 second, the heat source ceases. the weld center region is about 304 ℃ at 200s, . From the temperature field, it can be seen that the heat source temperature field is uniform, and the temperature distribution is more reasonable.

(2) Along path I, maximum Mises stress is 427MPa, the stress is about 140MPa on the center of the weld. Far from the weld, the stress gradually decreases, the minimum Mises stress is about 105 MPa. The maximum stress is about 112 MPa in X the direction, the tensile stress is about 190 MPa at the center of the weld. Far way from the weld, the stress slowly reduces and converts to the compact stress of -100 MPa. At the center of the weld, Y direction stress is compressive stress of about -275 MPa. Far from the weld, the stress gradually increases to 40MPa, and then reduced to -180 MPa.

(3) Along path II, Mises stress first increases and then decreases slowly. The maximum Mises stress is 450MPa. The minimum stress is only 90 MPa. It is about 89MPa in X direction. However, the minimum value is about -91 MPa in Y direction, and the maximum stress is about 469 MPa. The value of the minimum stress is about -335MPa according to D, E, F three time correlation figures, and it becomes smooth after 70s .

Keywords: 06Ni9 steel; Welding; ANSYS software; Numerical simulation

目 录

摘要 1


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 课题的研究背景及意义 1

1.2 06Ni9钢的性质 1

1.3 06Ni9钢的应用 2

1.4 06Ni9钢的焊接性分析 3

1.5 06Ni9钢的焊接工艺 3

1.5.1焊接方法及焊接电源的选择 4

1.5.2焊接材料 4

1.5.3坡口形式的选择 5

1.5.4焊接预热和层间温度 5

1.5.5焊接工艺规程与评定 5

1.6 本课题的研究内容与方法 5

第二章 焊接基础与有限元模型建立 7

2.1有限元分析的理论基础 7

2.1.1焊接过程数值模拟研究 7

2.1.2焊接温度场数值模拟研究 7

2.2焊接温度场理论 7

2.3焊接热源模型 8

2.4 06Ni9钢的属性 9

2.5牛顿—拉普森(Newton-Raphson)平衡迭代 9

2.6子步数与时间步长 10

2.7耦合场计算 11

2.8有限元分析模型的建立及网格划分 13

2.8.1模型建立 13

2.8.2网格划分 14

2.8.3杀死焊缝单元 14

2.9边界条件处理 16

2.9.1位移边界条件 16

2.9.2热边界条件 16

第三章 焊接数值模拟结果分析 16

3.1焊接温度场的计算结果 17

3.1.1不同时刻温度场云图 17

3.1.2焊接温度的热循环 18

3.2焊接接头应力场计算分析 20

3.2.1 Mises的应力云图 20

3.2.2应力分布曲线 21

3.2.3 路径I的分析比较 21

3.2.4 路径II的分析比较 23

第四章 结论 27

参考文献 28

致 谢 30

第一章 绪 论

1.1 课题的研究背景及意义

当今世界的能源分布较紧张且不均匀,这就形成了能源危机,而在这些结构中,天然气占据很大的分量。06Ni9钢却有着较好的韧性,且可在低温状态下,抗开裂和止裂性能都较不错,因此LNG(liquid natural gas)储罐罐体选用这样性能好的材料,尤为关键。[1-2]。06Ni9钢材在技术方面已经被攻破,国内已经能够研究及大量的生产,对于天然气液化的储存已经可以满足其要求[3-4],包括了设计成分,表面防护,韧性的提高以及相关的热处理都有着很好的研究[5-7]。低温钢管首先最重要的还是安全性,而且低镍性能也要得到关注,才能延长它的寿命[8]。06Ni9钢的含碳量很低,为了不产生应变,需要接受一定的塑性变形,这就需要在罐体中进行[9],降低塑性与韧性,塑性与强度相关,韧性则与硬度相关,所以要使这两个下降,这项技术还没有突破,十分需要攻克。这项技术十分具有意义,服役与安全尤为重要。

06Ni9钢可以在液氮下使用,有着较高韧性,被称作铁素体组织钢,优越性很独特。奥氏体有着较好的低温韧性,06Ni9钢与奥氏体差不多,可是其却有着奥氏体不具备的性能,所以运用比较广泛。06Ni9钢在开发与攻克方面难度非常大,不仅生产比较困难,而且技术方面也能难突破,杂质较多,所以韧性比较难满足。如:P、S、O、C、N 等控制要求非常低;热加工和热处理等工艺区间较窄等 [10]

1.2 06Ni9钢的性质



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