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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 焊接技术与工程 > 正文


 2022-02-10 20:27:22  


摘 要




(1)在离焦量为 6,功率为5kW,速度为2m/min的工艺参数下成型的焊缝最为良好,在拉伸试验当中得到拉伸极限载荷也最大,可以作为优选的点阵夹层结构焊接工艺参数。





Compared with the traditional solid structure, lattice sandwich structure has excellent special strength and stiffness besides the characteristics of light, which makes it has a wide range of application prospects in the field of lightweight load bearing structures. At the same time, due to the bending deformation of the panel and the core bar under external loads, the lattice sandwich structure also has good cushioning and energy absorbing properties. Studies on metal foam materials have shown that many of the mechanical properties of a gradient structure are superior to non-gradient structures. In this paper, the pyramid lattice sandwich structure is taken as subject of the research. In order to further improve its mechanical properties, the concept of gradient is introduced into the design of the core of the lattice sandwich structure.

Firstly, through the tensile and metallographic experiments of T-joints prepared with different process parameters, the effects of different welding process parameters on the forming and tensile properties of T-joints were explored, providing optimum welding process parameters for the preparation of a reinforced pyramid lattice sandwich structure.Secondly,a non-graded pyramid lattice sandwich structure and three out-of-plane graded(=0.0167、=0.05、=0.083)pyramid lattice sandwich structures with the same relative density are designed and prepare the non-graded structure based interlocking assembly technology and a laser welding technique. Finally, based on the experimental and finite element methods, the mechanical behavior and failure modes of the graded lattice sandwich structure under out-of-plane compression were discussed, and the effects of the gradient coefficients on the out-of-plane compressive mechanical properties of the structure were analyzed.

The conclusions are as follows:

(1) Welds formed under laser welding parameters with defocusing distance of 6, power of 5 kW, and speed of 2 m/min are the best, and their tensile strength are also the best in the tensile test . The laser welding parameters can be used as preferred laser welding parameters for preparing lattice sandwich structures.

(2) In the experiment and FEM simulation, the deformation characteristics of core rod are similar, the obtained out-of-plane equivalent compressive modulus error is 1.5%, so the experiment is in accordance with simulation,verifying the correctness and credibility of the finite element model;

(3) Graded structure, although the load-bearing capacity is less than the non-graded structure, but the average of its plastic platform is higher, the trend is more stable, the absorption stability is better. Among the three kinds of gradient structures, the average of the plastic platform generated by the gradient structure with gradient factor of 0.0167 showed a stable trend, the average of its plastic platform is also the highest, and the energy absorption characteristics were the most prominent.

Keywords: out-of-plane graded sandwich structure lattice; laser welding process; energy absorbing characteristics;


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究综述 2

1.2.1 点阵夹层结构的制备工艺 2

1.2.2点阵夹层结构的性能分析 3

1.3 功能梯度结构的力学性能优势 4

1.4 课题研究的主要内容 5

第二章 激光焊接工艺对T型接头焊缝成型和力学性能影响的研究 6

2.1 激光焊接实验及T型接头制备 6

2.2焊接工艺参数对T型接头拉伸性能的影响 7

2.3焊接工艺参数对T型接头焊缝成型的影响 9

2.4 本章小结 13

第三章 面外梯度金字塔点阵夹层结构制备 14

3.1 单胞结构的几何尺寸及相对密度 14

3.2 面外梯度金字塔点阵夹层结构的制备工艺 15

3.2.1 制备流程 15

3.2.2 制备工艺的优缺点 18

3.3 本章小结 19

第四章 面外梯度金字塔点阵夹层结构的吸能特性 20

4.1 Q345低合金钢材性实验 20

4.2 面外梯度金字塔点阵夹层结构的平压性能测试 21

4.2.1 实验方法 21

4.2.2 实验结果分析 22

4.3 平压有限元仿真与分析 24

4.3.1 几何参数和有限元模型描述 24

4.3.2梯度结构与非梯度结构有限元模拟结果对比 25

4.4梯度对点阵夹层结构面外力学性能的影响 29

4.5经济性分析 30

4.5.1制造经济性 31

4.5.2有限元仿真对经济性的影响 31

4.6 本章小结 31

第五章 结论 33

参考文献 34

致 谢 38

第一章 绪论

1.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义

随着现代工业的发展,对于结构的重量和功能提出更高的要求。点阵夹层结构正是在这样的背景下应运而生。2000年左右,以Ashby, Gibson, Evans[1] 为首提出三维点阵夹层结构,由面板和芯体单元组成。研究表明,该结构的等效强度和刚度zhe材料的等效密度近似成线性关系,具有优良的比强度和比刚度,在航空、航天、汽车和船舶等领域运用广泛。




1.2 国内外研究综述

1.2.1 点阵夹层结构的制备工艺

点阵夹层结构的面芯界面结合强度是评价制备工艺的主要指标,它决定了夹层结构中面板能够传递给芯体的最大剪切载荷,研究者们对面板与芯子的界面强度进行了许多研究工作。李明等[2]通过实验和模拟发现压缩作用下,最后的失效载荷与面板和桁架芯子粘接节点的强度有关。面芯之间的连接设计的重要性不言而喻,齐学飞[3]改进浸料二次成型工艺,把面芯接触由点接触变为线接触,提高面芯结合能力,从而提高了整体力学性能。王明亮[4] 采用RTM工艺制备金字塔点阵夹层结构,基于理论计算和试验方法研究其力学性能,并对制备方法进行了探索。清华大学范华林、方岱宁[5] 等人提出了一种基于穿插编织方法的制备工艺,并将依据此工艺制备的点阵结构与金字塔型点阵结构进行了比较,认为其力学性能会在加压时下降。吴倩倩[5] 给出了一种新型的复合材料金字塔点阵结构制备工艺,这种方法使用单向纤维增强材料,其纤维方向沿杆件轴向布置,因而具有良好的面外承载能力。冯丽佳[7] 制备了一种6061铝合金金字塔点阵夹层结构,采用了线切割技术进行芯子嵌片的加工,采用胶粘固化技术进行面板与芯子的组装,并研究了这种结构的静力学性能和抗低速冲击性能。广东工业大学文义平[8]针对胶接拉伸法制备的蜂窝芯耐腐蚀、耐高低温性能差、箔片形状误差大、平整性差等问题,提出使用滚压成型工艺制备半格蜂窝箔片和自动化超声波焊接工艺完成芯子焊接。N. G. Wadley[8]提出将金属管材拼装成金字塔结构的方法,然后将搭接点与面板通过钎焊或电阻焊等焊接技术焊接在一起。JWPE Christopher等[10]通过点焊的方法将面板与芯子连接在一起,并对其在爆炸载荷下力学行为进行研究。Vincenzo Crupi[11]等人首先采用了3D打印技术制备点阵结构,并探究了胞元尺寸和支柱直径对轴向静态压缩载荷下力学行为的影响,得出支柱直径增大,相对密度增加,力学性能增强,而胞元尺寸增加,力学性能下降。


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