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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 焊接技术与工程 > 正文


 2022-02-10 20:26:14  


摘 要



关键词:上弦杆 下弦杆 臂架 拉杆 斜腹

Design of crane boom for tower crane


In the 21st century, tower cranes have become one of the indispensable common machines in the large-scale construction of the country. this type of hoisting machinery has occupied a place in the construction of houses by virtue of its advantages of high-amplitude transportation. The height and amplitude of the tower crane determine that it must have a large metal structure. the main components of its metal structure are: underframe, bearing seat, turntable, lifting arm, balance arm, and tower top. therefore, the modular structure leads to its convenient installation and disassembly. Combined with its large radius of gyration, wide range of application, simple operation, high working efficiency and other characteristics, tower crane has become an important machine commonly used in modern high-rise building industry.
The design of the tower crane boom focuses on the design of the boom, that is, the design of the metal structure. The important components of the arm support are: tie rod, web rod, upper chord rod and lower chord rod. The factors that need to be considered in the design are the materials and specific dimensions of the above metal structures and their components. The calculation of mechanical formula is used to ensure normal work. materials are selected to meet the requirements and economical metals to reduce costs. the structural composition can be reused, which is the theme of this design.
Key words: upper chord, lower chord, boom, tie rod, diagonal we

目 录

摘要 I

Design of crane boom for tower crane II

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 课题的来源,发展现状及趋势 1

1.2 塔机的组成 3

1.2.1塔机的型号 3

1.2.2塔式起重机起重臂的主要材料及各零部件的用途和形状 3

第二章 起重臂整体方案的确定 5

2.1起重臂方案的确定 5

2.1.1臂架整体构思 5

2.1.2分节问题 5

2.1.3截面型式 6

2.1.4腹杆布置 6

2.1.5杆件选材及结构 7

2.1.6减轻自重的途径 7

2.1.7最终方案 7

2.2塔式起重机整体机构方案的确定 7

2.2.1塔机整体示意图 7

2.2.2塔式起重机各机构选型、 9

2.2.3钢丝绳选择 10

第三章 起重臂及其相关零部件的工艺性计算 11

3.1上部载荷状态计算 11

3.1.1平衡重计算 11

3.1.2上部固定载荷的总值 11

3.1.3后拉杆计算 12

3.2平衡臂工艺计算 14

3.2.1危险截面受力计算 14

3.2.2平衡臂的主肢的强度校核 15

3.3前拉杆及其零部件工艺计算 17

3.3.1基本参数 17

3.3.2拉杆中的销轴、圆钢和耳板强度校核 19

3.4起重臂危险截面应力计算 20

3.4.1起重平面受力分析 21

3.4.2回转平面受力分析 21

3.4.3起重臂应力校核 22

3.4.4起重臂销轴设计 32

第四章 经济性分析 34

第五章 结论 35

参考文献 36

致谢 38

第一章 绪论





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