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650Th 循环流化床锅炉热管空气预热器的设计毕业论文

 2022-07-10 19:42:49  


摘 要


众所周知,根据锅炉热效率的反平衡法,热效率η=100%-(q2 q3 q4 q5 q6)%式中q2是排烟热损失。这是锅炉的一项主要热损失(占到总损失的90%以上)。排烟温度越高,排烟热损失就越大,所以通过对工业锅炉的排烟余热的回收是锅炉提高热效率,节约能源的最有效途径。但如果通过增加锅炉受热面过多降低排烟温度,一方面使锅炉制造金属消耗和投资增加;另一方面会引起烟气结露,引起温受热面低温腐蚀和积灰。为避免这些不利因素,可以采用热管式空气预热器。


关键词:热管技术 循环流化床锅炉 露点温度 热管式空气预热器


Circulating fluidized bed boiler technology is an efficient and low-pollution clean-burning sticks, which is rapidly developing in the last decade. The next few years will be an important period of rapid development of a circulating fluidized bed.

As we all know, according to the boiler thermal efficiency of the anti-balance method, the thermal efficiency η=100%-(q2 q3 q4 q5 q6)%, and q2 is the heat losses. Since the exhaust gas temperature is higher, the greater the heat loss is. So by the recovery of exhaust heat recovery boiler industrial boiler is the most effective way to improve the thermal efficiency and conserve energy. However if reducing the exhaust Temperature too much by increasing the boiler heating surface, it may cause the consumption of boiler manufacture of metal and the investment increasing; On the other hand it also cause the smoke condensation, which will result in low temperature heating surface corrosion and fouling. To avoid these negative factors, the heat pipe air preheater is needed.

The advantages of heat pipe air preheater is compact (Volume is smaller than tubular air preheater 3 to 4 times and the weight of 2 to 3 times lighter) and small flow resistance (Gas, air side pressure drop of less than 100 ~ 200Pa, tubular gas side is usually more than 300Pa). In addition, the heat pipe air preheater has good corrosion resistance, it has the higher wall temperature than the tube air preheater at the same flue gas temperature. Thus the use of heat pipe technology in the circulating fluidized bed boiler is very favorable.

Keywords: Heat pipe technology; Circulating fluidized bed boiler; Dew point temperature; Heat pipe air preheater




第一章 热管工作原理及应用 1

1.1 热管的发展及现状 1

1.2 热管的工作原理 1

1.3 热管的基本特征 2

1.4 热管的分类 3

1.5 热管的相容性及寿命 4

第二章 热管式空气预热器 5

2.1 热管式空气预热器的工作原理 5

2.2 热管式空气预热器的基本结构 5

2.3 热管式空气预热器的传热特点 5

第三章 循环流化床锅炉的工艺流程 7

第四章 热管空气预热器在循环流化床锅炉中的设计问题 11

4.1 简介 11

4.2 设计中需要注意的问题 11

第五章 空气预热器的设计计算 13

5.1 原始数据 13

5.2 设计计算 13

5.2.1 设计传热量 13

5.2.2 空气出口温度及对数平均温差 13

5.2.3 迎风面积及迎风面管排数B 14

5.2.4 求总传热系数 15

5.2.5 求加热侧总传热面积 17

5.2.6 所需加热管根数n 17

5.2.7 换热器纵深排数 17

5.2.8 求压力降 18

5.2.9 修正数据 19

5.2.10 求通过换热器的压降 20

5.2.11 强度校核 20

第六章 结语 22

参考文献 23

致谢 25

第一章 热管工作原理及应用

    1. 热管的发展及现状



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