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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 过程装备与控制工程 > 正文


 2022-07-10 19:43:02  


摘 要


本文设计的热管空气预热器利用锅炉尾气的余热回收,提高锅炉的热效率有明显效果。实际运行中,锅炉的热效率往往比设计效率低8 %~10 %。针对这个问题,在锅炉安装热管空气预热器,用以回收烟气余热,降低排烟温度、提高燃烧效率、降低灰渣含碳量,提高锅炉效率,降低CO2 排量,达到了良好的节能效果。

与常规的管式空气预热器相比, 热管式空气预热器具有相对较高的传热系数, 另外热管式空气预热器具有一定的抗低温腐蚀性能。常规的管式空气预热器, 需要提高入口风温来避开严重腐蚀区, 这样提高了排烟温度, 增大了损失; 而热管式空气预热器的管壁温度可以通过调节冷热两侧的热阻比来调节, 使其管壁温度避开严重腐蚀区。





Heat pipe is a highly efficient heat transfer component, it is a fast heat to spread from one point to another point of the device, consisting of the heat pipe components, the use of the principle of heat pipe heat exchanger for thermal exchange called the heat pipe heat exchanger. Because of its simple structure, strong control, heat exchanger, high efficiency, power consumption, etc, heat pipe heat exchanger more and more attention, is a very good prospect heat transfer equipment. At present, it is widely used in power, chemical, metallurgy, electric power, computers and other fields.

This design utilizes heat pipe air preheater exhaust heat recovery boiler to improve the thermal efficiency of the boiler had a marked effect . Actual operation, the thermal efficiency of the boiler is8% to 10% often lower than the design efficiency. For this problem, install the boiler heat pipe air preheater for recycling waste heat , reducing exhaust gas temperature , improving combustion efficiency and reducing the carbon content of ash , improving boiler efficiency and reducing CO2 emissions , to achieve a good energy effect.

Compared with conventional tubular air preheater, heat pipe air preheater has relatively high heat transfer coefficient , another heat pipe air preheater with a certain resistance to low temperature corrosion. Conventional tubular air preheater, the need to improve the inlet air temperature to avoid severe corrosion areas, thereby improving the exhaust gas temperature , increasing the loss ; while heat pipe air preheater cold wall temperature can be adjusted by two to adjust the ratio of the thermal resistance of the side , the wall temperature to avoid serious corrosion area.

 Heat pipe air preheater tubes in the design of multi-use box-type structure, evaporator and condenser section separated by an intermediate tube plate set , intermediate tube plate serves to prevent mixing of two gases , but also play the role of supporting and fixing the heat pipe. Each of the heat pipe body with external fins , the purpose is to increase the heat transfer area , reduce the volume of the preheater .

Preheater tubes at both ends with the end plates with tube box , ready to open the

door pipe replacement single heat pipe .

In this paper, the development of heat pipe heat exchanger status, trends, applications and design had a brief discussion, focused on the design of heat pipe heat exchanger. Heat pipe heat exchanger in the discussion of the design process, mainly for the thermal calculation, equipment, structural calculations, component selection of parameters made a reasonable construction and design combined with the actual situation of the air heat pipe heat exchanger preheating the basic model.

Key words: Heat pipe; Heat pipe heat exchanger; High-pressure hydrogenation;Dew point corrosion

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 高压加氢工艺 1

1.1加氢裂化装置 2

1.2加氢裂化工艺流程 2

1.3重点部位 2

1.3.1 加热炉及反应器区 2

1.3.2 高压分离器及高压空冷区 3

1.3.3 加氢压缩机厂房 3

1.3.4 分馏塔区 3

1.4主要设备 3

1.4.1 加氢反应器 3

1.4.2 高压换热器 3

1.4.3 高压空冷 4

1.4.4 高压分离器 4

1.4.5 反应加热炉 4

1.4.6 新氢压缩机 4

1.4.7 循环氢压缩机 5

1.4.8 自动反冲洗过滤器 5

1.5高压加氢装置加热炉余热回收 5

第二章 热管及热管换热器 6

2.1热管及其工作原理 6

2.1.1 热管简介 6

2.1.3 热管的工作原理 9

2.2热管换热器及其性能特点 11

2.2.1 热管换热器的性能特点及技术优势 12

2.2.2 热管气-气换热器设计中应注意的问题 14

第三章 热管空气预热器的设计计算 16

3.1设计参数 16

3.2热平衡计算 16

3.2.1 物性数据 16

3.2.2 热量计算 16

3.2.3 求冷空气出口温度及对数平均温差 17

3.3热力结构计算 17

3.3.1 热管基本尺寸参数 17

3.3.2 传热系数的计算 18

3.3.3结构计算 22

3.4压力降计算 26

3.5 热管的强度校核 27

3.5.1 热管的管壳强度校核 27

3.5.2热管的上下封头强度校核 28

第四章 结语 30

参考文献 31

致 谢 33

  1. 高压加氢工艺




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