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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 工业工程 > 正文


 2022-05-11 21:04:49  


摘 要




关键字:工业工程理论 装配线平衡 精益生产 生产优化

W production line optimization based on linear equilibrium


Theory summary based on communication products as well as manufacturing of electronic products in China the current situation analysis faintness or lean production to the current importance of enterprises ' market competitiveness, and thus reflect the production assembly line balancing for the achievement of significant and necessary of lean production. For businesses, line balance in which enterprises, machine, materials, method, arrangement and application of the ring, which will have an impact on the productivity of enterprises. Based on mobile phone and unbalance rate of assembly line balancing rate calculation is based on analysis of field balancing issues, and Enterprise realities through IE techniques to optimize the existing phone line, making the Assembly line balancing rate increase, and on this basis are discussed in line balancing problem, IE the importance of play. In this article uses the related theoretical knowledge of industrial engineering as well as line balancing theory to explain balance of production factors and the methods of evaluation. In this article for the actual situation on the current line balancing problem analysis and the factors influencing its equilibrium rate classification, machine factors, environmental factors and management factors, these four factors include many types of subdivision. Which roughly translated as follows: process design issues; facility layout problems; operator action standard of human distribution problem. This paper combines the 2014 w mobile phone assembly line production data as well as live, through in-depth analysis, as well as the line balancing problem w based IE applications of the theory of the company in the areas of lean manufacturing and assembly line balancing optimization, enterprise productivity and competitiveness improved.

Key Words: Human Factors; Accident Causation Analysis; Safety Evaluation; Grey System Theory


摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1线平衡在国内外研究综述 1

1.2线平衡的评价方法和计算公式 2

1.3课题研究的目的和意义 3

1.4本章小结 4

第二章 理论综述 5

2.1线平衡理论综述 5

2.1.1线平衡的概念 5

2.1.2线平衡的作用 6

经过均衡生产线能够达到以下几个目标: 6

2.1.3线平衡的改善方法介绍 6

2.2基础IE理论 6

2.2.1基础IE的概念 7

2.2.2IE手法-方法研究 7

2.2.3IE手法-作业测定 8

2.3精益生产理论 9

2.3.1精益生产概念 9

2.3.2生产线平衡对于精益生产的作用 9

2.4 5S管理 10

2.4.1 5s的概念 10

2.4.2 5S的作用 10

第三章 W公司3厂装配线现状分析 12

3.1企业现状分析 12

3.1.1目前生产产品介绍 12

3.1.2产线的工艺流程解析 13

3.2现有产线平衡状况分析 14

3.2.1生产线工时测定 14

3.2.2现行产线每小时产能测定 17

3.2.3现行产线平衡率amp;不平衡率 17

3.2.4现行产线平衡状况分析图 20

3.3生产线不平衡原因分析 24

3.3.1寻找改善目标要因分析 24

3.3.2人的影响要因 24

3.3.3机的影响要因 24

3.3.4料的影响要因 25

3.3.5法的影响要因 25

第四章 生产线平衡改善方案 26

4.1整体改善方案 26

4.1.1改善方向和思路 29

4.2 具体改善内容 29

4.2.1 SH17站实现一人双机操作 29

4.2.2 H24amp;H26站改善-ECRS手法 30

4.2.3 M33amp;M34改善-ECRS手法 30

4.2.4 T10-T12的改善 32

4.2.5 T14/15的改善 33

4.2.6 5S管理改善-螺丝盘改善 33

第五章 生产线平衡实际改善结果评价 34

5.1生产线改善前后整体评价 34

5.1.2生产线改善前后每小时人均产能amp;人力需求对比 35

5.2整体优化结果评价 36

第六章 结论与展望 37

6.1本文的主要工作 37

6.2本文的主要结论 37

6.3存在的问题及后续工作 38

参考文献 39

致谢 41

第一章 绪论



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