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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 工业工程 > 正文


 2022-03-23 19:40:38  


摘 要



关键词:仓库布局 分区分类 关联性分析 效率

warehouse layout design and optimization of Nantong heng sheng curtain wall


Warehouse is the key part of enterprise, the raw materials and the production of the enterprise procurement must be stored in the warehouse. Because the enterprise storage of goods is an important part of enterprise assets, It is the important of the warehouse were efficient and safety management . in the enterprise ,warehouse storage as the center of the enterprise production process, the production of goods and delivery time is also affected by the efficiency of the warehouse. This paper mainly to Hengsheng company's warehouse layout as the research object, the status of the company were in-depth investigation and analysis, research contents mainly include: the overall layout of the warehouse, warehouse area layout and goods storage design in warehouse area. There are also the research on the warehouse layout design method, including the economic order quantity (EOQ), the classified partition storage and the warehouse each area correlation analysis.

Application of these methods to the company warehouse layout were design and optimization and detailed analysis and research to the layout of the warehouse, and before the company warehouse layout are compared, finally obtained the warehouse layout design and optimization scheme. The research includes the overall layout of warehouse, warehouse and warehouse layout design of each storage location optimization scheme. Finally, according to the time of the operation and the throughput of the unit time, the comprehensive evaluation is made. Finally, the direction of optimization is put forward.

Key words: warehouse layout Partition classification correlation analysis efficiency


摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1概述 1

1.1.1课题研究的目的和意义 1

1.1.2课题研究的现状 2

1.2文献综述 3

第二章 仓库布局概况 5

2.1仓库布局SWOT分析 5

2.2仓库布局设计的空间利用 5

2.2.1平面空间经济有效利用 6

2.2.2货物堆垛设计 8

2.3仓库储位设计 9

2.3.1储位空间规划 9

2.3.2仓库货架布局与设计 11

2.3.3储位编码 12

2.4仓库布局设计方法 12

2.4.1仓库布局原则 12

2.4.2仓库布局设计方法 14

2.5仓库布局评价 18

第三章 幕墙公司仓库布局设计与优化 19

3.1公司仓库情况概述 19

3.1.1存储地点及车间分布 20

3.1.2货物库存量及仓库吞吐量 20

3.1.3目前货物存储方式 21

3.1.4公司仓库管理系统 21

3.1.5目前存储方式SWOT分析 22

3.2公司仓库布局规划目标的设定及定性分析 24

3.2.1目前仓库规划设计目标 24

3.2.2仓库库区布局定性关联图分析 24

3.3分区分类存储仓库布局设计 25

3.3.1运输距离和运输时间测量 26

3.3.2货物分区储存仓库选择规划 26

3.3.3货物分类存储库区设计 26

3.4库区储位设计 31

3.5仓库布局总体效果评价 32

第四章 小结 34

参考文献 35

致谢 37

第一章 绪论






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