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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 工业工程 > 正文


 2022-01-01 22:27:01  


摘 要



关键词:非商品采购 流程优化 供应商管理 层次分析法

The design and optimization of non commodity purchasing process of children's products Co., Ltd


Design and optimization of non commodity purchasing process is a way to improve the purchasing efficiency of non commodity purchasing department and reduce enterprise procurement cost. This paper takes child king children's products Co., Ltd. as the research object to research on the theory and method of non commodity purchase process design and optimization. Through the research and analysis of the current situation of the non commodity purchasing process of child king children's products Co., Ltd., this paper finds out the problems existing in the current supplier management, purchasing process and non commodity logistics of the company, and summarizes them.

In this paper, firstly, a questionnaire survey is carried out to determine the factors of supplier selection and evaluation, the priority of each factor is determined by AHP, and the corresponding scoring standard is established. The company has obtained clear and complete supplier selection and evaluation indicators. Then based on the supplier optimization scheme and industrial engineering expertise, on the basis of investigation and research, the optimization scheme of procurement process is proposed to save the procurement cost of enterprises.

Key words: Non commodity purchase; Process optimization; Supplier management; Analytic hierarchy process


摘要 2

abstract 3

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究的意义 2

1.2 研究的内容与方法 2

第二章 非商品采购优化理论综述 4

2.1 非商品采购概述 4

2.1.1 非商品采购含义 4

2.1.2 非商品采购管理流程优化的重要性 4

2.1.3 供应链管理下的非商品采购流程管理 4

2.2 优化方法概述 5

2.2.1 方法综述 5

2.2.2 问卷调查法 5

2.2.3 AHP层次分析法概述 5

第三章 孩子王儿童用品股份有限公司非商品采购管理现状分析 6

3.1孩子王公司介绍 6

3.2孩子王公司非商品采购部门介绍 8

3.3 孩子王公司非商品采购流程存在的问题 9

3.4 孩子王供应商管理现状及存在问题 10

3.4.1供应商的开发阶段: 10

3.4.2 在供应商的评审阶段 11

3.5非商品采购管理存在的问题 12

第四章 孩子王非商品采购流程优化 14

4.1 孩子王的非商品采购流程管理优化的理论基础 14

4.2 孩子王的非商品采购流程优化 14

4.2.1 供应商开发与选择流程优化 14

4.2.2 非商品采购供应商评审流程优化 17

4.3 孩子王的供应商管理优化 17

4.3.1 供应商选择体系指标的建立 17

4.3.2 供应商评审体系建立 22

第五章 结论与研究展望 25

5.1结论 25

5.2 研究展望 26

参考文献 27

致谢 29

第一章 绪论


1.1.1 研究背景





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