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 2021-12-16 23:20:16  

Simulation Model of Supermarket Queuing System

SECTION 1 Introduction

In recent years, with the rapid economic develop ment and the spread awareness of time cost, improving service efficiency in queuing is more and more valued by people. However, the queuing problem often exists in the life, such as in banks, toll stations, shopping malls and supermarkets, especially on weekends, in evening and some other peak periods, the problem is even more serious. Although many companies utilize the current available resources to take measures to optimize the service rate of queuing systems, for example, the banks divide the service windows into personal service window and enterprise service window; according to vehicles#39; length and weight, highway toll stations set up truck booth and car booth; the supermarkets open “fast casher” in the peak periods. However, generally speaking, the establishment of queuing system, the number of service window (including toll booth, casher and such others) and the number of service window opened in different periods usually depends on the long-term practical experience of managements, which lacks of reasonable and scientific analysis.

Using the supermarket queuing systemas an example, we can always see such phenomenon: due to the different number of customers in different periods, many supermarket managers make decisions of the number of open cashes by their own experience, leading to the situation that there are many idle cashers when the supermarket has very few customers, and there are less cashers opened when customers line up in the long queues. Although in the peak time, some supermarkets open “fast cas hers” to serve customers who buy relatively few goods, the managers can not provide a cormlete solution to effectively deal with such problem in different situations, which results in the scene that we can see in the evenings, on weekends or in some holidays, a long queue that can not see its end.

Based on queuing theory to optimize management of casher number of supermarket, scholars have put forward a variety of ideas. Xi considered this problem with the customer s atis faction [1]. Jiang et al. s elected the staying time in the queuing system as the objective function [2]. Under the constraints of the average waiting time that the customer can accept, the paper gave the casher number in the minimum service cost [3]. Li et al. co rrpared the M/M/S model and multiple M/M/1 model to determine the optimal casher number [4]. In addition, through combining service operator theory, consumer behavior theory and queuing theory, the paper optimized the supermarket layout from the inlet to the outlet [5]. This article used SPSS software to analyze the correlation step settlement and proposed the independent settlement to optimize checkout efficiency [6]. Huang et al. calculated the mean and variance of the flow of guests by stable equation and made out a standard to select the number of the cash table [7]. From the view of customer loss, Chen improved operational efficiency of the present settling accounts method about one hypermarket [8].

However, the above papers are limited to the study on optimizing casher number in one queuing system In fact, they ignore the other queuing systems such as “fast casher” queuing

system serving to customers who only purchase few goods. This paper, taking into account the “fast casher”, based on the number of goods that different customers purchase, adjusts single-queuing system to double-queuing system under the current existing resources of the supermarket, and gives optimal cut-off number of goods to reduce customer staying time, improve the supermarket#39;s operational efficiency and decrease the operational cost of the supermarket.


Figure 2

SECTION 2 Supermarkets#39; Single-Queuing System and Double-Queuing System

In this paper, the whole queuing system consists of three parts: the customer waits in the queue, the customer pays for goods and the customer leaves. The whole queuing system has n cashers (ngt;0, integer), and each casherwhether in the single-queuing system or double-queuing systemregards as an M/M/1 queuing model.

According to the requirements of single-queuing system, regardless of the number of goods purchased, all custome receive service at one casher in random, single-queuing system is shown as in Figure 1. But in double-queuing system, customers who buy goods less than (including equal to) X goods (xgt;0, integer) receive service in one queuing system which has n1 cashers (n1gt;0, integer), and customers who buy goods more than X goods receive services in the other queuing system which has n2 cashers (n2gt;0, integer), double-queuing system is shown as in Figure 2. This paper established these two simulation models.


Model Parameters and Assumptions

In real life, opening and closing a casher in the supermarket are more flexible and convenient, due to the stability of the staff work in a period, so whether in single-queuing or double-queuing system, the unit of time in this paper is set to 1 hour.

3.1 The Number of Goods and the Number of Customers

The number of goods in the supermarket that each customer buy is random, so the number of goods as a variable q (based on actual statistics, it shows that the number of goods in general that a cus tomer once purchas es is less than 20, so 1le;qle;20, integer). By collecting and analyzing the numbers of customers and the numbers of goods that every cus to mer buy in the same period, we acquired the numbers of customers under different number of goods. In this paper, we used 30 days#39; data to get the average daily arrival rate of cus tomers and cumu lative probability



贵州大学管理学院,贵阳55000,中国;邮箱:lisb10@lzu.edu.cn 2





第1节 介绍





第2节 超市的单排队系统和双排队系统

本文将整个排队系统分为三个部分:顾客排队等候、顾客付款、顾客离开。设定整个排队系统有n个收银窗口(ngt;0,n取整数), 以及单排队系统或双排队系统中的每个收银系统都被视为m/m/1排队模型。

根据单排队系统的要求,无论购货数量多少,所有客户都随机在一个收银员处接受服务,单排队系统如图1所示。但在双排队系统中,购买商品的顾客少于(包括等于)X货物(x>0,取整数)一个队列系统中接收服务的窗口数n1(收银窗口n1gt; 0,取整数),以及购买商品超过X其他排队系统中的货物接收服务n,收银窗口ngt; 0,整数),双排队系统如图2所示。本文建立了这两个仿真模型。

第3节 模型参数和假设





在单排队系统中有五个参数TC,n,lambda;,Cs,Cw. 其中TC是整个单排队系统的单位时间的成本,它由收银员的运营成本和单排队系统中每单位独立时间的顾客等待成本组成,即:

TC=n⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪Cw⎡⎣⎢⎢(lambda;nmu;)22(1minus;lambda;nmu;) lambda;nmu;⎤⎦⎥⎥ Cs⎫⎭⎬⎪⎪⎪⎪( ngt;0,integers)(1)

其中,n是开放收银窗口的总数。在单排队系统中,这就能给出最佳开放窗口数目,也就是:nlowast;=lambda;cscwminus;minus;radic; lambda;mu;[9](2)



在双排队系统中,有五个参数T,TC1,ni,lambda;i,mu;i (i数值为1或2,表示双排队系统中两个各自的排队系统) 。T是单队列系统和双队列系统在单位时间内的成本之差,即存在这样的关系:T=TCminus;TC1. TC1则是整个双排队系统的单位时间成本,包括收银员的运营成本和单位时间内双排队系统中客户的等待成本。也就是说,存在着这样的关系:

TC1(n1, n2)=n1⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪Cw⎡⎣⎢⎢(lambda;1n1)2mu;1(mu;1minus;lambda;1n1) lambda;1n1mu;1⎤⎦⎥⎥ Cs⎫⎭⎬⎪⎪⎪⎪ n2⎧⎩⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪Cw⎡⎣⎢⎢(lambda;2n2)2mu;2(mu;2minus;lambda;2n2) lambda;2n2mu;2⎤⎦⎥⎥ Cs⎫⎭⎬⎪⎪⎪⎪(n1,n2gt;0,integers)(3)

ni指双排队系统中两个排队系统各自打开的收银台数量,取n2=nlowast;minus;n1,取T自变量n1,并使其等于零,这样就给出了双排队系统的最优条件个数,即:nlowast;1=lambda;1mu;2nlowast;lambda;1mu;2 lambda;2mu;1.;又由于:part;2T(n1)/n21=minus;2Cwmu;1lambda;21/(mu;1n1minus;lambda;1)3minus;2Cwmu;2lambda;22/[mu;2(nlowast;minus;n1)minus;lambda;2]3lt;0(4)

因此nlowast;1=lambda;1mu;2nlowast;/(lambda;1mu;2 lambda;2mu;1)是该公式的最大解;由于存在:part;2T(n1)/n21=minus;2Cwmu;1lambda;21/(mu;1n1minus;lambda;1)3minus;2Cwmu;2lambda;22/[mu;2(nlowast;minus;n1)minus;lambda;2]3lt;0(4)

因此,nlowast;1=lambda;1mu;2nlowast;/lambda;1mu;2 lambda;2mu;1、nlowast;2=lambda;2mu;1nlowast;/lambda;1mu;2 lambda;2mu;1 是最大解。在双排队系统中,两个排队系统的收银窗口打开的最佳数量分别为:

nlowast;1=lambda;,mu;2nlowast;/lambda;1mu;2 lambda;2mu;1,

nlowast;2=lambda;2mu;1nlowast;/lambda;1mu;2 lambda;2mu;1(5)


第4节 仿真设计


  1. 首先使用计算机软件EXCEL来生成随机数(正整数),就能得到每个客户购买的相应商品的数量,而生成的随机数是由30天的客户平均到达率来确定的;
  2. 再根据随机数和随机数,可以得到单排队系统和双排队系统的到达率和服务率;
  3. 通过方程(2)和(5),可以分别得到单排队系统和双


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