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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 工业工程 > 正文


 2021-04-26 22:34:10  

摘 要






In the current situation that national economy high-speed stable develops, with modern emerging Internet technology-based e-commerce to flourish, express business volume increasing rapidly. "The last mile" distribution is the end of the express delivery that is directly facing the customer, so it is the key link that customer perceived the overall quality of service delivery. At the same time, the "last mile" distribution is also a vital link in the logistics process, its high cost has become a bottleneck restricting the further development of China's logistics business.

In order to solve the key problems of "last mile" distribution, this paper analyzes and compares the existing four "last mile" distribution methods, then analyzes and compares the distribution of "last mile" at home and abroad. Then we divided it into two parts, on the one hand from view of customer demand for courier services. We carry out the express business "last mile" distribution service demand survey, analysis the courier service’s gap between the courier service user perceived and the courier service user expected, to get the actual users’ demand of the "last mile" distribution. On the other hand, we conduct a cost analysis on various distribution methods, compare the economy of different express traffic volume, and explore the economic feasibility of promoting intelligent express cabinet.

Based on users’ actual needs of the "last mile" distribution, cost analysis for a variety of distribution methods and future express delivery industry trends to determine the courier business "last mile" solution. We propose a courier business "last mile" solution. The program develop a corresponding distribution model for different places and different people, meeting customer needs and reducing the cost of logistics distribution.

Key words: express; logistics distribution; distribution mode; "last mile"; intelligent express cabinet

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 目的及意义 1

1.3 研究思路 2

第2章 国内外配送模式研究及分析 3

2.1 国内“最后一公里”配送模式研究及分析 3

2.1.1 国内“最后一公里”配送现状 3

2.1.2 国内“最后一公里”配送方式 3

2.2 国外“最后一公里”配送方式研究及分析 4

2.2.1 国外的人工配送 4

2.2.2 国外的智能快递柜 4

2.3 国内外“最后一公里”配送方式比较 4

2.4 本章小结 4

第3章 “最后一公里”配送需求分析 6

3.1 问卷设计思路 6

3.2 问卷实施及其结果 6

3.2.1 样本发放说明 6

3.2.2 结果统计 6

3.3 结果分析 15

3.3.1 对配送方式的需求分析 15

3.3.2 农村与城镇地区比较 16

3.3.3 各类人群的需求分析 17

3.4 用户需求度汇总 18

3.5 本章小结 19

第4章 “最后一公里”成本分析 20

4.1 派件分析 20

4.2 自助取货推广可行性分析 21

4.3 本章小结 22

第5章 “最后一公里”解决方案探究 23

5.1 区域与群体划分 23

5.2 配送方式结构调整 23

5.3 “最后一公里”解决方案 23

5.4 本章小结 24

第6章 总结与展望 25

6.1 结论 25

6.2 展望 25

参考文献 26

附录A 27

致 谢 31

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


“最后一公里”( Last Mile )本意是指长途跋涉过程中完成的最后一段路程[2],之后被引申为完成一项工作的过程中最后而且关键性的一个步骤:物流“最后一公里”处于物流配送环节的末端,它直接面对的是客户,因此是客户对快递整体服务质量感知的关键环节。

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