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 2021-03-21 00:55:46  

Wuhan University of Technology

Graduation Dissertation

Subject: Analysis and Selection of bus stops and routes on campus

School(Department):School of Mechanical and

Electronic Engineering

Specialty amp; Class:Industrial Engineering

Class 1302

Student Name:Jean Francois Bardault Amour


Supervisor: 高晓灵

Original Creation Statement

I hold to the truth of the following statements: the dissertation brought forward is my own research fruit instructed by my supervisor. As I know, the dissertation doesn’t include other individual or group research fruits, which have been published or written, except the references or citation expressing in acknowledgements. I am fully aware that the legal consequences of this statement shall be borne by me.

Signature of Student: NKENZO (乔恩)

2017 Year 05 Month 30 Day

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2017 Year 05 Month 30 Day

Chinese Abstract


关键词: 校园车路由, 车站选择,路线生成

English Abstract

This paper aims to provide a better selection of bus stops and routes for the campus bus service of Wuhan University of Technology, by analyzing several facts, criteria and data; The paper mainly deals with two parts of School Bus Routing Problem (SBRP) which are the Bus stop selection and Route generation. However, the work done focuses on a single route with several bus stops. A general view of the campus bus service will be provided as well as a description of the bus stops and bus route in order to understand their actual disposition.

Key Words:school bus routing, bus stop selection, route generation


Chapter 1 Introduction ….1

1.1 National and international research status 1

1.2 Purpose and significance 2

1.3 Background 4

1.3.1 The school bus service…………………………………………………………….............9

Chapter 2 Literature Review.…………………………………………………………………...11

2.1 Introduction to SBRP…………………………………………………………………....11

2.2 SBRP’s sub problems…………………………………………………………………....13

Chapter 3 Methodology………………………………………………………………………...24

3.1 Data preparation…………………………………………………………………………24

3.1.1 Field research on campus bus service…………………………………………………24

3.1.2 WHUT campus bus Route 1………………………………………………………… .26

3.1.3 Route 1 current bus stops arrangement………………………………………..............27

3.2 Route 1 bus stop selection Analysis………………………………………………...…...34

3.2.1 The south lake new campus....………………………………………………………...34

3.2.2 Jianhu campus…………………………………………………………………………37

3.2.3 Mafangshan west campus (flying horse square) ……………………………………...40

3.2.4 Mafangshan east campus……………………………………………………………...42

3.2.5 Mafangshan east campus (main gate) ………………………………………………...43

3.2.6 Mafangshan east campus (siyuan square) …………………………………………….44

3.2.7 Mafangshan east campus (teaching building # 4) …………………………………….45

3.3 Passengers flow………………………………………………………………………….45

3.3.1 South lake new campus……………………………………………………………. …46

3.3.2 Jianhu campus………………………………………………………………………....48

3.3.3 Mafangshan west campus……………………………………………………………...49

3.3.4 Mafangshan east campus (teaching building # 4).…………………………………. ....49

3.4 campus buses passengers’ capacity analysis………………………….………………....51

3.5 Route generation analysis.……………………………………………………………....51

Chapter 4 Data collection and Analysis.…………………………...……………………….….53

4.1 Bus stop distance and trip duration analysis...……………………………………......…53

4.2 OD matrix analysis………………………………………………………………….......54

4.3 Campus transportation system evaluation...…………………………………………….59

4.3.1 Demand analysis…………………………………………………….………………...59

4.3.2 System strength and weaknesses………….……………………………………..........60

4.3.3 Campus bus survey……………………………………………………………………61

Chapter 5 Discussion ……....66

Chapter 6 Conclusion and Recommendations 72

References 75


Acknowledgments 79

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 National and international research status

Schools have several infrastructures, and campus bus is one of the most important and used one. The purpose of campus bus is to provide a convenient life to students and teachers by assuring quick, cheap and safe transportation around the university. For a long period of time, the schools have been facing several problems in the planning of the campus bus service.

In order to optimize the school bus service; the school bus stop selection, route generation, time adjustment and route scheduling are the main problems that have been studied under the name of SBRP which stands for School Bus Routing Problem. Ever since the appearance of the first publication on it by Newton and Thomas (1969). As it was pointed out by LI and FU, there is no single dominant approach for the study of SBRP [9]. Moreover, they add that many of the available approaches are problem dependent therefore a need for a general approach for SBRP remains as most studies on it have come about due to the appearance of real world problems which have specific assumptions and constraints [13]. SBRP consists of smaller sub-problems. According to the decomposition of Desrosiers et al. (1981), SBRP can be solved by five steps: data preparation, bus stop selection (student assignment to stops), bus route generation, school bell time adjustment, and route scheduling. In the data preparation step, the road network consisting of home, school, bus depot, and the origin-destination (OD) matrix among them are specified. For a given network, the bus stop selection step determines the location of stops, and the students are assigned to them. Thereafter, the bus routes for a single school are generated in the bus route generation step. The school bell time adjustment and route scheduling steps are necessary for the multi-school configuration [13].

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