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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 工业工程 > 正文


 2020-06-06 11:06:46  

摘 要





With the development of economy, reform and opening up, the retail industry has also ushered in the spring of their own, the retail enterprises in the number and type of rapid expansion, rapidly expanding market share, along with the rapid development of the retail industry, to support each other to match the needs of software, logistics and supply chain is one of the most important. The supermarket is the main form of the retail industry development speed is astounding, but the domestic and international logistics and supply chain system is much worse, seriously affected the development of the domestic chain supermarket, looking for a suitable logistics with the supply chain mode, make yourself in a favorable position in the competition of enterprise, has become an important research topic for supermarket chain enterprises.

This paper outlines the simple theory of chain supermarket logistics and supply chain, and the chain supermarket logistics and supply chain itself with the importance and status of its development, through the analysis of a large number of domestic and foreign different supermarket chain logistics and supply chain model, analyzes the main problems of domestic logistics and supply chain gap and the causes, and put forward the countermeasures.

Focusing on Su Guo and WAL-MART, this paper puts forward some suggestions on the basis of optimizing the logistics and supply chain system of supermarket chains, and describes its own views and prospects for the future market

Key words: retail, supermarket chains, logistics and supply chain,

目 录

摘 要 2

目 录 3

第一章 引言 5

1.1选题研究背、意义和目的 5

1.1.1选题研究的背景 5

1.1.2选题研究的意义 6

1.1.3选题研究的内容 6

1.2国内外研究的现状 6

1.2.1国外物流现状 6

1.2.2国内物流现状 7

第二章 相关理论综述 8

2.1连锁超市的概述 8

2.1.1连锁超市的含义 8

2.1.2超市经营 8

2.2物流的概述 8

2.2.1物流的含义 8

2.2.2物流的重要性 9

2.3供应链的概述 9

2.3.1供应链的含义 9

2.3.2供应链的重要性 9

2.4物流与供应链 10

第三章 连锁超市物流与供应链现状概述 11

3.1我国零售业连锁超市现状 11

3.1.1自建物流中心居多,物流模式花样多 11

3.1.2多品种,高要求,效果差 11

3.1.3难统一,物流配送难度高 11

3.2现在常用物流配送模式分析 12

3.2.1自营物流的模式 12

3.2.2供应商物流的模式 13

3.2.3第三方物流的模式 14

3.2.4第四方物流的模式 15

第四章 苏果物流与供应链现状分析 17

4.1苏果连锁超市物流中心概况 17

第五章 沃尔玛物流与供应链分析 20

5.1沃尔玛的成长简述 20

5.2在物流配送中降低成本 20

5.3“无缝”供应链的运用” 21

第六章 苏果与沃尔玛对比 22

6.1苏果超市的物流中心出现的问题 22

6.1.1物流中心的功能并不完善 22

6.1.2物流中心的智能化不高 22

6.1.3物流中心物流规模以及半径小 22

6.1.4人员专业素质与涵养低 23

6.2优化方法 23

6.2.1建立完整的物流中心体系 23

6.2.2软件硬件的优化 23

6.2.3物流与供应链梯队系统的选择 23

第七章 连锁超市物流供应链未来之路 25

7.1因地制宜共同发展 25

7.2学会合作 25

7.3规划方案 25

第八章 总结与展望 27

8.1全文总结 27

8.2未来展望 27

参考文献 28

致谢 30

第一章 引言






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