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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2020-04-15 17:30:55  

摘 要




关键词:甲醇 喷雾 温度 压力 浓度场 贯穿长度


   The increasing popularity of methanol fuels requires more and more understanding of its use as a fuel, and the adjustment of various parameters needs to be optimal. Diesel engines have undergone continuous renovation and renewal since the day of the invention, and continuous research has made diesel engines more and more perfect. However, there are still many problems to be solved, especially the deteriorating environmental problems, which make people's requirements higher and higher.

    In this paper, the back pressure of the cylinder environment, the temperature of the fuel and the injection pressure are simulated to simulate the spray of methanol in the constant volume bomb.

As the most basic ethanol, methanol is a low-cost alternative fuel because of its high combustion efficiency, convenient distribution and wide supply worldwide. Methanol is a high-octane fuel that is very efficient and powerful in spark-ignition engines. The engine optimized for methanol provides a 50% energy efficiency gain over a standard gasoline engine (port fuel injection, non-turbocharged) in a light vehicle. The power quality of methanol is well known and has been used in many sports. Methanol has a low cetane number, but it can also be used as a diesel alternative fuel for combustion ignition engines. Dual-fuel heavy-duty engines with diesel and methanol fuels increase efficiency and significantly reduce emissions from trucks, buses and off-road vehicles.

Keywords: methanol spray temperature pressure concentration field penetration length


第一章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2甲醇作为汽车燃料的发展与现状 2

1.3柴油喷雾雾化机理 2

1.4柴油机喷雾研究现状 3

1.5雾化形势 3

1.6甲醇的缺陷与不足 4

1.7甲醇燃料在发动机内如何点火 5

1.8甲醇在发动机中的工作原理简介 5

第二章 STARCD软件 7

2.1STAR-CD软件 7

2.2方程理论模型模型 8

2.3缸内模型 9

第三章 数据整理分析 10

3.1数据分析 10

3.1.1工况一 10

3.1.2工况二 13

3.1.3工况三 15

3.1.4工况四 17

3.1.5工况五 19

3.1.6工况六 21

3.1.7工况七 23

3.1.8工况八 25

3.1.9工况九 27

3.1.10工况十 29

3.1.11工况十一 31

3.1.12工况十二 33

3.2喷雾结构参数定义 35

3.3小结 36

第四章 各种因素影响分析 37

4.1环境温度的影响 37

4.2喷油压力的影响 38

4.3燃油温度的影响 39

第五章 全文总结 42

5.1全文总结 42

5.2经济性分析 42

参考文献 43

致谢 45

第一章 绪论


本人研究的课题是“定容弹內甲醇低压喷雾混合过程的仿真研究”,随着社会的不断发展,汽车的需求和使用大大增加,随之而来的是接二连三的问题需要解决,石油资源逐渐紧缺,尾气造成的环境污染加剧,法规要求也越来越严格,于是,寻找一种代替石油的燃料势在必行,甲醇作为可代用的一种原料,制造的方法多种多样,价格更加低廉,目前在发动机中开始了应用。但是使用期间发现甲醇的一些缺点与不足,甲醇的净热值不到常规汽油的二分之一,而且甲醇的燃料着火性和低温启动性都比较差,当起动和暖车时,假如此时发动机内喷入甲醇,就会进一步降低进气温度,会导致发动机失火。甲醇的能量含量比普通汽油低,因此汽车的燃料消耗约为每加仑汽油的一半[3]。但它的辛烷值更高。汽油的能量密度(约18,400 BTU/磅)高于甲醇(9,500 BTU/磅),但如果你一次能燃烧的甲醇是汽油的三倍,你就能制造出更多的能量。

一台空气流量为1,000 CFM(约70磅)的发动机意味着,根据其12.5:1的最大功率比,该发动机在汽油上将消耗约5.6磅的燃料,总能量输出量为(5.6磅x 18,400 BTU)或103,040 BTU[4]。如果我们对甲醇做同样的计算,我们就可以燃烧17.5磅的燃料,以及(17.5磅x9,500 BTU)或166,250 BTU的能量-这相当于增加了60%的能量输出。



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