2020-04-10 16:00:01
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
1.1 background of research on pathrecognition system of intelligent smart trash vehicle
thesmart unmanned vehicle is an integrated system integrating environmentalawareness, planning and decision-making, and multi-level assisted driving. itintegrates computers, modern sensing, information fusion, wirelesscommunications, artificial intelligence, and automatic control. it is typical high-techcomplex. the intelligent unmanned vehicle can liberate the driver's hands andrealize the automatic driving of the vehicle, which saves people's time costand provides the society with a large amount of surplus labor.
withthe advancement of science and technology and the substantial increase in thelevel of national material consumption, the production of various types ofgarbage in china has grown rapidly, and environmental issues have becomeincreasingly severe. the status quo of china's waste sorting and processingsystem is that it does not have a set of perfect models in the front-endgarbage classification and distribution, and it can solve the problem ofdifficulty in classification and collection and difficulty in classificationcollection, resulting in the later period. when carrying out garbage disposal,the workload of sorting is huge and the waste of resources is serious. therational application of intelligent unmanned vehicle technology in the field ofwaste sorting and trans-shipment can provide a new solution for waste sortingand collection. the application of the pure electric intelligent garbagesorting transfer car can guide people to develop the living habits of garbagesorting, improve the efficiency of garbage sorting and treatment, and reducethe secondary environmental pollution of rubbish.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
2.1 the basic content ofthe study
1. thepurpose and technical solution of the path identification system
purpose:in a structured road, it is possible to detect lane lines so that the centralcontrol unit can process the image information and send commands to the drivingsystem and steering system so that the smart car always follows the lane line.
3. 研究计划与安排
week1determine graduation design topics, graduation design assignments (relatedparameters), and collection of information on campus
week 2 project conception, document retrieval, completion of opening report
week 3~4 foreign language translation, data collection
week 5~7 design calculation, sketching
week 8~10 drawing, writing design calculation instructions (thesis), pre-presentation
week 11~13 drawings and design calculation manuals, information kits, andqualifications for review
week 14 students submit application for defense and prepare for final presentation;teachers review drawings and instructions
week 15~16 final presentation
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
张文. 基于多传感器融合的室内机器人自主导航方法研究[d]. 中国科学技术大学 ,2017.
扬帅. 基于rgbd图像的移动机器人避障策略研究[d].哈尔滨工业大学,2017.
王兴伟. 基于ros的临场移动机器人控制系统设计与研究[d]. 合肥工业大学,2017.
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