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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2020-04-06 11:08:47  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

1.1 purpose and significance

thelongitudinal performances and fuel efficiency are important indicators of a vehicle’sperformance. the longitudinal performances are composed of: maximum speed,acceleration time and maximum gradeability, fuel efficiency indicatorsincluding constant speed fuel consumption per 100 km and cycle fuelconsumption. the longitudinal performances are the basic usability of vehicles,they are the most basic type of performance indicators, as well as the mostvalued performances indicators of the customer. automobile belongs totransportation tools of high efficiency, and its efficiency depends on itslongitudinal performance at a certain extent. automotive industry is becomingone of the pillar industry of china as it has developed fast in recent years.further research aiming at longitudinal performance is the basic of designingsafe vehicles, therefore these researches are necessary towards the developmentof automotive industry. the fuel efficiency is an important indicator ofvehicle’s performance just as the longitudinal performances. the financialbenefits of the customer can be directly affected by the fuel efficiency. asthe pressure due to environmental and energy crisis keeps rising, purchasing amore fuel-efficient car is becoming a trend. with the constant growth offuel-efficient cars on the market, analyzing factors that affect fuelefficiency, finding approaches of lowering the fuel consumption to increasefuel efficiency is becoming more and more important.

the cycle ofacquiring data through actual tests, then modify parameters based on the testresults can be commonly seen during the process of modern vehicle design toachieve expected design goals, or to optimize performance. data can be acquiredby having field tests or simulations. field tests can be of low efficiency andhigh cost, since the test model go through series of modification and rebuildbefore the design is complete and the test result can be influenced by unstablefactors due to environment or test driver. comparing to field tests, simulationbased on cyber world, which enable engineers acquiring test data withoutbuilding a prototype car. simulations reduced the cost of developing a completeproduct, improved developing efficiency, as well as providing an ideal testenvironment without any unstable factors.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

1.1 basic content

1.1.1 formulation

longitudinalperformances indicators include maximum speed, maximum gradeability and accelerationtime. fuel efficiency indicators include constant speed fuel consumption per100km and cycle fuel consumption. formulation of parameter sensitivity refer tototal weight, air drag coefficient, transmission efficiency providestheoretical basis for modeling.


3. 研究计划与安排

1st week complete the opening report.

2nd to 3rd week complete the translation of reference materials

3rd to 5th week design subsystems of the mathematical model


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1]鲁胜,吴长水,凌宪政, 等.基于模型的发动机仿真与优化[j].计算机测量与控制,2016,(9):257-260.

[2]李冀,张辉亚,陈伟建, 等.基于simulink的整车动力模型构建及拓展[j].汽车科技,2013,(4):20-24.


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